
  • 网络Theory of Technological Innovation;Technical Innovation Theory;triz;TFIZ
  1. 运用技术创新理论,对LED照明技术在我国普通照明领域的市场化过程进行了理论分析,导出了几种可能的LED技术成长曲线。

    Make use of technical innovation theory to conduct theoretical analysis of the marketing process of LED illumination technology in the field of ordinary illumination of China and deduce several possible LED technical growth curves . 4 .

  2. 技术创新理论结构研究

    The Research on the Structure of Technical Innovation Theory

  3. 首先分析了G·多西的技术创新理论,指出其技术范式概念存在的缺陷。

    First , it analyzes G · Dosi 's Technological paradigms theory for studieing technological innovation ;

  4. 通过以上研究阐明,技术创新理论(TRIZ)可以有效地解决家用空调合逸性设计中的问题,提高家用空调的附加值,改善人们的生活品质。

    According to the research , TRIZ can solve the problems in the harmonization of air-condition and promote its additional value and improve the quality of people 's life .

  5. 在深入分析影子价格理论和技术创新理论的基础上,建立了基于C-D函数的科技创新影子利润率测度模型,并对影子利润率测度结果进行了经济分析。

    The paper analyzed the shadow price theory and technology innovation theory deeply , established the shadow profit rate-measuring model for technology innovation based C-D function , and analyzed the economic meaning of measuring result of shadow profit rate .

  6. 完善了模块化产品的基本构成与基本概念,在传统技术创新理论的重要性和可显性维度基础之上增加了技术创新的架构维度,并提出了新颖的模块化技术创新(MBTI)的架构模型。

    Then , it addes the architectural dimension into traditional technology innovation based on the important and explicit dimensions , and puts forward the novel framework model of Modularity-based Technology Innovation ( MBTI ) .

  7. 阐述本论文所涉及的主要理论,主要是技术创新理论、网络理论、执行力理论等。

    It elaborate the main theory which the paper involves .

  8. 中国技术创新理论研究前沿共词知识图谱分析

    Co-Word Knowledge Mapping Analysis on the Research Fronts of China Technology Innovation Theory

  9. 竞技体操动作技术创新理论探析

    On Innovation Theories of Techniques in Competitive Gymnastics

  10. 市场结构与技术创新理论研究综述

    A Summary of Market Structure and Technological Innovation

  11. 回顾了技术创新理论和基于技术创新的相关经济增长理论。

    The technological innovation theory and related economy growth based on technological innovation are reviewed .

  12. 难美技能类体育项目技术创新理论研究

    Research on Theory of Technical Innovation and Aesthetics Characteristics of Events with Difficult and Beautiful Skills

  13. 本章首先对熊彼特技术创新理论、主要观点和模型进行了梳理。

    The technological theory , its main ideas and models of Schumpeter have been introduced firstly .

  14. 论技术创新理论对我国农业科技创新模式选择的指导意义

    On Theoretical Guidance of Technological Innovation to the Mode Selection of China 's Agriculture Technological Innovation

  15. 在现有理论的基础上对产业技术创新理论作了一个更为深入地探讨。

    On the base of current theories , the author has made an in-depth discussion on the industrial technology innovation .

  16. 技术创新理论是近年来发展迅速、综合性强的新兴学科。

    Technological innovation theory is a kind of the emerging discipline that is developing rapidly in recent years and highly integrated .

  17. 技术创新理论作为20世纪新兴的研究领域,现已发展为一个完善的理论体系。

    As a new research field since the 20th century , technology innovation theory has been developed as an entire theory system .

  18. 这种思路对于目前很难深入的国内技术创新理论的研究具有一定的启示意义。

    This guideline has great enlightening significance for domestic research on technological innovation that is hard to get further development at present .

  19. 第二章回顾金融集聚理论、金融发展理论以及技术创新理论,并综述金融集聚、金融发展与企业技术创新的相关研究文献。

    The second chapter reviews the theories of financial agglomeration , financial development and technology innovation , and summarizes the related research literatures .

  20. 将生态学理论与区域技术创新理论相结合,提出了区域技术创新生态系统新概念。

    Combining the theory of ecosystems and the regional technological innovation system ( RTIS ), a new concept was put forward , i. e.

  21. 归纳综述了中西方学者的技术创新理论,主要有创新动力论;

    Summarizing varies of technology innovation theories studied by those scholars from China and foreign countries . These theories include innovation dynamics theory ;

  22. 结合绿色技术创新理论,阐述了绿色技术创新对煤炭企业实现可持续发展的重要性,并就如何推进绿色技术创新提出了建设性意见。

    The importance of green technology for the continuous development of coal mines is narrated , some opinions to promote green technology are put forward .

  23. 诱致性技术创新理论认为,那些劳动力丰富而土地资源贫乏的国家,应该走生物和化学技术进步的道路;

    The induced agricultural technological innovation theory persists that countries with abundant labors but scarce land should chose the path of biological and chemical technology ;

  24. 本文的主要理论依据有知识经济理论、知识管理理论、技术创新理论、知识产权理论、信息管理理论、企业文化理论、激励理论和组织结构理论等。

    The study is based on these theories : knowledge economic theory , knowledge management theory , technological innovation theory and intellectual property right theory , etc.

  25. 本文以技术创新理论作为理论基础,运用系统论的方法研究高校的技术创新模式。

    This paper makes an attempt to use system theory to study technical innovation models in higher schools , applying technical innovation theory as theoretical basis .

  26. 以四川生猪产业链示范工程为研究对象,以产业整合理论、产学研理论、交易费用理论和技术创新理论等理论为依据,对该工程实施效果进行研究。

    The research study the live pig industry chain demonstration project in Sichuan based on Industrial Integration Theory , Technical Innovation Theory and Transaction Cost Theory .

  27. 文章综合运用管理学理论、技术创新理论、企业管理理论、博弈理论等多学科知识,并结合我国实际情况对课题进行研究。

    The article integrates the use of management theory , the theory of technological innovation , enterprise management theory , game theory and other multi-disciplinary knowledge .

  28. 产业创新系统研究是继技术创新理论和国家创新系统理论之后创新管理领域兴起的新兴前沿领域。

    As the emerging frontier research in the innovation management field , Industrial Innovation System ( IIS ) results from technological innovation theory and national innovation theory .

  29. 第二部分,主要是概述国内外中小企业技术创新理论和实证研究的发展,并因此总结出中小企业技术创新的基本概念、优劣势、一般规律及其对中小企业技术创新动力与能力的影响。

    The second part is mainly summarized the development of the theory and demonstrational research of the technical innovation of medium & small enterprise in our country .

  30. 第3章首先介绍了资源基础观下企业技术创新理论,对湖北省中小企业技术创新的动力机制进行分析,详细剖析了制约湖北省中小企业技术创新的主要因素。

    In the following chapter the author introduces an innovation theroy on a resource-based view and discusses advantages and disadvantages of SMEs ' technological innovation in Hubei Province .