
  • 网络Colorado State;colorado state university;University of Colorado;CSU
  1. AbelineAngeles,科罗拉多州立大学。

    Abeline Angeles , Colorado State University .

  2. CurtisSwift是科罗拉多州立大学的推广代理。

    Curtis Swift is an extension agent at Colorado State University .

  3. 28岁的杰夫阿诺德(JeffArnold)毕业于科罗拉多州立大学(ColoradoStateUniversity),他已经学会熟练驾驶拖拉机。

    Jeff Arnold , 28 , who has learned how to expertly maneuver a tractor , graduated from Colorado State University .

  4. 拉吉·科斯拉(RajKhosla)是科罗拉多州立大学的农学家。

    Raj Khosla is an agronomist at Colorado State University .

  5. 科罗拉多州立大学(ColoradoStateUniversity)作业疗法学副教授阿琳&12539;施密德(ArleneSchmid)说,心理因素也影响着平衡感的恢复。

    There is also a mental component to regaining balance , says Arlene Schmid , an associate professor of occupational therapy at Colorado State University .

  6. 另外一名水稻研究人员,科罗拉多州立大学的JanLeach表示,科学家可以在水稻基因组中发现非常有价值的品质。

    Another rice researcher , Jan Leach at Colorado State University , says scientists can find valuable qualities hidden in the rice .

  7. 另一位来自科罗拉多州立大学的水稻研究人员简利奇(janleach)表示,科学家们可以在水稻基因组中发现一些极具价值的隐性性状。

    Another rice researcher , Jan leach at Colorado State University , says scientists can find valuable qualities hidden in the rice genome .

  8. 国际Envirofit是由科罗拉多州立大学的两名学生TimBauer和NathanLorenz在2003年建立的。

    Two students at Colorado State University , Tim Bauer and Nathan Lorenz , started Envirofit International in two thousand three .

  9. 科罗拉多州立大学(CSU)的研究者们开创了一种新的灵敏的光学手段来检测液体中的结核杆菌。

    Now a group of researchers at Colorado State University ( CSU ) has demonstrated a sensitive new way to use light to detect traces of TB bacteria in fluids .

  10. 这些样本首先经由科罗拉多州立大学兽医诊断实验室进行初步拣选,16个样本被送往爱和华州埃莫斯的美国农业部国家禽类服务实验室(NVSL)进行确认测试。

    Of the66 samples tested at the Colorado State University state lab , 16 samples were sent to USDA 's National Veterinary Services Laboratory ( NVSL ) in Ames , Iowa for confirmatory testing .

  11. 科罗拉多州立大学正在成立一家公司开发此项技术。

    The university is now spinning off a company to develop the technology .

  12. 邦妮的生活又掀开了新的一页。我作为“生活变化”项目顾问在科罗拉多州立大学兽医教学医院工作。

    I worked at the Colorado State University Veterinary Teaching Hospital as a in the Changes Program .

  13. 现在,51岁的她是科罗拉多州立大学金融系主任。

    Today , at51 , she is chair of the finance department at Colorado State University in Fort Collins .

  14. 科罗拉多州立大学的科研人员正试图找出是这种极度限制骨质流失的荷尔蒙。

    Researchers at Colorado State University are now trying to identify the hormones that control this extreme limit on bone turnover .

  15. 大学本位教师培养选择性路径的兴衰得失&美国科罗拉多州立大学承诺计划剖析

    Alternative Path of American Teacher Education of the Standard University & An Anatomy on " Project Promise " of Colorado State University

  16. 她曾作为美国国家科学基金会的学者出访美国科罗拉多州立大学人类学暑期学院。

    She was sent as a Scholar of the National Science Foundation of America to the University of Colorado Summer Institute of Anthropology .

  17. 美国杨百翰大学和科罗拉多州立大学的研究人员们已经发现,你的电视、收音机和电脑正在让你变得越来越胖。

    Researchers at Brigham Young University and Colorado State University have found that your TV , radio , and computer are making you fat .

  18. 你是否还记得几年前袭击科罗拉多州立大学的那场洪水,这场自然灾害使整个校园遭殃。

    If you recall the flood epidemic that hit Colorado State University just a couple summers ago , that natural disaster wreaked havoc all over campus .

  19. 科罗拉多州立大学正在预测2014年的大西洋飓风季。它通常会在6月1日至11月30日这段时间内到来。

    Forecasters from Colorado State University are looking at conditions for the 2014 Atlantic hurricane season . It officially runs from June 1st through November 30th .

  20. 1990年赴荷兰自由大学做访问学者,后到美国科罗拉多州立大学进行博士后研究。

    Yang Hui was a visiting scholar in VU University at Amsterdam in Holland in1990 and then undertook postdoctoral researches in Colorado State University , the US .

  21. 科罗拉多州立大学的研究员杰西卡·威特称,不应盲目认为所有人感知到的世界都是相同的。

    Researcher Jessica Witt said , of Colorado State University , said it is wrong to assume that we all perceive the world in the same way .

  22. 科罗拉多州立大学的研究人员在《芯片实验室》杂志上描述了这个系统。

    Researchers at Colorado State University describe such a system in the journal Lab On A Chip . [ David M. Cate et al . , Simple , distance-based measurement for paper analytical devices ]

  23. 草莓在透水性强的壤质土中生长良好。科罗拉多州立推广大学的CarlWilson教授提议在涂上中加入3%-5%的有机质更加适宜。

    Strawberries grow well in that lets water pass through easily . Carl Wilson at the Colorado State University Extension suggests mixing about three to five percent organic material into the soil .

  24. 他是一位基督教牧师,并且是科罗拉多州州立大学的哲学教授。

    He is a Christian clergyman and a professor of philosophy at Colorado State University .