
  • 网络San Francisco State;san francisco state university;SFSU;SF State
  1. 在旧金山州立大学(sanfranciscostateuniversity)读完语言学硕士之后,阿尔热开始寻找一份能用上自己新学知识的职业。

    On completing a Masters in linguistics at San Francisco State University , he searched for a career to use his newly acquired knowledge .

  2. 旧金山州立大学(SanFranciscoStateUniversity)18岁的学生彼得·陈(PeterTran)在2013年参加完该兄弟会派对后死亡;

    Peter Tran , 18 , a student at San Francisco State University , died after attending a fraternity party in 2013 ;

  3. 为了暂定于7月20日举行的活动“精灵宝可梦Go大串场”,旧金山州立大学戏剧研究专业的学生萨拉·维奇(SaraWitsch)在Facebook上创建了一个小组。

    Sara Witsch , a theater studies major at San Francisco State University , organized a Facebook group for a " 'Pok é mon Go " crawl " that is tentatively scheduled for July 20 .

  4. 周末玩过该游戏的旧金山州立大学(SanFranciscoStateUniversity)学生布拉德·恩斯沃思(BradEnsworth)说,在《精灵宝可梦Go》之前,他从来没迷恋过增强现实游戏,但却被该游戏出奇的社交特色吸引了。

    Brad Ensworth , a San Francisco State University student who played the game over the weekend , said he had never been a fan of augmented-reality gaming before " Pok é mon Go , " but was drawn in by the game 's surprisingly social aspect .

  5. 他还是旧金山州立大学的摄影教授。

    He is also a geography professor at San Francisco State University .

  6. 豪威尔是旧金山州立大学的一名研究员。

    Howell is a researcher at San Francisco State University .

  7. 王丽华,旧金山州立大学,寻找在桂林工作的人帮其发放8页纸的关于文化价值方面内容的问卷。

    Lihua Wang , San Francisco State University , would like to find someone working in the city of Guilin to administer an8-page long questionnaire on cultural values .

  8. 特里·琼斯,一位旧金山州立大学第二教学部的讲师和实习教练,发现瑞奇的模式是很革新的&而且很有见地。

    Terry Jones , a lecturer and intern coach in the secondary education department at San Francisco State University , finds Reach 's model innovative & and sensible .

  9. 旧金山州立大学的教授还原了这种新型消费者。他们的研究显示,这种消费者有点像竞技运动员,他们把买到物美价廉的东西看作一项成就。

    Professors from San Francisco State University revealed this new breed of shoppers and presented evidence that they have similar behaviors of competitive athletes in that they view bargain shopping as an achievement domain .

  10. 旧金山州立大学的心理学助理教授莱恩豪威尔说:我们发现,非常外向的人对自己的生活更满意,因为他们一般会用积极、怀旧的目光来看待过往,对过去不大会有消极的想法和遗憾。

    We found that highly extraverted people are happier with their lives because they tend to hold a positive , nostalgic view of the past and are less likely to have negative thoughts and regrets .

  11. 美国旧金山州立大学的心理学副教授瑞安?豪威尔最近发表的一项研究显示,当人们没有多余的钱可以支配时,总会选择购买物质产品。

    In a recently published study , Ryan Howell , associate professor of psychology at San Francisco State University in the US , found that when people don 't have much money to spare , they tend to stick to material goods .

  12. 来自旧金山州立大学的心理学家黛博拉•斯谷乐补充道:“人们不断地看到千篇一律的健壮身材,从而相信这是真实的。如果那样的身材是真材实料并且可以实现,无法拥有该身材的你怎能不对自己的身材感到沮丧呢?”

    San Francisco State University psychologist Deborah Schooler added that " People see the same images over and over and start to believe it 's a version of reality . If those bodies are real and that 's possible , but you can 't attain it , how can you not feel bad about your own body ? "

  13. 他是旧金山加州州立大学东湾分校的人类学教授,自称是反对伊拉克战争、曾在瓜地马拉做过研究、而且从来没拿过枪的反战份子。

    An anthropology professor from the East Bay campus of California State University near San francisco , he 's a self-described peacenik who opposed the war in iraq , did his academic research in Guatemala and never carries a gun .