
  1. OnePoll调查网站开展的一项最大的外遇调查也为我们揭示了另一些真相。

    A number of other revealing findings were released as One Poll conducted one of the largest ever surveys on infidelity .

  2. 史蒂夫•乔布斯去世三周半后,即10月30日,民意调查网站PollPosition进行了一次全国性的调查,共有1066名注册用户参与。

    A national survey of 1,066 registered voters conducted by poll position on Oct. 30 , three and a half weeks after Steve Jobs ' death , asked which of three high-tech companies Apple ( AAPL ) , Google ( GOOG ) or Facebook had the brightest future .

  3. 据薪酬调查网站Glassdoor.com的数据显示,在纽约大都会地区工作、拥有1到3年工作经验的投资银行家年均收入86440美元。

    Investment bankers in the New York Metro area with one to three years experience make an average of $ 86,440 , according to Glassdoor .

  4. 我们正在调查网站的性能,貌似下几周需要添置一些新硬件改善网站速度。

    We 've been looking into the website performance and it looks like we 're going to be ordering some more hardware in the next couple weeks which should improve the performance .

  5. 薪酬调查网站Salary.com最近的一份调查显示,不论身处何种职位,都有36%的男性表示,只要他们认为自己应该得到加薪,他们“经常”会提出要求——而女性则仅有26%,但这根本算不上大多数。

    Regardless of their position , 36 % of men say they " always " ask for more money when they feel they 've earned it , says a recent poll by Salary.com -- which is more than the 26 % of women who say they do , but still hardly a majority .

  6. 44岁的帕维尔•舍列梅特(PavelSheremet)出生于白俄罗斯,是乌克兰领先调查新闻网站《乌克兰真理报》(UkrainskaPravda)一名屡次获奖的记者。他在驾驶一辆属于网站经理奥廖娜•普里图拉(OlenaPrytula)的汽车时丧生。

    Pavel Sheremet , 44 , a Belarus-born award-winning journalist with Ukrainska Pravda , the country 's leading investigative news website , was killed while driving a car belonging to Olena Prytula , the venture 's manager .

  7. 而其中一些照片会刊登在美国地质调查局网站中。

    Some of the pictures are available at the U.S. Geological Survey website .

  8. 随着两个众议院委员会开始调查该网站,政府也开始支持陷入困境的西贝利厄斯。

    As two House committees begin investigating the website launch , the administration backs the embattled Sebelius .

  9. 周三早,管理员为展开调查将网站关闭。目前,该网站无法访问。

    The site has been inaccessible since Wednesday morning as its operators shut it down for investigation .

  10. 他们要求公众去联邦调查局网站看图片并提供任何提示他们的证据。

    They 're asking the public to go to FBI.gov to see the images and provide any tips they have .

  11. 本文总结了目前常见的几种网站评估模式,如技术实测调查、网站流量监测、网上调查、专家调查、网络计量学方法。

    This paper summarized five websites evaluation models used frequently nowadays , including technology based survey , website visiting records , website questionnaire survey , expert survey and webometrics .

  12. 以Internet为体系结构,采用ASP技术开发了林业快讯信息采编发布管理系统,实现信息的发布和管理,建立了云南林业调查规划网网站。

    The development of management system in gathering & composing and issuing of forestry express information with ASP skills based on Internet as systematic structure realizes the establishment of Yunnan forestry inventory and planning net to achieve the information distribution and management .

  13. 服装行业工人健康调查服装行业网站分析

    Health Investigation of Costume Worker Apparel Industry Website Study

  14. 该调查由Pencourage网站委托开展,这是一家新的匿名“日记体”社交网站。

    The survey was commissioned by Pencourage , a new anonymous " diary-style " social media website .

  15. 一项新的调查在交友网站上征询男性和女性未能找到理想伴侣的原因。

    A new survey asked female and male members of a dating site the reasons why they haven 't found the right partner .

  16. 日前,领英通过调查美国工作网站收集的工资数据,发布了排名前20的高薪职位。

    LinkedIn released its list of the 20 highest paying jobs in the United States , as measured by salary data collected on the jobs network .

