
  • 网络technology innovation;technological innovation capacity;ETIC
  1. 进而在分别设计TBT水平与中小企业技术创新能力评价指标体系的基础上,采用灰色关联分析方法和信息熵法,测算TBT与我国中小企业技术创新的关联度并进行排序。

    Based on designing evaluation index system of TBT levels and technological innovation capacity of SMEs respectively , it adopts grey correlation analysis methods and information entropy , measuring the correlation between TBT and technical innovation , and ranking them .

  2. 企业技术创新能力的E&V模型评价

    The E-V Mode to Evaluate Enterprise 's Technological Innovation Capacity

  3. FDI对我国技术创新能力溢出的地区差异和门槛效应检验

    Regional Difference and Threshold Effects of FDI Spillover on China 's Innovation Capacity

  4. 并指出BP神经网络法与技术创新能力评价的相适应性。

    It points out that BP neural network method adapt to the evaluation of technological innovation capability .

  5. 加入WTO后我国农业的国际竞争力本质上取决于农业技术创新能力。

    After China 's entry to WTO , the international competence of China 's agriculture depends on its capacity of agrotechnical innovation .

  6. 基于ANP的中国东西部技术创新能力比较

    Comparative Research on Innovative Technical Ability of the East and West China by ANP

  7. 基于东莞传统制造业的HRM与技术创新能力的相关性研究

    The Research on the Correlation between HRM and the Ability of Technological Innovation Based on the Traditional Manufacturing Industry in Dongguan

  8. 运用基于BP算法的人工神经网络模型对企业技术创新能力进行评价,为企业进行技术创新能力的评价开辟新的方法。

    In this paper , we apply a model of artificial neural network which is based on BP calculation method to evaluate technical innovation capability and try to develop a new method to evaluate technical innovation capability .

  9. 烟台TMK公司技术创新能力提高研究

    Research on the Technology Innovation of Yantai TMK Company

  10. 而对同属要素的广义资本(物质资本、RD资本与人力资本)投入与技术创新能力之间的相关关系的研究,属于现有经济理论的薄弱领域。

    Thus the research on the correlativity of generalized capital ( material capital , RD capital and manpower capital ) input and technological innovation ability belongs to the weak domain of existing economic theories .

  11. 提出了企业技术创新能力评估的RPV框架,为企业经理全面评价以及提高其所在企业的技术创新能力提供了一个全新的工具。

    The RPV framework put forward in this article offers a new tool for managers to fully assess their organizations ′ innovation ability and improve it .

  12. 第三章为企业技术创新能力评价,在分析了企业技术创新能力的构成要素基础上建立了企业技术创新能力评价指标体系,并用区间数TOPSIS方法评价研究。

    Chapter III is the enterprise technological innovation capability assessment . Based on the analysis of technological innovation capability constituent elements it establishes evaluation index system , and take the interval number of TOPSIS method to study .

  13. 分析之后提出建议:天津应该结合自身实际有选择有重点地利用FDI,更好地促进天津技术创新能力的提高。

    And draw the conclusion that different contries ' FDI will bring different impact on the technological innovation capacity of Tianjin , then put forward the following suggestions : Tianjin should utilize FDI selectively and intensively according to its own situation and better promote the Tianjin technological innovation capabilities .

  14. 技术创新能力和创新绩效关系研究

    Study on the Relationship between Technological Innovation Capability and Innovation Performance

  15. 专利作为衡量技术创新能力和水平的重要标志,已被社会所公认。

    Patent is recognized as an important mark in technology innovation .

  16. 对培育建筑企业技术创新能力的思考

    Pondering over Developing the Ability of Building Enterprise to Innovate Technology

  17. 建立的企业技术创新能力评价指标体系,总共有16项指标。

    The established appraisal system of technical innovation includes 16 indexes .

  18. 提高贵州省企业技术创新能力的对策措施

    Strategies of Enhancing the Technological Innovation Ability Enterprises in Guizhou Province

  19. 因子分析在企业技术创新能力评价中的应用

    Application of Factor Analyse to Evaluation of Business Technology Innovation Ability

  20. 企业技术创新能力的二次相对评价法

    The binary relative evaluation method for the innovation potential of enterprises

  21. 企业技术创新能力是国家技术创新能力的基础。

    Technological innovation capability is the basis of national technology innovation .

  22. 甘肃工业企业技术创新能力的环境评价

    Conditions Affecting Technological Innovation Within Industry and Enterprise in Gansu Province

  23. 谈如何提高中油股份炼油企业的技术创新能力

    How to Improve the Technical Innovation Ability of PetroChina Refinery Enterprise

  24. 国家技术创新能力分类与评价

    Classification and Evaluation on Capacity of Technological Innovation for a Country

  25. 国际贸易对中国技术创新能力的溢出效应

    The Spillover Effect of International Trade on China 's Innovation Capacity

  26. 基于知识观的企业技术创新能力发展研究

    Research on Development of Corporate Technology innovation Competence with Kowledge-based View

  27. 企业技术创新能力系统的协同性研究国际男女同性恋协会

    Research on the Synergy of the Enterprise Technology Innovation Capability System

  28. 科研院所技术创新能力评价指标体系研究

    Study on Evaluation Index System of Research Institutions ' Technology Innovation Ability

  29. 四川省区域技术创新能力现状分析

    The Analysis on Regional Technological Innovative Capacity of Sichuan Province

  30. 在工艺创新能力的构筑上,给出了三阶段的工艺创新能力构筑的方法。此外,本文还提出了基于购并和学习的企业技术创新能力的外部构筑模式。

    A three-stage model on the capability of process innovation is given .