
  • 网络technology diffusion;Technological Diffusion;diffusion of technology
  1. 基于合作博弈的产业集群技术扩散的CA模型及其模拟研究

    A CA Model and a Simulation Study on Technology Diffusion in an Industrial Cluster Based on Cooperative Game

  2. 其中,FDI(外商直接投资)作为国际技术扩散的重要路径,在推动中国的技术进步和经济增长方面发挥了重要的作用。

    As an important path of international technology diffusion , FDI plays a great role in promoting technology progress and economy growth .

  3. 基于东道国产业集群的FDI技术扩散研究

    FDI technology expantion research basing on host country industry gathering

  4. 国际RD溢出、国内RD和真实经济增长基于技术扩散模型的一个实证

    International R D Spillover , Domestic R D and Real Economic Growth in China : An Empirical Study on the Mode of Technical Diffusion

  5. 文章在区别外资技术扩散效应与溢出效应概念的基础上,通过构建衡量外资技术扩散计量模型,从时间和空间的角度检验了以FDI为载体的技术扩散对中国区域经济增长的影响。

    Through the spatial and temporal viewpoints , by econometrics model , the effects of the technological diffusion via FDI on regional economic growth across China are tested .

  6. 而CPU技术扩散具有永不停止并有加速的趋势,这种趋势缩短了我国实现CPU技术跨越的时间。

    And technology diffusion of CPU has the tend to accelerate and never to stop , which has shortened the time taken to realize the leapfrogging of CPU technology in our country .

  7. 1969年Bass创立了技术扩散经典的BASS模型,该模型以简单的形式被应用于许多公司新产品扩散的预测并取得了很好的效果。

    BASS , founded in 1969 , is the classic model of technology diffusion , a simple form of the model is used in predicting many new products and achieved good results .

  8. Mansfield技术扩散模型,试图对企业技术创新扩散效益进行初步分析,并提出专利转让或许可的条件。

    Mansfield 's technology diffusion model , it tries to make some elementary analysis on the diffused benefit of enterprises ' technology innovation . At last , the condition of patent 's attainment or permission is put forward .

  9. 另外分析了农业技术扩散的动力机制。

    Besides the paper analysis the mechanism of agricultural technology diffusion .

  10. 技术扩散:新农村建设的有效途径

    Technology Diffusion : The Effective Channel for the New Rural Construction

  11. 基于需求方企业的循环技术扩散机制研究

    Study on Mechanism of Recycling Technology Diffusion Based on Demanding Enterprises

  12. 基于对外贸易结构的技术扩散效应比较研究

    A Comparative Research on Technology Diffusion Effect through Foreign Trade Structure

  13. 农业信息技术扩散与传播模式研究

    On the Expansion and Dissemination Mode of the Agricultural Information Technology

  14. 高新技术扩散的经济规律分析

    Study of the Economic Law about Diffusion of New High Technology

  15. 农业可持续发展中农业技术扩散模式的研究

    The Diffusion Modes of Agricultural Technology in Sustainable Development of Agriculture

  16. 基于农产品质量安全的技术扩散博弈分析

    Game Analysis on Technology Spread Based on Agro-products Quality and Safety

  17. 技术扩散项目的经济可行度指标决策方法

    Target Decision Method of Economic Feasibility for Technological Diffusion Projects

  18. 对我国开放中技术扩散的地区间生产率变动的研究,主要采用国际贸易模型与方法作替代分析。

    Study on China opening technology-spread to regional productivity change .

  19. 信息技术扩散规律与传统产业改造的对策研究

    On the Law of IT Diffusion and Countermeasures for Traditional Industry Alteration

  20. 政治、市场机制对农业技术扩散的起到加速或减缓作用;

    Policity and market mechanism can push or baffle agricultural technology diffusion .

  21. 第五章购并中的技术扩散效应。

    The fifth chapter aims to analyze the effectiveness of technical spread .

  22. 集群有利于加快技术扩散和技术学习;

    Cluster is favor of accelerating technology diffusion and learning ;

  23. 旱育秧技术扩散模型与实证分析

    The Diffusion Model Analysis of Rises Rice Seedling on Land

  24. 劳动力市场的规模以及信息交换和技术扩散,产业集群的形成是基于从外部经济中获得最大效益而形成的相关企业的自然藕合。

    The labor market scope ; information exchanging and diffuse of technology .

  25. 技术扩散对高新技术企业布局的影响

    Study on the Technology Diffusion and High-tech Enterprises Location

  26. 棉花地膜移栽技术扩散规律的实证研究

    An Empirical Research on Cotton Plastic Covering Transplant Adoption

  27. 外资技术扩散与中国经济增长

    Technological Diffusion via FDI and Economic Growth of China

  28. 区域中心城市技术扩散能力比较研究&以上海、北京为例

    A study on technology diffusing ability of heart city

  29. 农业技术扩散中的农民选择行为研究

    Research on Farmers ' Choosing Behaviours in the Course of Agricultural Technology Spread

  30. 我国区域技术扩散效应:基于面板数据的实证研究

    Diffusion effect on regional technology in China : empirical study on pane data