
  • 网络Technology;Science News;technological news;SCIENCE IN THE NEWS;tech news
  1. ZiffDavisEnterprise旗下的科技新闻网站EWeek.com今年2月份在主页上显示了一则广告,似乎是为服装品牌LaCoste做广告。

    EWeek.com , a technology news site owned by Ziff Davis Enterprise , in February displayed an ad on its homepage masquerading as a promotion for LaCoste , the shirt maker .

  2. 然而就在去年,Mashable科技新闻网站宣布与Retronaut达成一项授权协议。

    However , last year Mashable , the technology news site , announced a licensing deal with Retronaut .

  3. 基于JAVA技术的科技新闻数据库的WEB实现

    On the Web Realizing of Sci-tech News Database Based on the JAVA Technique

  4. 科技新闻博客BoyGeniusReport发布了一篇经过证实的来自RIM管理层的匿名“公开信”,RIM随后也通过匿名方式在博客上予以回应。

    After the tech-news site Boy Genius Report printed an anymous but verified " open-letter " by a rim executive , the company replied with its own anonymous blog post .

  5. 据科技新闻网站TheVerge称,手势识别功能主要用于游戏机xbox的外设。

    Gesture recognition would work as for Microsoft 's Kinect for Xbox , according to a report on the tech news Web site The Verge .

  6. 昨天的重磅科技新闻【甚至超过了苹果(Apple)发布iOS7系统】实际上是一则生物技术新闻,只不过因为它牵涉到了谷歌(Google)。

    Yesterday 's big tech story ( beyond Apple 's iOS7 release ) was actually a biotech story , but only because Google ( GOOG ) was involved .

  7. 首先,科技新闻网站TechCrunch在周一报道称,谷歌更加积极地从其应用商店中移除不符合规定或者垃圾邮件式的应用。

    First , as techcrunch reported Monday , the company has gotten more aggressive about removing non-compliant or spam-like applications from the marketplace .

  8. 通常情况下,这些都是一些关注面狭窄的小网站,比如科技新闻网站ArsTechnica。

    Usually , those are smaller sites that have a narrow focus , like , just for one example , the tech-news site ARS technica .

  9. 法哈德:最后,本周最大的科技新闻之一事关韩国技术巨头三星,在美国消费品安全委员会周四发布正式的召回令后,三星的GalaxyNote7智能手机进一步陷入声名狼藉的深渊。

    Farhad : Finally , one of the biggest tech stories this week is about the Korean tech giant Samsung , whose Galaxy Note 7 smartphone descended further into infamy when the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission issued a formal recall on Thursday .

  10. 从事维护外泄数据存储库的工作者特洛伊·洪接受科技新闻网站ArsTechnica记者采访时表示,他强烈怀疑这份名单的来源及真实性。

    Troy Hunt , who maintains an online repository of breach data , told technology news site Ars Technica that he too had his doubts about the list .

  11. 据科技新闻网站TheVerge报道,早些时候谷歌向微软发出一份禁止令,要求微软从WindowsPhone系统上卸载YouTube应用,原因是WP版的YouTube应用里去掉了广告。

    Earlier , Google sent Microsoft a cease and desist letter demanding that Microsoft remove the YouTube app from its Windows Phone operating system because the app lacked its usual advertising , according to the verge , a technology news site .

  12. 科技新闻与信息网站ArsTechnica撰稿人安德鲁?坎宁安认为,联想的不同之处在于消费者认为它稳定而可靠,生产优质PC,而惠普和戴尔则均已陷入困境。

    The difference for Lenovo , says Ars Technica 's Andrew Cunningham , is that consumers believe it to be a solid and reliable supplier of quality PCs , while HP and Dell are both struggling .

  13. 根据科技新闻网站AllThingsD发布的一份报告,甚至就在微软准备抛弃这种备受争议的评估策略之际,处于困境的另一家科技巨头雅虎公司(Yahoo)依然在采用。

    Even as Microsoft was jettisoning the controversial appraisal practice , the beleaguered tech giant Yahoo ( yhoo ) was adopting it , according to a report from Allthingsd , a technology news site .

  14. 根据科技新闻门户网techradar.com11月的报告表示,LG公司的下一代产品G5智能机,即将于2016年发布,极有可能配置虹膜扫描技术。

    According to tech news portal techradar . com 's report in November , LG 's next generation LG G5 , which is expected to be released early 2016 , could sport an iris scanner .

  15. 他开始尝试记者工作,如今他在科技新闻网站Mashable工作,可以说还包含很多起步阶段的业务。

    He landed a new job in journalism , and today he works at the tech news website Mashable , covering , appropriately enough , start-up businesses .

  16. 近日,据科技新闻网站Recode报道,微软高管正在与那些考虑竞购雅虎的私人股权公司进行磋商,并称微软愿意对他们的竞购努力提供“大力融资支持”。

    Microsoft Corp executives are in talks with private equity firms considering bids for Yahoo Inc saying the company might be willing to lend " significant financing " to their efforts , reported technews site Recode .

  17. 2010年末,克拉维茨离开PhoneDog跳槽到另一家公司(他现在是科技新闻与评论网站TechnoBuffalo的高级编辑)。

    In late 2010 , Kravitz left phonedog & and , with just a slight change in his twitter handle , took about 17,000 followers out the door with him .

  18. 第二章主要对中国科技新闻的发展历史进行了梳理。

    Chapter two combs the development history of Chinese science news .

  19. 科技新闻的科学解释、舆论引导、稳定社会功能;

    Its explaining , opinion - leading , and society-stabling function ;

  20. 试论科技新闻传播如何实现社会化及大众化

    On the means of achieving publicity and popularity of science news promotion

  21. 从三个代表谈农业科技新闻的采访

    On Agricultural Science and Technology News Reporting in Terms of Three Representatives

  22. 论科技新闻报道中的问题与对策

    The Research on Problems and Countermeasures in Science News Reporting

  23. 源于论文的科技新闻发布需要第四媒体支持&建设专业化网络平台迫在眉睫

    Science News Release Needs the Support of Professional Web Platform

  24. 而在科技新闻的传播过程中,科技新闻的传播者-科技新闻记者成为最多被指责的对象。

    And the communicator , science news reporters were the most to be blamed .

  25. 科技新闻的科学反思、舆论监督功能。

    And its scientific reflection and mass-supervising function .

  26. 科技新闻具有人文属性。

    And scientific news is also humanistic .

  27. 论科技新闻美

    On beauty of Science & Technology News

  28. 完善科技新闻专业课程设置,培养复合型人才;

    To improve Science and technology news professional training curriculum to cultivate mixed mode talents ;

  29. 科技新闻真实性的把握&兼论20世纪末新闻媒体与伪科学的斗争

    On the Truth of Science News

  30. 科技新闻伴随科学发展的日新月异,愈来愈受到社会公众的关注。

    With the development of technology , scientific news become more and more is attended publicly .