
  1. 技术创新溢出机制的研究与建模

    Studying and Modeling on Mechanism of Technology Innovation Effects Spillover

  2. 我国各地区大企业技术创新溢出效率分析

    Efficiency analysis of Chinese enterprises in technological innovation spillover

  3. 解决技术创新溢出可以采取不同的措施。

    So , People should use different measures to resolve The Tech-innovation Spillover .

  4. 集团公司内部技术创新溢出效应分析与对策

    Analysis of Technology Innovation Spillover Effect among Units inside Group and the Associated Measures

  5. 新增长理论的形成和发展,使技术创新溢出效应的研究日益成为当代技术创新学的热点之一。

    The new theory of economic growth stimulates the research on the spillover effects .

  6. 利用数理统计方法,以柯布-道格拉斯生产函数为分析模型,对福建工业主要产业间资本内含型技术创新溢出效应进行定量的实证研究,并提出产业发展的战略思路。

    This paper , based on Cobb-Dougals product function , studies the spillover effects contained in capital between the industries in Fujian , by applying quantitative method .

  7. 本文在技术创新溢出效应理论的基础上,提出了技术创新溢出的乘数效应与加速效应,这种溢出效应产生的原因主要归于创新的示范与模仿效应和竞争效应。

    On the basis of the spilling effect theory , multiplicative effect and accelerative effect are brought up due to the innovation functions of demonstrate , imitate and competition .

  8. 前者是当前社会法律制度都无能为力的技术创新溢出,而后者是与技术创新制度安排的完善程度相关。

    The current social law system has nothing to do with the former . But the perfect degree of the technique innovation system arrangement has much thing to do with the latter .

  9. FDI对我国技术创新能力溢出的地区差异和门槛效应检验

    Regional Difference and Threshold Effects of FDI Spillover on China 's Innovation Capacity

  10. 因此,FDI对我国技术创新的溢出效应主要通过产业关联发生。

    So , the spillover effect of FDI in China is mainly by the means of industry linkages .

  11. 技术创新成果溢出的分解研究

    Studying on Decomposition of Technological Innovation Effects Spillover

  12. 技术创新的溢出效应与产权激励功能探讨

    A Probe into the Spillage Effect of Technique Innovation and the Function of Property Right Incentive

  13. 发现实际的制度建设不可能达到零成本,因而解决技术创新相对溢出的制度努力只能起到有限作用。

    Results show that system construction cannot reach zero cost , so system efforts have limited effect on the technique innovation spillage . The intervention of government may play an important role .

  14. 摘要技术创新的溢出效应,作为技术创新成果公共属性特征的重要表现,对社会经济的发展具有积极促进与消极阻碍双重作用。

    The spillage effect of technique innovation , as an important manifestation of the public attribute of the technique innovation achievements , has both positive and negative effects on the social and economic development .

  15. FDI能促进企业的技术创新,其溢出效应对新产品的比例增加有促进作用,对人力资本水平的提高有抑制作用。

    FDI has facilitated innovation and its spillover effects can also be helpful for new products , while hampering the increase of human capital .

  16. 在地区层面,FDI产生了积极的创新溢出效应;在行业层面,FDI对技术创新的水平溢出效应不显著,而垂直溢出效应显著。

    From the perspective of region level , FDI has positive innovative spillover effects ; from industry level , the vertical spillover effects of FDI on technological innovation are significant while the horizontal effects are not .

  17. 国际贸易对中国技术创新能力的溢出效应

    The Spillover Effect of International Trade on China 's Innovation Capacity

  18. 它反映了区域技术创新经济效益溢出的程度,是评价区域创新效率的关键指标。

    It reflects the degree of innovation and economic benefits of regional technical overflow , is a key indicator to evaluate the efficiency of regional innovation .

  19. 本文基于前人的研究,对大量文献进行梳理,从技术创新、技术溢出、要素配置三个维度建立了详细的理论框架,理论的研究为后续的实证分析奠定了坚实的研究基础。

    Based on previous studies , a large number of literatures to sort out technical innovation , technology spillovers , the three dimensions of the factor allocation to create a detailed theoretical framework , theoretical research has laid a solid foundation for the subsequent empirical analysis .

  20. 第一种称为依赖型创新,在这类技术创新中,技术溢出增加,同时技术创新减少;

    In Type 1 model , dependent innovation , innovation decreases with the increase of technology spillover ;

  21. 总体来看,对外直接投资对我国技术创新的逆向技术溢出效应低于对外贸易的促进作用。

    Overall , the reverse technology spillover effect of OFDI on technology innovation in China was lower than the promotion OFDI on the international trade .

  22. 外资对除航空航天器制造业以外的其余四个行业的技术创新能力有正向溢出效应,其中对医药制造业的溢出系数较高,对航空航天器制造业的影响不显著。

    FDI has a positive spillover effect in the technology innovation capability of the remaining four industries outside the manufacturing of aerospace vehicles , which the pharmaceutical manufacturing industry spillover coefficient is higher , no significant effect on the aerospace manufacturing industry .

  23. 利用好高新技术产业技术创新扩散的溢出效应,可以进一步增强高新技术产业对经济系统的影响力,避免重复研发,快速提高生产效率,为我国实现跨越式发展赢得时间。

    Making good use of spillover effects of high-tech industry technology innovation diffusion can further enhance the high-tech industry influence on economic system , avoid duplicate research and development , increase production efficiency rapidly and gain time to realize span type development in our country .

  24. 技术创新的外部性是技术创新扩散产生溢出效应的根本原因。

    Abstract : Technology innovation externality is the root cause that leads to spillover effect of technology innovation diffusion .

  25. 也就是说,技术创新制度的完善程度决定了技术创新相对溢出的大小。

    In another words , the perfect degree of the technique innovation system arrangement determines the magnitude of relative spillage of technique innovation .

  26. 经济学的研究表明,技术进步依赖于人力资本投资(技术创新)和知识溢出(技术扩散)的共同作用。

    The economy research also shows that the technology progress depends on the mutual functions of resource investment ( technology innovation ) and knowledge overflow ( technology diffusion ) .

  27. 技术创新成果转化过程中交易费用越高,说明技术创新溢出也越大,技术创新活动受到的抑制也越严重。

    The more of charges on transferring technique innovation production , the bigger of the spillage of technique innovation and the severity of the restrain during activities of technique innovation .

  28. 另一方是技术输入方,即东道国,东道国的技术吸收能力会影响FDI对技术创新的溢出效应。

    Second , Technical input to the other party , that is , the host , the host country absorptive capacity of the technology will affect the FDI of the spillover effects of technological innovation .

  29. 技术创新积极性以及技术创新能力的逐步提高的关键是要解决技术创新的溢出问题,这样,对技术创新制度进行深入系统的研究就变得十分迫切和重要。

    The sixty-four-dollar question of improvement of ability and activity of technique innovation is to solve spillage of technique innovation . The systematic research on the system of technique innovation become more stringency and important .

  30. 因此,企业在技术创新中进行合作的愿望比较强烈,另一方面,实际的技术创新合作,包括科研机构、高校在内实际上就是扩大了技术创新的溢出。

    So the desire of cooperation during technique innovation is strong . At the other hand , the actual cooperation of technique innovation including scientific research institution and colleges with enterprises is a little and the successive one is quite a little .