
  • 网络Old Town Square;OldTown Square;Old City Squares
  1. 不过随后,我们来到了Kamzikova大街6号,这栋建筑位于旧城广场旁边一条不易察觉的小巷里。

    But then we got to Kamzikova 6 , a building in a small hidden alley just off Old Town Square .

  2. 到了我们的城市,就不能不到旧城市场广场逛一逛。

    No visit to our city 's complete without astop at the Old Town Market Square .

  3. 城市特色和历史文脉&义乌市旧城改造暨市民广场建设规划

    Urban Identities and Historic Context : Remodeling of Old Yiwu City and the Planning for Construction of Civil Square

  4. 通过对义乌市旧城改造暨市民广场建设工程规划设计的分析,将近年来对旧城改造规划设计的体验作一个回顾。

    Making analysis of the Yiwa project , this paper reviews the experience of remodeling design for old city over the years .

  5. 针对我国城市广场设计中存在的问题,结合我国东北地区的地域性特征,阐述寒地城市建设与旧城改造中,广场设计出现的问题和可行办法。

    This paper is directed against the existing phenomena in designing city square today , and it expounds the problems and workable ways in the public square of cold area cities combined with the characteristics of northeast region of China in construct and transformation of cold city .