
  • 网络anonymous sources
  1. 彭博在周一报道称,根据匿名消息来源,中国人工智能公司旷视科技将“在几周内”完成一轮6亿美元的融资。预计会有阿里巴巴和总部位于香港的博裕资本的参与。

    On Monday , Bloomberg reported that , according to anonymous sources , the Chinese A.I. company Megvii would close a $ 600 million funding round " within weeks . " Alibaba and Hong Kong-based Boyu Capital are expected to contribute .

  2. 据彭博(Bloomberg)上周援引匿名消息来源报道,软银(SoftBank)的1000亿美元愿景基金(VisionFund)正在寻求获得北京人工智能公司商汤科技10亿美元(约合66亿元人民币)的股份。

    SoftBank 's $ 100 billion Vision Fund was seeking a $ 1 billion stake in SenseTime , an artificial intelligence company in Beijing , Bloomberg reported last week , citing anonymous sources .

  3. 他是否依赖于匿名的消息来源?

    Did he rely on anonymous sources ?

  4. 我们是匿名的消息来源么?

    Are we the unnamed source ?

  5. 日本放送协会援引匿名的消息来源称,近些年来,女考生的成绩被削减了约10%。

    Quoting unnamed sources , NHK said female applicants ' scores were slashed by about 10 % in some years .

  6. 白宫新闻秘书佩里诺在一份书面声明中讥讽以色列报纸的这则报导说,这篇报导来源于一个不透露姓名的消息来源引述另一个匿名的消息来源。佩里诺说,这个消息“一文不值”。

    In a written statement , White House Press Secretary Dana Perino ridiculed the newspaper account - attributed she said to unnamed sources quoting other unnamed sources - as in her words " not worth the paper it 's written on . "