
  • 网络Technological change;technology change;technical change
  1. 我们得让工人学习新技能,以应对巨大的技术变革。

    We needed to reskill our workforce to cope with massive technological change

  2. 19世纪50年代末期,技术变革的速度加快了。

    In the late 1850s the speed of technological change quickened

  3. 技术变革必然会导致失业。

    Technological changes will inevitably lead to unemployment

  4. 技术变革为生活在20世纪90年代的美国人带来了巨大的全新选择。

    Technological changes brought dramatic new options to Americans living in the 1990s .

  5. 也就是说,与年纪大的人相比,通常有更多的年轻人走在技术变革的前沿。

    That is , generally , younger people tend to outnumber older people on the front end of a technological shift .

  6. 如果将预计的技术变革速度考虑在内,要么你的技能变得全无必要,要么你的行业过时。

    If you factor in the projected rates of technological change , either your skills will become unnecessary , or your industry outdated .

  7. 技术变革无处不在,影响着生活的方方面面,大多是为了让生活变得更好。

    Technological change is everywhere and affects every aspect of life , mostly for the better .

  8. 但阿姆斯特朗技术变革的支柱是人情味

    But underpinning Mr Armstrong 's technology changes is a human touch .

  9. MIMO技术变革下一代移动通信系统设计

    MIMO technology will lead a revolution of mobile commumication system design

  10. 面对WTO的加入及汹涌澎湃的全球化浪潮,浙江企业面临着技术变革的巨大挑战。

    With China 's entry into the WTO and the overwhelming trend of globalization , the enterprises in Zhejiang Province are facing great challenge of technological reforms .

  11. 本文浅述了尚在技术变革初创时期的FCS的基本概念,FCS的体系结构,以促进FCS产品的开发和推广应用。

    The concept and architecture of FCS , and its development and application are described in this paper .

  12. 成立六年以来,Facebook一直是社交网络时代的领头羊,然而它却错过了下一次巨大的技术变革。

    Just six years after it had been founded , Facebook ( FB ) the company that had ushered in the social-networking era was missing the next big shift in technology .

  13. 技术变革的速度往往很快,诺基亚(nokia)在全球技术领先者地位方面的快速崛起和跌落就是一个例证。

    The speed of change in technology was often very fast as shown by the rapid rise and fall of Nokia , in terms of being seen as an global technology leader .

  14. 就像苹果当初发布iMac一样,或者说像百视通(Blockbuster)当初发布OnDemand点播服务却未能在技术变革中挽救自身一样,如今,黑莓的命运很可能也维系于这次的新品发布。

    Like apple when it launched the IMAC or like blockbuster when it launched the on demand service that could not rescue it from changing technology rim will likely see its fate sealed by this launch .

  15. 以互联网为交互平台的信息技术变革,加快了网络银行发展的进程。

    The platform of internet , accelerating the network bank development .

  16. 高效用水与农田灌溉技术变革

    High Efficiency Water Utilization and the Transformation of Farmland Irrigation Technique

  17. 新兴技术变革及其战略资源观

    The Change of Emerging Technology and the Viewpoint of Strategical Resource

  18. 在教育技术变革下的外语教学&《现代教育技术与现代外语教学》一书评介

    Foreign Language Teaching Based on the Reform of Educational Technology

  19. 这样的技术变革正在整个产业系统内快速扩散。

    Such technical change is quickly spreading through the system .

  20. 两者的相似主要是因为以下三点:技术变革的席卷;

    Three things enhance the similarity : the sweep of technological change ;

  21. 多个主要经济体实际上非常擅长于有针对性的技术变革。

    Several leading economies are indeed very good at directed technological change .

  22. 移动和无线领域正在发生重大技术变革。

    Mobile and wireless technologies are undergoing major technological change .

  23. 战争方面的基本技术变革,势必会带来重大的政治影响。

    Fundamental change in the technology of warfare inevitably brings big political differences .

  24. 一家成功的公司必须得跟上技术变革的步伐。

    A successful company must keep up with the pace of technological change .

  25. 信息技术变革中旅游信息传播概念模式研究

    The Study of Conceptual Schema of Tour Information Dissemination with the IT Transformation

  26. 受技术变革的影响最大。

    Which will be most affected by technological change .

  27. 技术变革也促使卖弄变得不合时宜。

    Technological change has also helped make pomposity unfashionable .

  28. 高等教育领域内技术变革的阻力。

    Resistance to technological change within higher education .

  29. 我们对技术变革始终心存敬畏,甚至留有戒心。

    Technological innovations always keep us in awe , and precautions are seriouly considered .

  30. 但这些趋势似乎更多地源于技术变革而非全球化。

    But these trends seemed to owe more to technological change than to globalisation .