
  • 网络technology integration innovation
  1. 在此基础上,构建技术集成创新模型和产品衍生模型;

    Technology integration innovation model and product extension model are constructed .

  2. 技术集成创新涉及到多种的知识产权问题,企业应该采取灵活的应对策略,将技术集成创新与专利管理制度创新有效融合并进行集成,从而为企业真正建立起高层次的竞争优势。

    The technology integration innovation is closely related to kinds of Intellectual Property issues , so the enterprises should take flexible strategies to integrate the technology integration innovation with the system of patent management , only by doing this will the competitive advantage be enhanced .

  3. 技术集成创新的集成主体选择方法研究

    Research on the integrative subject selecting methods of technology integrative innovation

  4. 高炉喷煤技术集成创新与工程实践

    Integration and Innovation of PCI Technology for Blast Furnace and Practice in the Project

  5. 时代呼唤满足社会、国家和用户需求的技术集成创新,是企业技术创新永恒的课题。

    The technical integrated innovation based on the strategic demand of society , country and consumers is the everlasting task for enterprise technical innovation .

  6. 目前,对中小企业技术集成创新模式的研究还不够深入,缺乏理论支持、实现途径和有效的集成主体选择方法。

    At present , the model of SMEs technological integrative innovation has not been studied thoroughly , lacks of sustaining theories , implementing approach and effective selection method of integrative subject .

  7. 而中小企业技术集成创新的实践和理论研究都刚刚起步,迫切需要对相关问题进行深入系统的研究,以对提升我国中小企业技术集成创新能力提供借鉴。

    In order to improve the techniques integrative innovation ability of our national SMEs , and to direct the innovative practice , it cries for deep and systemic study on interrelated problems . We can draw lessons from it to improve the ability of our SMEs technical integrative innovation .

  8. 灵活运用了业务与技术的集成创新技术。

    This system is of flexibility in the usage of an integrated business and technology innovation .

  9. 基于技术集成的产品创新和产品衍生研究

    Research on product innovation and product extension based on technology integration

  10. 四川丘陵地区循环经济型现代农业科技集成与示范&模式选择、技术集成与机制创新

    Recycle-economics-type Modern Agricultural Technology Integration and Demonstration in Hilly Region of Sichuan Province

  11. 理论和实践证明:矿山生态建设是发展中迫切需要的,也是切实可行的,需要进行技术集成和理论创新,更好地指导矿山生态建设。

    Theoretics and practice prove that mine ecological construction are urgent and feasible , which should be solved and we must focus on theoretical innovation and technical integration to guide the practice of mine ecological construction .

  12. 具有长远的社会和环境效益,符合国家节能减排政策,在国内氧化铝行业首次工业应用此技术,具有集成创新性。

    And it can achieve long-term social and environmental benefits , reducing emissions in line with the national energy policy . In the domestic alumina industry for the first time this technology for industrial applications , integrated with the innovative .

  13. 外部技术对装备产品集成创新绩效的影响

    Impact of External Technology on Integrated Innovation Performance of Equipment Product

  14. 在新型录波监测系统中,采用了多种先进技术,并进行集成创新。嵌入式一体化工业级设计技术,不仅提高录波可靠性,而且提高了数据吞吐能力和处理能力;

    The capacity of data process and reliability is increased because of embedded integrative industrial design .

  15. 企业必须整合相关配套技术、进行技术集成创新才能最终形成竞争力。

    The enterprises should get correlated techniques fit together and carry out the technology integration innovation , and then it can come into the ultimate competitive competence .

  16. 随着经济知识化的快速发展,尤其是知识密集型产业的广泛发展,高新领域技术所引领的技术与知识的集成创新已经成为知识经济时代的引擎。

    Along with the fast development of economy based on knowledge , particularly the widespread development of knowledge intensity industries , the integrated innovation of technology and knowledge which the high and new domain technology leads , have already become the engine of knowledge economy era .

  17. 技术创新可分为原始技术创新和技术集成创新。

    Technological innovation can be divided into original technological innovation and integrated innovation .

  18. 以池塘大面积高产技术、抗风浪海水网箱养殖技术为代表的集成创新;

    Integrated innovations including high yield production of pond fish culture in a large area and anti-wave cage culture in sea water ;

  19. 其核心技术研究和样机设计将促进诸多单项技术和系统集成创新的发展,在理论和工程应用都有重要意义。

    The core technology research and prototype design will promote a number of individual technologies and the development of integrated innovation systems .

  20. 智能交通集成技术具有很强的跨领域和多技术特征,集成创新是智能交通科技发展的重要模式。

    Intelligent transportation integration technology has the very strong interdisciplinary and more technical characteristics ; the innovation of integrating is the important mode of development on intelligent transportation technology .

  21. 加快新技术新产品新工艺研发应用,加强技术集成和商业模式创新。

    We should speed up the research , development and application of new technologies , products and production processes , strengthen innovation in integration of technologies and develop new business models .

  22. 本文首先在总结相关理论及其国内外研究现状的基础上,分析了目前中小企业技术创新研究中的不足,把集成的思想运用到中小企业技术创新中,提出了中小企业技术集成创新模式;

    Firstly , basing on summing up interrelated theory and research at home and aboard , this article analyzes the lack in SMEs technological innovation , puts integrative idea into SMEs technological innovation and brings forward the model of SMEs technological integrative innovation .