  17. 根据国土资源部地质调查局官方网站,中国已在南海神狐海域成功开采了天然气水合物。

    According to the official website of the China Geological Survey ( CGS ) under the Ministry of Land and Resources , China has successfully exploited NGH in the South China Sea 's Shenhu sea area .

  18. 一项新的调查在交友网站上征询男性和女性未能找到理想伴侣的原因。大部分的常见答案是他们在网上遇到的人都比不上他们的前任。

    A new survey asked female and male members of a dating site the reasons why they haven 't found the right partner . The most popular answer was that the people they meet online do not match up to a previous lover .

  19. 排名第三的是英国球星大卫·贝克汉姆,其时尚的打扮,面孔、以及为乔治•阿玛尼品牌内衣做广告的身材,使他成为全世界上镜率最高的男星之一。这项调查由OnePoll.com网站开展。

    Third in the poll , conducted by researcher OnePoll.com , was British footballer David Beckham , whose trendy style has seen him become one of the most photographed men in the world and the face -- and body -- for Giorgio Armani 's underwear campaign .

  20. 发起这项调查的MobileSlots.com网站的发言人称:“很显然大多数男性并不反对通过一些善意的谎言给约会的女性留下深刻印象。通常薪水、工作、前女友的数量都是谎言的重灾区。

    A spokesperson for MobileSlots.com , who commissioned the research , said : ' It 's safe to say that most men are not adverse to telling the odd lie to impress a date with salary , job and number of partners being among the most popular untruths .

  21. 首先,用调查问卷获取SNS网站的用户需求,并用KJ法对用户需求进行展开。

    Firstly , the questionnaire , KJ method to obtain the SNS website user needs , expanding user needs .

  22. 发起这项调查的DietChef网站的一位发言人说:这项调查揭示了一些非常有趣的结果,你会惊讶地发现人们一旦陷入恋爱会有多么满足。

    A spokesman for Diet Chef , which carried out the survey , said : ' This survey has revealed some very interesting results , and its surprising to see how complacent people can be when they are in a relationship .

  23. 发起这项调查的DietChef网站的一位发言人说:“这项调查揭示了一些非常有趣的结果,你会惊讶地发现人们一旦陷入恋爱会有多么满足。”

    A spokesman for Diet Chef , which carried out the survey , said : ' This survey has revealed some very interesting results , and it 's surprising to see how complacent people can be when they are in a relationship .

  24. 依据评价表的设计指标体系,对各高校在校师生发放问卷调查,对FAQ网站的设计、内容、用户设计和其他各方面打分,计算汇总从而得出最终的调查结果。

    According to the evaluation table design index system of university teachers and students , the questionnaire survey , on the FAQ website design , content , design and various other aspects of scoring , summary of the calculation to obtain the final results .

  25. 该调查是由婚恋网站Match.com进行的,共采访了5199位在美国的单身男女。

    The study of 5199 single men and women in the US was conducted for dating website Match.com .

  26. 而在一年前,该比例仅占5%。这项调查由离婚在线网站开展。

    This has soared from five per cent a year ago , the study by Divorce Online found .

  27. 据“尼尔森在线”调查显示,招聘网站今年1月份的访问量比去年同期增长了20%。

    Traffic to job sites increased 20 percent in January 2009 from the year before , according to Nielsen Online .

  28. 大多数被调查者认为本网站的最大价值在于增加了科学技术的意识,并改善了对科学技术的理解。

    Most respondents thought that SciDev . Net 's greatest value lies in increasing awareness of science and technology , and improving understanding of these .

  29. 福布斯网站称:“财务出轨或许会成为新常态。”该调查是由福布斯网站与美国国家金融教育基金会共同委托哈里斯互动公司进行的。

    " Financial infidelity may be the new normal ," said Forbes . com , which commissioned the survey with the National Endowment for Financial Education .

  30. 据《法制晚报》调查发现,该网站是在去年1月17日被一个名叫“minghuizhao”的人注册的,而不是人教社。

    The Legal Mirror uncovered that the website was registered on January 17 for one year by " Minghuizhao " instead of the People 's Education Press .