
jì shù jìn bù
  • technological advances;technical advancement
  1. 研究与开发促进技术进步&参观TBC技术中心有感

    Research and Development Promotes Technical Advancement _Afterthoughts on TBC technology Centre Visit

  2. 除了整合之外,DBMS行业还见证了所有主要供应商和一些新入行者的重大技术进步。

    In addition to consolidation , the DBMS industry saw considerable technical advancement by all the major vendors and some new players .

  3. 技术进步速度惊人,日新月异。

    Technology has advanced at a breathless pace .

  4. 大部分人天生有种反对技术进步的心理。他们抗拒变革。

    The majority have a built-in Luddite mentality ; they are resistant to change .

  5. 对于那些认为技术进步已经使世界变得更美好的人来说,这种破坏是不断增长的利益的自然组成部分,尽管创新扼杀了一些就业机会,但它创造了新的和更好的就业机会,因为一个生产力提高的社会会变得更富有,其更富有的居民需要更多的商品和服务。

    For those who believe that technological progress has made the world a better place , such disruption is a natural part of rising benefits . Although innovation kills some jobs , it creates new and better ones , as a more productive society becomes richer and its wealthier inhabitants demand more goods and services .

  6. 即将到来的技术进步为城市和州提供了一个发展交通系统的机会,其目的是以更经济的方式转移更多的人口。

    The coming technological advancement presents a chance for cities and states to develop transportation systems designed to move more people , and more affordably .

  7. 正因如此,在过去的二十年左右许多人开始相信现在所出现的所有改变都是伟大技术进步的结果,并且对返璞归真这种行为表示反对。

    As a result , in the last twenty years or so , many people have come to believe that whatever change is happening today is the result of great technological progress , going against which will be like trying to turn the clock back .

  8. 探讨了遵循供求规律,促进技术进步的途径

    Discussed follow pattern of demand , the way that stimulative technology progresses .

  9. 但是,汽油发动机造成的污染威胁到了他们赖以生存的水资源,同时,它们的排放物也是有害的。技术进步现在可以为变革提供机会。劳伦斯·弗里索�ASOBO公司首席执行官

    But pollution from petrol engines threatens the water they depend on – and their emissions progress could now offer the chance for change .

  10. 您可以看到,延续是Web开发框架中一项真正的技术进步。

    You can see that continuations represent a real advancement in Web development frameworks .

  11. 用FDI来加速技术进步;

    And use FDI to speed up technological progress ;

  12. 港口企业技术进步系统评价的SD模型

    SD Model of Technical Progress System on Port Business

  13. 应用CD生产函数对我省纺织行业的技术进步进行了测算和分析。

    CD production function has been applied in the assessment of the technical progress in the textile industry .

  14. 分析了FDI对江西工业增长及技术进步的作用。

    The Empirical Study on the effect of FDI on the industry increasing and the technological advance in Jiangxi .

  15. 体现型技术进步、设备投资与TFP增长

    Embodied Technical Change 、 Equipment Investment and TFP Growth

  16. 因此,如果我们将人力资本与技术进步之间的紧密联系考虑在内,也就是使用内生经济增长模型来测量人力资本在决定GDP增长方面起了多大的作用,则预期会得到更精确的结果。

    Thus one may expect more precise estimate from the endogenous growth model taking into account the link between growth of technology progress and human capital .

  17. GMO技术进步与环境管理对策

    Development of GMO Technology and Strategy of Environmental Protection

  18. 同时,在经济性方面,TBM隧道也优于钻爆法隧道,这对于经济发展和隧道工程的技术进步都是有利的。

    Moreover , TBM tunnel has advantage to the drilling and blasting tunnel on economic , which will be good to the development of the society economic and the tunnel technology .

  19. 环型铁芯变压器推动了变压器行业的技术进步,S11型环型铁芯变压器是普通S9型配电变压器的更新替代产品。该系统可以在常规变电所中进行推广应用。

    The technology of transformer push forward the technical development of transformer . S11 ring structure iron cored transformer are taking place of the S9 common transformer . This general transformer substation management information system can be popularized in common transformer stations .

  20. 石油价格冲击、内生技术进步与日本经济增长

    Oil Price Shocks , Endogenous Technological Progress and Japanese Economic Growth

  21. 投资、技术进步、货币供应与中国经济波动

    Investment , Technology Progress , Money Supply and Chinese Economic Fluctuation

  22. 技术进步与西部地区经济增长

    The Technical Progress and the Economic Growth of the West Regions

  23. 首钢2号高炉大修技术进步与开炉生产实践

    Technical progress in overhaul and start up of No.2 blast furnace

  24. 我国农业节水技术进步贡献率的测算

    Estimate of technological progress contribution rate of water-saving agriculture in China

  25. 岩金地下开采技术进步与展望

    The progress and vista of underground mining technique of rock gold

  26. 技术进步对山东省就业总量影响实证分析

    The Statistical Analysis of Advanced Technology on Employment for Shandong Province

  27. 酒钢炼铁技术进步

    The progress of ironmaking technique of Jiuquan Iron Steel Group Co

  28. 促进企业技术进步的税收优惠政策分析

    Analysis on Tax Preference Policy that Encourages Technical Progress of Enterprise

  29. 广义技术进步包括技术创新与管理创新两部分。

    Generalized technology progress includes technological innovation and management innovation .

  30. 深化改革加速技术进步发展粉末冶金工业

    Deepening Reform , Speed up Technology Progress , Developing Powder Metallurgy Industry