
kē jì chénɡ ɡuǒ
  • Scientific and technological achievements;achievements in science and technology
  1. 提高科技成果转化率的若干对策

    Countermeasures of Improving the Rate of Transformation of Achievements in Science and Technology

  2. 科技成果价值问题的探讨

    A study and Discussion on the value of achievements in science and technology

  3. 专家指出,大多数过国内发表的论文只为评职称,毫无价值,大多数科技成果未能转化发挥实际用途。

    Experts have pointed2 out that the majority of published papers in China have little worth , except to meet the professional title requirement , and the majority of scientific and technological3 results fail to be transferred to industry for practical use .

  4. 应用CI战略加速科技成果转化探讨

    An Exploration on Applying CI Strategic and Accelerating Transformation of Scientific and Technological

  5. 传统的现金流析现法(DCF法)不适合评估科技成果的经济价值。

    Traditional Approach of DCF ( discounted cash now ) is not proper for the economic value assessment of scientific & technological achievement .

  6. 以日本为代表的发达国家特别重视TLO在提升科技成果转化率中的重要作用,并在TLO的经营上取得了成功。

    With Japan as a representative , the developed countries all place much importance upon the function of TLO in raising the technology transfer rate and have succeeded in their operation of TLO .

  7. 农业科技成果的有效供应不足;

    The agricultural sci & tech achievements ' supply was lack .

  8. 我国科技成果鉴定问题探讨

    Discussion on existing problems of Chinese scientific and technological achievements appraisal

  9. 农业科技成果网络动态数据库的研制

    Research of dynamic web database on agricultural science and technology achievements

  10. 农业高校科技成果转化问题的思考

    Considerations on Transformation of Science and Technology Achievements in Agricultural Colleges

  11. 农林科技成果评价的思考

    Pondering over the Evaluation of Sci-tech Achievements in Agriculture and Forestry

  12. 该项科技成果有较为广阔的应用前景。

    The achievement in scientific research has broad prospects in application .

  13. 科学文化是物化科技成果之母;

    Scientific culture is the mother of the material scientific fruits ;

  14. 石油地质科技成果综合评价系统

    The comprehensive evaluation system for scientific achievements of petroleum geological prospecting

  15. 科技成果的知识产权管理机制探析

    Mechanism Study on Intellectual Property Management of Scientific and Technological Achievements

  16. 浅谈农业科技成果产业化项目的论证评估

    Discussion on the Assessment of Agro - technological Achievements Industrialization Project

  17. 影响科技成果转化的主成分分析

    The Principal Component Analysis of Transformation for Science and Technology Achievements

  18. 黑龙江省科技成果转化工作发展现状与对策

    The Development Status and Countermeasure of Heilongjiang Province Technological Results Change

  19. 浅议解决高校科技成果评价的困局

    Solutions to predicaments in appraisal of university S & T achievements

  20. 科技成果转化不畅问题的制度创新

    Institutional Innovation Against the Clogged Conversion of R & D Results

  21. 建立技术创新联盟促进科技成果转化

    Establishing Technical Innovation Alliance , Promoting Science Technology Achievement Transformation

  22. 制约农业科技成果转化的软因素及其对策

    Analysis of Factors in the Transformation of Agricultural Technological Achievement

  23. 科技成果评价指标量化模型

    Quantization of indexes for evaluation of Sciences and technology achievements

  24. 对科技成果成熟度的若干思考

    Consideration of the Mature Level of Science and Technology Achievements

  25. 科技成果转化中的价值观念

    The Concepts of Value in the Transformation of S & T Results

  26. 关于科技成果转化中的内部化现象认识

    Cognition to Internalization Phenomenon Concerning Scientific and Technological Achievements Transfer

  27. 关于新时期推进高校科技成果管理的思考

    Consideration on Improving the ST Achievements Management in Universities Under New Situations

  28. 对搞好科技成果管理的几点建议

    A Few Suggestions on Bettering the Management of Science and Technical Achievements

  29. 第四部分,建议。国内外科技成果项目推介

    The fourth part is proposal . Proposal on Recommending Projects

  30. 上海市医学科技成果管理现状分析

    Analysis of the current state of medical scientific achievements management in Shanghai