
tiáo yā shì
  • surge-chamber
调压室[tiáo yā shì]
  1. 地下调压室是一种边界条件和受力情况复杂的大型水电站建筑物。

    Underground surge-chamber is a hydrostation structure of complicated boundary condition and stress .

  2. 高边墙地下调压室衬砌结构工作性态研究

    Study on Work Behavior of Liner Structure of Underground Surge-chamber with High Side Wall

  3. 基于ANSYS的调压室三维非线性仿真分析

    Surge Chamber 3-D Nonlinearly Finite Element Analysis by ANSYS

  4. 长廊式调压室流态CFD分析及吸气旋涡消除措施研究在超大的中式长廊里用西餐别具风味。

    Flow Characteristics of long corridor-shaped surge tank and elimination of the air-entraining vertical vortices : CFD simulation and analysis Having western-style food in the super-big Chinese-style corridor is a unique experience .

  5. 分析弹性水击及水轮机特性对调节品质的影响,并针对Tr/Tw1.0水电站的调压室设置条件进行弹性修正。

    The affects of elastic water hammer and the characteristics of hydraulic turbine to governing quality are analyzed , and corresponding revise for setting condition of surge chamber after taking the elasticity of water into account is made against those hydropower stations in which Tr / Tw1.0 .

  6. 调压室最低涌浪水位高于设计所要求的最低涌浪水位,说明该尾水系统的设计是合理的。

    There-fore , the design of the tailrace system is reasonable .

  7. 调压室水位波动过程,最后进行了定性分析比较。

    Then , qualitative analysis and comprehensive comparison were given out .

  8. 气垫调压室模型律和减压试验

    Modeling law and tests of pressure reduction for air-cushion pressure-regulating chambers

  9. 水电站水击与调压室涌浪随机分析研究进展

    Progress of Stochastic Analysis on Waterhammer and Surge at Hydropower Stations

  10. 复杂尾水系统的尾水调压室稳定断面推求

    Stable sectional area of tailrace surge tank on complicated tailrace system

  11. 气垫调压室甩负荷涌浪计算公式

    Formulae for Calculating Surges Following Load Rejection in Air-Cushioned Surge Tanks

  12. 水击压力和调压室涌浪联合计算的程序编制和分析

    Programming and Analysis concerning Combined Water Hammer and Surge Tank Calculations

  13. 上游气垫调压室系统过渡过程的计算

    Calculation of transient process for upstream air cushion surge chamber system

  14. 龙滩水电站尾水调压室形式选择

    Type selection of tailrace surge chamber of Longtan Hydropower Station

  15. 用简单图解法分析调压室水位波动的稳定性

    Analysis of the fluctuation stability of surge chamher through simple graphic method

  16. 系统介绍了国内外有关阻抗式调压室的研究状况;

    The development of the throttled surge tank has been introduced systematically .

  17. 调压室位置对调保参数的影响

    Effect of tailrace surge tank location on adjustment and assurance

  18. 阻抗差动式调压室的水力计算研究

    A Hydraulic Calculation Study on New type Differential Surge Tank

  19. 阻抗式调压室水头损失系数研究

    About the water head loss coefficients of throttled surge tanks

  20. 压力反射波迭加法在压力水流运动及水电站调压室计算分析中的应用

    The Application of Reflected Wave Pressure Accumulation Method in Surge Shaft Analysis

  21. 气垫式调压室的模型相似律

    Law of similarity for air cushion surge chamber model test

  22. 有连接管的尾水调压室稳定断面问题的理论研究

    Critical Stable Sectional Area of the Downstream Surge Tank with Linking Pipe

  23. 气垫调压室气室常数敏感性分析

    Sensitive Analysis of Air Chamber Constant in Air-Cushioned Surge Tank

  24. 调压室底部流道优化设计

    Optimum design for the bottom flow passage of surge chamber

  25. 水电站调压室涌浪最不利叠加时刻的研究

    Study on the worst moment of superposed surge wave in surge tank

  26. 调压室位置变化对非恒定流联合计算的影响

    The Effects of Surge Tank Location on Comprehensive Calculation of Unsteady Flow

  27. 简单式尾水调压室位置对尾水管最小压力值的影响

    Influence of Simple Tailrace Surge Tank Location on Draft Tube Minimum Pressure

  28. 新式差动调压室的优点及其应用

    The Advantage of New Differential Surge Chamber and its Application

  29. 关于设置尾水调压室条件的商讨

    A Discussion of The Condition For Setting Tailwater Surge Tank

  30. 气垫式调压室设计中的主要问题研究

    Research on the Main Design Problems of Air-Cushioned Surge Chamber