
  • 网络Bay Area;san francisco bay;SF Bay Area;the San Francisco Bay Area
  1. 旧金山湾区的公司通常会规划宽阔的办公室,提供健身房、厨房、游戏室和其他丰厚的福利,以吸引和留住最优秀的人才。

    Bay Area companies often plan expansive offices with gyms , kitchens , game rooms , and other lavish perks to attract and retain the brightest workers .

  2. 美国旧金山湾区的城际轨道交通网络附属存储NAS与存储区域网络SAN

    The Inter-city Rail Transit in San Francisco Bay Area NAS and SAN

  3. 在旧金山湾区有一个人就喜欢ADI!

    There is one person in the san francisco bay area that likes ADI !

  4. 我生活的旧金山湾区(SanFranciscoBayArea)有超过60个商家接受比特币,但要找到一家值得花钱的地方仍要颇费一番周折。

    There are more than 60 in the San Francisco Bay Area where I live , but I still struggled to find places worth spending my bitcoin .

  5. 如果你在旧金山湾区驾驶柴油车,也许你会注意到propel燃料站与以往有所不同。

    If you drive a diesel vehicle in the bay area , you may have noticed something a little different at your propel fuels station .

  6. 58岁的格蕾馨·林特纳(GretchenLintner)居住在旧金山湾区。

    Gretchen Lintner , 58 , lives in the San Francisco Bay Area .

  7. 并且,它们全部来自美国西海岸,包括旧金山湾区的苹果(Apple)、Alphabet和Facebook,以及西雅图一带的微软(Microsoft)和亚马逊(Amazon)。

    And they all hailed from the West coast of the US , whether the San Francisco Bay Area ( Apple , Alphabet and Facebook ) or in and around Seattle ( Microsoft and Amazon ) .

  8. 当然,这两家企业在黄金州(加州别名&译注)有着非常庞大的业务规模,更有甚者,其他一些技术巨头,从甲骨文(Oracle)到Facebook,都将旧金山湾区称之为他们的家。

    Of course , both companies have a massive presence in the Golden state , not to mention other tech giants that call the Bay Area home , from Oracle ( ORCL ) to Facebook ( FB ) .

  9. 运营哈珀·贝克汉姆时尚网站的阿纳斯塔西娅·麦德弗德娃(AnastasiaMedvedeva)是旧金山湾区的一位博主。

    The person who runs the Harper Beckham fashion site , Anastasia Medvedeva , is a blogger based in the San Francisco Bay Area .

  10. 都将旧金山湾区称之为他们的家。2010年,连续创业家约翰·金泽尔打算创办自己的第三家企业XerisPharmaceuticals时,他觉得已受够了加州,尽管他在该州居住了近25年。

    When the time came for him to set up his third company , Xeris Pharmaceuticals in 2010 , serial entrepreneur John Kinzell decided he had had enough of California , despite living there for almost 25 years .

  11. LaBoulangeBakery在旧金山湾区拥有19个零售网点,向该地区数家高档餐馆、酒店和特色杂货店出售产品。

    La boulange bakery operates 19 retail locations in the San Francisco Bay area and sells its products to several upscale restaurants , hotels , and specialty grocery stores in the region .

  12. Instacart目前只在旧金山湾区提供服务,梅塔希望到明年底扩大到美国10个主要的大都市。

    Available in the bay area now , Mehta wants to be in 10 major metropolitan areas by the end of next year .

  13. 王雪红在加州门罗帕克的瑰丽酒店(RosewoodHotel)接受采访时说:我必须得回信,否则他会很生气。(她要经常往返于旧金山湾区和台北,这里靠近HTC的总部。)

    I had to write back or he would be upset , says Wang during an interview at the Rosewood Hotel in Menlo Park , Calif. ( She splits her time between the Bay Area and Taipei , close to where HTC is based . )

  14. Instacart则利用整个旧金山湾区(Instacart目前在仅这个地区运营)已有的基础设施,其中包括诸多知名超市,以及约200名已签合同的个人购物配送员。

    Instacart uses an already existing infrastructure , one that includes well-known supermarkets and the hustle of some 200 contracted personal shoppers across the San Francisco Bay area , where instacart is available .

  15. 纽约,洛杉矶,旧金山湾区,中国北京。

    New york , Los Angeles , Bay Area , Beijing .

  16. 法官发布禁令,禁止旧金山湾区捷运发起罢工。

    The judge issued an injunction preventing a possible BART strike .

  17. 金海军少校出生在旧金山湾区。

    Lieutenant Commander Kim grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area .

  18. 今年夏天,旧金山湾区捷运的工人们已经进行了一次罢工。

    Workers have already walked off the job with BART once this summer .

  19. 他在旧金山湾区的许多回头客都在科技领域工作。

    Many of his repeat customers in the San Francisco Bay Area work in technology .

  20. 中国的资金现在参与了旧金山湾区两个最大的重建项目。

    Chinese money is now behind the two largest redevelopment projects in the Bay Area .

  21. 从美国的旧金山湾区自驾驱车到优胜美地国家公园令人心旷神怡。

    Driving from San Francisco Bay Area to Yosemite National Park of the USA is enjoyable .

  22. 布斯克利用旧金山湾区的编程员和工程师社交网络来招聘工程师和设计师。

    Busque has used Bay Area programmer and engineer social networks to recruit engineers and designers .

  23. 2012年,有16.5万人参加了旧金山湾区和纽约的两场创造者大会。

    165,000 people attended the two flagship Maker Faires in the Bay Area and New York in 2012 .

  24. 谷歌在旧金山湾区驳船上搭建的神秘4层建筑群即将落成。

    Mystery of giant four-story barge , Google has been building in San Francisco bay , continues to unfold .

  25. 欧洲人有充分的理由寻求旧金山湾区科技界的投资。

    There 's a good reason for the Europeans to look for money in the Bay Area tech scene .

  26. 阮是在越南很常见的一个姓氏,在加州旧金山湾区也很普遍。

    Nguyen is the most common surname in Vietnam and is also popular in the Bay Area of California .

  27. 一场辩论涉及到八月在旧金山湾区捷运系统第十一届行动。

    One debate involves an action in San Francisco on August eleventh by the Bay Area Rapid Transit system .

  28. 旧金山湾区捷运系统工人大罢工进入第四天,今早乘列车去旧金山的乘客遭遇交通堵塞。

    Gridlock greeted commuters attempting travel in San Francisco this morning as a major transit strike enteres its fourth day .

  29. 既然旧金山湾区已经为他的咖啡癫狂,弗里曼开始寻找下一个值得进军的市场。

    With the Bay Area officially gaga over his coffee , Freeman went looking for the next territory to invade .

  30. 他现在和妻子,画家朱迪斯-贝尔泽,儿子艾萨克一起生活在加州旧金山湾区。

    He lives in the Bay Area with his wife , the painter Judith Belzer , and their son , Isaac .