
  • 网络technological convergence;technology convergence;technology fusion;technical convergence
  1. 基于技术融合的企业研发勾结研究

    Study on R & D Cartelization of Enterprises Based on the Technological Convergence

  2. 随着技术融合的日益盛行,产业融合的趋势越来越显著,企业跨产业的合作屡见不鲜。

    With the phenomenon of technological convergence and industrial convergence getting universal unprecedentedly , co-operations between enterprises from different industries are occurring frequently .

  3. 基于多技术融合的Web服务安全的研究与实现

    Research and implementation of Web service security based on multi-technology

  4. Parlay/OSA与Web服务的技术融合及其商业应用

    Technical Convergence of Parlay / OSA and Web Services and Its Business Application

  5. 而且也没有一部影片如此巧妙地将3D技术融合在一起。

    And no film has so artfully interwoven 3-D technology .

  6. 在国内首次提出并实现了一种基于多技术融合、分布式处理的ETC电子不停车收费系统。

    An Electronic Toll Collection System ( ETC ) based on multi-technology fusion and distribution processing is brought forward and realized for the first time in China .

  7. CIPS的本质是系统集成和技术融合。

    The essence of CIPS is system integration and technology fusion .

  8. 将以上两种流行技术融合,使CORBA中的对象(服务器方以及客户方)具有移动Agent的特点是本文的设计思想。

    Above two kind of popular technical fusion , Causes in CORBA the object ( server side as well as customer side ) has mobile Agent the characteristic is this article design thought .

  9. 计算机支持协同工作(computersupportedcooperativework&CSCW)是一种将人类合作行为模式与计算机支持技术融合为一体的新兴技术,即在计算机技术支持的环境下,一个群体协作完成一项共同的任务。

    Computer Supported Cooperative Work ( CSCW ) is a new technology , which syncretizes human 's cooperation behavior mode and computer technology . It makes all members of a team complete a common work based on computer technologies .

  10. 实验证明将P2P技术融合到流媒体中能够优化系统性能,减轻服务器端的I/O压力和网络带宽压力。

    The result of experiment and the research analysis proved that the using of P2P in the streaming media can optimize system performance , reduce the pressure of server-side I / O and network bandwidth .

  11. IP-PBX系统是近年来计算机网与传统电话系统技术融合领域的研究热点。

    IP-PBX is one of the hottest research directions in recent computer telecommunication integration technology domain .

  12. 光纤无线通信ROF(RadioOverFiber)技术融合了无线通信的灵活性和光纤通信的高带宽、低损耗等特性,受到了广泛研究。

    The radio over fiber ( ROF ) technology is a combination of wireless communication and optical communication . It has many advantages such as full of flexibility , wide bandwidth , low loss and so on .

  13. 该部分的特色为采用多技术融合的产品数据管理(PDM)技术,构建了产品数据管理平台,开发完成了具有集成性、模块化、开放性等特征的PDM系统。

    This part is characterized by using multi-technology integration and PDM technology to construct a PDM platform , which has been completed and featured as integration , modularity , openness , and seamless data conversion .

  14. 在各类车辆导航、调度、监控系统中,GPS终端设备测出的车辆位置信息与我国地理坐标系统中GIS信息间的相互转换算法成为GPS与GIS技术融合的关键之一。

    In all kinds of vehicles scheduling and monitoring systems , how to conversion between the position information which is measured by the GPS terminal equipment and the information from the GIS of our country , the fusion of GPS and GIS technology is the key .

  15. 文章首先介绍了CAN总线的一些基本概念;其次是基于光学控制带AGV的实现,作为一个光、机、电计算机等多项技术融合的系统,AGV的设计涉及诸多关键技术。

    Secondly , it describes the implementation of AGV based on optical control belt , as a system mixed with many technologies including optics , mechanics , electricity and computer , it involves many key technologies .

  16. 针对柴油机热工参数之间复杂的非线性关系,提出了采用RBF神经网络技术融合柴油机热工参数数据进行排气温度传感器检测的方法,并可对柴油机各缸排气温度进行状态监测。

    In view of the complex non-linear connection between the parameters of thermal cycling , a detection method was introduced to measure the diesel engine 's exhaust temperature sensor . It is based on RBF NN and takes the parameters of thermal cycling into consideration .

  17. 而相比之下,CPK又具有更多的优势。因此,如何将CPK技术融合在TPM中,研究具有我国核心技术的TPM,发挥CPK技术在可信计算中的优势是一项非常值得研究的课题。

    In contrast to IBC , CPK has more advantages . Thus , how to inosculate CPK in TPM , study TPM with chinese core technology , and exert the advantages of CPK in trusted computing is a problem worth quite studying .

  18. IT技术融合到电气工程及自动化专业课教学中的教改研究与实践

    A Study and Practice of the Syncretism between IT and Electrical Engineering Specialty Instructing

  19. 技术融合趋势及我国的技术融合战略

    The Trend of Technology Convergence and the Tactics of Technology Convergence in Our Country

  20. 智能优化方法与粒子滤波技术融合的分析与展望

    Survey and Prospect of the Fusion of Intelligent Computational Approaches and Particle Filtering Technique

  21. 艺术设计是艺术与科学技术融合载体,设计的艺术性决定了艺术设计的审美因素。

    Art design is the fusion carrier which carries with art and science and technology .

  22. 交换与防病毒技术融合的探索

    Exploration on Exchange and Anti-Virus Technical Fusion

  23. 基于技术融合下的IT企业技术创新的动态演化机制

    The Dynamic Evolution Mechanism of Technological Innovation in IT Enterprises Based on the Technological Convergence

  24. 我们最终将与这项技术融合,它已与我们息息相关。

    We ultimately will merge with this technology . It 's already very close to us .

  25. 互联网与移动通信网络的技术融合推动了传统通信增值业务的变革。

    The convergence of Internet and Telecommunication network push ahead the revolution of traditional telecommunication value-add services .

  26. 新贝蒂形象是90年代中期通过电脑技术融合75位不同类型妇女的照片后制作而成的。

    A computer created this new Betty in the mid-1990s by blending photos of 75 diverse women .

  27. 市场特点是对互操作的需求,促使技术融合;不同技术基于不同的优势开展竞争;

    The market characteristic is the demand for interworking , which push the technical convergence and competition .

  28. 生物芯片技术融合了生命科学、化学、微电子技术、计算机科学、生命信息学等多种学科的最新技术。

    Biochip technology integrates many new technologies including life sciences , chemistry , microelectronics , computer technology , life informatics , etc.

  29. 本文接着论述了信息技术融合对供应链整合和产业结构升级的重要作用。

    So then this article discusses the importance of information technology integration on supply chain integration and upgrading the industrial structure .

  30. 顺应中国公司孜孜以求打造越来越强民族自信心的势头,把中国风格与欧洲制作技术融合在一起,就成为愈发流行的做法。

    Fusing Chinese style with European manufacturing is a trend gathering momentum , as business owners seek to tap growing national confidence .