
  • 网络technology driven;Technology Drive
  1. 从根本上说,它是技术驱动,常由IT部门发起。

    It is fundamentally technology driven ; usually by the IT department .

  2. 在当代知识和技术驱动型经济条件下,知识交换与传播和直接投资的地位同等重要。

    Nowadays , the role of knowledge exchange and dissemination is as important as direct investment under the condition of the knowledge and technology driven economy .

  3. 技术驱动第五代商用PC企业PC

    Technology Drives the Fifth Business PC

  4. WINDOWSnt环境下缓存磁盘技术驱动程序的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of the Driver of Disk Cache in the Windows NT Environment

  5. 简单地说,SOA是一种软件体系结构,它更多地集中于业务而不是公用的、技术驱动的解决方案。

    In brief , SOA is a software architecture that focuses more on the business than the common , technically driven solutions .

  6. IBM开始从由人员、流程和技术驱动的治理能力方面思考SOA发展。

    IBM has originated thinking about the SOA journey in terms of a governance capability driven by people , process , and technology .

  7. LVDS技术驱动A/D转换器发展

    LVDS Drives the Development of A / D convertor

  8. 随着当前Web逐步演化成语义Web,研究下一代门户网站&语义门户网站(即语义Web技术驱动的门户网站)是一个必然的发展趋势。

    The current Web is evolving to the Semantic Web , therefore research of the next generation of Web portals ( i.e. Semantic Web portals , Semantic Web technologies enabled Web portals ) technology is a natural development trend .

  9. 在实际中,要在一个JSP技术驱动的环境下发挥功效,必须让开发人员处理大部分标记,或至少让设计师学习一些JSP编码。

    In practice , to function in a JSP technology-driven environment you must either have your developers handle a large portion of the markup or have designers learn at least some JSP coding .

  10. 分析人士表示,随着下一代通信技术驱动的设备成为主流,中国预计将迎来第一轮5G消费热潮。

    Analysts say China is expected to see the first wave of 5G consumption boom as gadgets powered by the next-generation communication technology become the mainstream .

  11. 雷克萨斯的清扫仪表板拥有较SRX标志的技术驱动的仪表板更有机的外观。

    The Lexus 's sweeping instrument panel has a more-organic look than the SRX 's technology-driven dashboard .

  12. 在创建敏捷宣言之前:技术驱动的力量

    Prior to the Creation of the Agile Manifesto : Technology-Driven Forces

  13. 显性知识的转移采用结构化的、技术驱动的转移方式效率较高;

    There is high transfer efficiency for explicit knowledge by structured and technology-driven approach .

  14. 詹恩认为,成本还将推动进修课程或技术驱动课程的增多。

    Cost will also fuel the growth in part-time or technology-driven programmes , he believes .

  15. 技术驱动、需求牵引、市场导向是推动新技术发展的主要动力。

    Technology-driven , needs traction and market-orientation are the main driving forces to promote the development of new technologies .

  16. 技术驱动不能代替市场驱动,市场驱动也不能代替技术驱动,交易效率的提高也不能跨越技术发展。

    Technical drive cannot replace market drive , vice versa . Promotion of trade efficiency cannot span technical development .

  17. 采用气动技术驱动的送料机构代替传统的凸轮驱动间歇送料机构,在冲压机床中得到了广泛的应用。

    To adopt pneumatic feeding mechanism to substitute traditional cam intermittence drive feeding mechanism are widely applied in press machine .

  18. 事实证明,光网络的发展已经从技术驱动为主转变为业务驱动为主。

    Facts have proved that the development of optical network technology has been driven from the main business drivers into the main .

  19. 一个“技术驱动的社会性企业”,是世界上生产开放源码软件的最大组织之一。

    A " technology-driven social enterprise ," TOPP is one of the largest organizations in the world dedicated to producing open source software .

  20. 近年来,随着市场需求和技术驱动,宽带无线通信成为当前的研究热点。

    In recent years , driven by the market demands and emerging technologies , wideband wireless communication techniques are becoming hot research subjects .

  21. 随着电信市场的逐步开发,竞争日趋激烈,电信运营商的经营模式逐渐从技术驱动向市场驱动、客户驱动转化。

    With the exploitation of the telecom market gradually , it is more difficult to get distinctive competitive advantage for the telecom operator .

  22. 正如技术驱动一样,最终确定购买哪个连接性选项经常由业务驱动决定。

    As important as technical drivers are , the final decision of which connectivity option to pursue is often determined by business drivers .

  23. 介绍该微泵设计原理,利用毛细作用力作为进口动力源,再利用数字化微流体技术驱动,将出口处的液体喷出。

    This micropump drafts the liquids into the inlet by the capillary force , then ejects them based on the digital micro fluidic technology .

  24. 缩短新产品开发时间,提高产品性能已成为技术驱动型企业的战略目标。

    Reduction of the new product development ( NPD ) cycle time and improvements in product performance rate become strategic objectives for many technology-driven firms .

  25. 在经历了早期投资驱动、技术驱动的发展阶段后,电信行业开始进入提倡集约化经营的新阶段。

    After the developing period of earlier investment and technical driven , the telecom industry is stepping into a new period in which intensive management is advocated .

  26. 我国对地观测将以需求牵引、技术驱动,面向国际前沿,力争在对地观测领域跻身国际先进行列。

    In China , earth observation technology will abide by the principle of " Demand Pulls , Technology Pushs ", aiming at coming up with international advanced technologies .

  27. 为了促进学习者掌握这种学科语篇内部的词块差异,笔者向课程设计者和外语教师推荐语料库技术驱动的教材编纂和词块教学模式。

    In order to facilitate learners ' mastery of such variation within the disciplinary discourse , the corpus-based approach is recommended to both course designers and classroom language teachers .

  28. 通信网络已从过去的技术驱动模式转变为由市场、业务驱动的模式,以市场为导向,以客户为中心,已成为固网下一步发展的必然趋势。

    Telecommunication networks has transformed from technology-driven mode to market-driven and business-driven mode . Market-oriented and customer-centre are the next development direction of Public Switch Telephone Networks ( PSTN ) .

  29. 作为与军工有关的行业,它具备非均衡经营和技术驱动性的特点,是体现国家综合实力的窗口,具有广阔的发展前景。

    As a special military industry , It has non - balanced-operating and technology-driven features . it also reflected comprehensive national strength in the window and own broad prospects for development .

  30. 以深入采访17名敏捷宣言发起者中的12位为依据,我们将描述技术驱动的力量怎么会使得敏捷方法引起文化的变革。

    Based on in-depth interviews with twelve of the seventeen originators of the Agile Manifesto , we describe how technology-driven forces led to the cultural change introduced by the agile approach .