
  • 网络Transformation of scientific and technological achievements;technology transfer;S&T achievements transformation
  1. 以日本为代表的发达国家特别重视TLO在提升科技成果转化率中的重要作用,并在TLO的经营上取得了成功。

    With Japan as a representative , the developed countries all place much importance upon the function of TLO in raising the technology transfer rate and have succeeded in their operation of TLO .

  2. 提高我国科技成果转化率的三要素

    The Three Main Factors to Raise the Rate of China 's Technology Transfer

  3. 应用CI战略加速科技成果转化探讨

    An Exploration on Applying CI Strategic and Accelerating Transformation of Scientific and Technological

  4. 基于FTA的国防工业科技成果转化知识对接障碍研究

    Research on the Obstacles of Knowledge Relay in Transformation of Scientific and Technological Achievements of Defense Industry Based on FTA

  5. 文章研究科研单位应用CI战略加速科学技术成果转化的重要性、影响因素和过程,并就科研单位应用CI战略加速科技成果转化提出几点建议。

    In this paper , we study the importance and factors influencing and process of scientific research institutions for apply CI strategic and accelerate transformation of scientific and technological , so we give some suggestion to it .

  6. 与其他城市相比,武汉f市在九个城市中排名第七,技术效率较低,说明其未来应重点提高技术资源的配置效率,提高科技成果转化率,增加产出。

    Compared with other cities , Wuhan ranks seventh in nine cities . Its technological efficiency is low , indicating that in the future Wuhan should focus on improving the efficiency of resource allocation invested in technology , enhancing conversion rate of scientific and technological achievements and increasing output .

  7. 运用技术差距理论的Fagerberg经济增长模型确定了科技成果转化与经济增长关系表达式。

    Using Fagerberg economic growth model , the relational expression between technology transfer and economy is confirmed .

  8. 农业高校科技成果转化问题的思考

    Considerations on Transformation of Science and Technology Achievements in Agricultural Colleges

  9. 影响科技成果转化的主成分分析

    The Principal Component Analysis of Transformation for Science and Technology Achievements

  10. 黑龙江省科技成果转化工作发展现状与对策

    The Development Status and Countermeasure of Heilongjiang Province Technological Results Change

  11. 科技成果转化不畅问题的制度创新

    Institutional Innovation Against the Clogged Conversion of R & D Results

  12. 加速农业科技成果转化的初步探讨

    A preliminary study on accelerating application of scientific achievements in agriculture

  13. 利用灰色预测法对科技成果转化率的预测

    Prediction on the Transformation Rate of Scientific Research Achievements by Grey-Prediction-Method

  14. 浅析农业科技成果转化中的知识产权保护

    Intellectual Property Protection in Transformation of Agricultural Scientific and Technological Achievements

  15. 试论我国农业科技成果转化的问题和对策

    Treatise on problems and countermeasures in conversion of agricultural technological production

  16. 如何利用资本市场促进长春市的科技成果转化

    Using Capital Markets and Promotion of Scientific and Technological Achievements Transform

  17. 培育铁路技术市场加速科技成果转化

    Develop Railway Technical Market to Speed up Transformation of Sci-tech Results

  18. 建立技术创新联盟促进科技成果转化

    Establishing Technical Innovation Alliance , Promoting Science Technology Achievement Transformation

  19. 制约农业科技成果转化的软因素及其对策

    Analysis of Factors in the Transformation of Agricultural Technological Achievement

  20. 科技成果转化中的价值观念

    The Concepts of Value in the Transformation of S & T Results

  21. 关于科技成果转化中的内部化现象认识

    Cognition to Internalization Phenomenon Concerning Scientific and Technological Achievements Transfer

  22. 人才面临危机,投入严重不足。提出了加快林业科技成果转化的4个动力因素即;

    It presents 4 impetus factors to speed up the achievements transformation .

  23. 科技成果转化的信息经济学探讨

    Approach to Analysis on Technology Conversion by Information Economics Methods

  24. 科技成果转化的基本理论及发展对策

    Basic theory and development strategy of the science and technology achievements transformation

  25. 加速林业科技成果转化的思考与对策

    Thoughts and countermeasures on speeding up the transform of forestry technological achievements

  26. 加强推广计划的组织申报促进高校科技成果转化

    Promotion program to strengthen the organization promotion of scientific and technological achievements

  27. 促进山西省科技成果转化的对策研究

    Study on Countermeasures for Promoting Transformation of Sci-tech Achievements of Shanxi Province

  28. 入世后如何做好科技成果转化工作

    How to Do Well the Transformation of Sci-tech Achievements after WTO Enter

  29. 浅谈农业科技成果转化的重要性及其措施

    The Importance and Measures of Transformation for Agricultural Science and Technology Achievements

  30. 浅议经营型人才对农业科技成果转化的作用

    Effects of Management Talents on Commercialization of Agriculture-related Sci-tech Achievements