
nì mínɡ xìnɡ
  • anonymity
  1. 本文的第二部分从秘密性和匿名性两个方面研究从移动Agent内部实现其安全性保护问题。

    The second part researches the Confidentiality and Anonymity of Mobile Agent from their internal structure .

  2. 该文利用基于身份的密码系统,构造一个一次性公钥,来解决Internet通信的匿名性问题。

    In order to resolve the problem of Internet communication anonymity , the paper constructs one-off public key using identity-based cryptography .

  3. 而应用翻译的信息性、诱导性和匿名性特征刚好与功能翻译理论的翻译要求不谋而合

    All these perfectly coincide with the situation in the pragmatic translation distinguishable features of informativeness , appellati .

  4. 由于P2P系统的开放性、匿名性和动态性,使得实体之间难以确定相互的可靠性。

    For the openness , anonymity and dynamic characters in P2P systems .

  5. 但是,由于Internet固有的开放性和匿名性特征,导致其安全问题成为了网络应用的主要障碍。

    However , security becomes the main obstacle of network application because of the inherent property of Internet for opening and anonymity .

  6. 该方案能够解决电子图书在线交易系统的公平性问题,同时能够保持原有SET协议的安全性、可追究性和匿名性等电子商务协议的特点。

    The fairness problem of e-book online trading system is solved , moreover , the security , accountability and anonymity of electronic commerce protocol can be preserved .

  7. 针对移动Agent系统的匿名性问题,设计了一个基于一次性密钥对签名的匿名性方案。

    Focusing on the anonymity problem of mobile Agent system , a method based on digital signature with one-time pair of keys is proposed .

  8. P2P是对等网络,具有分散化、可扩展性、健壮性、高性能和匿名性等显著特点。

    The remarkable characteristic of P2P includes : Decentralization , Extensibility , Robustness , the high Performance and Anonymity .

  9. 使用了类pi演算来验证电子支付协议的认证性和匿名性。

    In this paper , using pi-like calculus to verify authentication and anonymity properties of electronic payment protocols .

  10. 而唯一留存的就是那个老生常谈的问题,匿名性。支持匿名FTP上传

    Except there is that nagging question of anonymity . Anonymous FTP : Yes

  11. 同时由于P2P网络自身的自治性、匿名性与动态性,网络也面临着大量的安全问题。

    However , because of the autonomy , anonymity and dynamic property , the P2P networks face lots of safety problem .

  12. LBS中连续查询攻击算法及匿名性度量

    Attacking Algorithms Against Continuous Queries in LBS and Anonymity Measurement

  13. 然而,P2P网络由于具有匿名性、开放性和自治性等特点使得其安全性和稳定性得不到保证。

    However , the security and stability of P2P network are facing serious challenges because of its anonymity , openness and autonomy .

  14. 但由于C2C交易的匿名性和流动性。

    However , due to the anonymity of the C2C transactions and liquidity .

  15. 同时也保证了信任数据的安全存储和访问,同时增强了P2P网络中交易的匿名性和安全性。

    Meanwhile , it ensures the secure storage and access of trust data and enhances the anonymity and security in the transaction of P2P network .

  16. IPv6隐私扩展这一特性尤其着重于提高Internet的匿名性,让用户在使用IPv6地址时可以选择保护他们的身份。

    IPv6 Privacy Extensions is a feature specifically focused on improving Internet anonymity , giving users the option to protect their identity when using IPv6 addresses .

  17. 由于P2P系统的匿名性、开放性等特点,使得一些端点可以对分布式的非授权的信息不负任何责任。

    The feature of the peer-to-peer system such as user anonymity , open nature makes that some peers are not responsible for their distributing inauthentic information .

  18. 此外,P2P网络中节点的动态性和匿名性,使得系统无法保证所有节点都提供良好的服务和可靠的资源。

    Besides , good service and reliable resource can not be guaranteed for every node in the system because of the dynamic and anonymity of nodes .

  19. 再提出一种(t,n)门限群签名方案,具有签名验证简单而且计算量少,并具有匿名性、可追踪性和系统稳定性等优点。

    A new threshold signature scheme is proposed , it can be validated simply , requires less computational cost , and has the virtues of anonymity , traceability , stability and so on .

  20. 加拿大多伦多AccentureWealth&CapitalMarkets公司董事总经理肯德拉·汤普森(KendraThompson)表示,机器人顾问领域目前的吸引力不在于匿名性。

    At this point in the robo-advisor cycle theappeal isn 't the anonymity , said Kendra Thompson , a Toronto , Canada-basedmanaging director at Accenture Wealth & Capital Markets .

  21. Peer-to-Peer系统的匿名性与动态性使其成为自私和恶意行为的理想平台。

    The anonymity and dynamic characters of Peer-to-Peer ( P2P ) system makes it an ideal medium for selfish and vicious action .

  22. 特别是将P2P技术应用到电子商务上,其动态性、匿名性、开放性等特征使得电子商务交易更加灵活。

    In particular , the P2P technology to be used in e-commerce , its dynamic , anonymity , openness and other characteristics that makes e-commerce transactions more flexible .

  23. 然而,由于开放性、匿名性和非中心化等本质特征,P2P网络面临着比传统网络更多的安全威胁。

    However , for the essential characteristics of P2P networks , such as openness , anonymity and decentralization , they suffer more security threats than the conventional networks .

  24. 由于P2P网络具有开放性、匿名性等特点,P2P网络中资源的质量很难保证,有些恶意节点利用P2P网络大肆传播病毒、木马等。

    The resources in P2P networks are not dependable because of the open and anonymity nature of P2P networks , some malicious peers may propagate viruses and Trojan horses via P2P networks .

  25. 一种具有用户匿名性和前向安全性的WTLS握手协议的安全性分析及其改进

    Cryptanalysis and improvement of a WTLS handshake protocol with user anonymity and forward secrecy

  26. Brands受限盲签名方案是离线电子现金协议的理论基础,使用该技术可以实现用户身份的匿名性并能保证事后揭示双重花费用户的身份。

    Brands ' restrictive blind signature scheme is the theory basis of off line electronic cash protocol , which can assure the anonymity of honest users and detect the double spending activities afterwards .

  27. 新协议针对FOO协议中存在的选票碰撞、投票者身份的匿名性以及投票过程中的随时弃权等问题进行了有效的研究。

    It has done some effective research on the vote collision , anonymity problem of the voters and the disclaiming problem .

  28. 但是,P2P网络固有的开放性和匿名性也为提供虚假文件、恶意攻击等恶意行为提供了可乘之机,这些恶意行为严重影响了P2P网络的发展。

    However , the inherent characteristics of P2P network , such as openness and anonymity , provides an opportunity for the malicious acts which have a serious affect on the development of P2P network .

  29. 概率分析与测试结果表明新的系统在减少系统的附加管理开销、支持良好扩展性的同时保持了与原Crowds系统相当的匿名性。

    Both results of probability analysis and simulation indicate that the new system can keep almost the same anonymity with Crowds while scaling well and decreasing the cost obviously .

  30. P2P网络的动态性和匿名性对P2P应用获取成功具有显著的贡献,但同时也造成一些恶意节点在网络中提供不可靠或者欺诈的服务。

    The dynamic and anonymity of P2P network have distinct contributions to the successful application of P2P . At the same time , they also induce some malicious nodes to provide untrustworthy and fake service .