
  • 网络sherpa;sherpa people
  1. 如果没有当地夏尔巴人作为向导,很多人将无法成功登顶珠穆朗玛峰。

    Most climbers who 've made it to the summit of Mt. Everest wouldn 't have done so without a local Sherpa guide .

  2. 在一个为期两个月的登山季节里,一个优秀的夏尔巴人可以挣到2000美圆(16500人民币),这大约是尼泊尔人均年收入的八倍。

    In a two-month climbing season , a skilled Sherpa can earn $ 2,000 , about eight times the average per capita income in Nepal .

  3. 两个夏尔巴人——阿帕·夏尔巴(ApaSherpa)和普巴·塔西(PhurbaTashi)——共同保持着登顶珠峰次数最多的纪录。

    Two Sherpas , Apa Sherpa and Phurba Tashi , hold the joint record for most Everest ascents .

  4. 在登山过程中,从4号营地沿最后攀登线路走大概2个半小时,Inglis的小组经过了Sharp,Sharp是前一天,也就是5.14日开始在没有夏尔巴人的帮助下攀登的。

    On the way up the mountain , about two and a half hours into the final climb from camp four , the Inglis party passed Sharp , who had climbed without Sherpas the previous day , on May14 .

  5. 尽管双方最后还是结束了这次纷争,但美国登山者梅利莎·阿诺特(MelissaArnot)还是警告这三个人趁着夏尔巴人未开始新一轮的暴乱,将他们用石头投掷致死之前,逃回他们的宿营基地。

    The fight might have ended considerably worse , but American climber Melissa Arnot warned the trio to flee to the basecamp before the rest formed a mob and stoned them to death .

  6. 2013年,三个登山爱好者乌里·斯特克(UeliSteck)、西蒙尼·摩尔(SimoneMoro)和乔纳森·格里菲斯(JonathanGriffith)罔顾夏尔巴人暂作歇息的命令而继续攀爬的行为,触怒了当地夏尔巴人,从而引发了一场激烈纷争。

    In 2013 , climbers Ueli Steck , Simone Moro , and Jonathan Griffith found themselves in a violent brawl with Sherpas after allegedly ignoring orders to halt their climb .

  7. 就连和我同行的当地的夏尔巴人也注意到了,他们朝我喊道:“soisluzMateo,soisluz!!!”

    Even the local Sherpas I was traveling with even noticed , calling out to me , " sois luz Mateo , sois luz ! ! ! "

  8. 作为对潜在危险的提示,喜码拉雅时报今天将一位夏尔巴人用雪橇拖着另一位死于失足的夏尔巴人Kami的照片放在了头版。

    As a reminder of the potential dangers , The Himalayan Times today carried a front-page photograph of Sherpas dragging a sled with the body of Kami , a Sherpa who had died in a fall .

  9. 另外那两个定是独立电视夏尔巴人。

    Those two going the other way are probably ITV sherpas .

  10. 但这几个登山者却否认夏尔巴人的控诉,由此冲突愈演愈烈。

    The climbers denied the accusations , and the confrontation turned violent .

  11. 这次探险队没有从尼泊尔雇佣夏尔巴人做挑夫,而是雇佣了罕萨人。

    This time the party took porters from Hunza instead of Sherpas from Nepal .

  12. 被称为英国广播公司夏尔巴人。

    His mates call him Sherpa bbc .

  13. 造成13人死亡,大部分是为春天攀岩季开辟道路的夏尔巴人。

    It killed 13 people , mostly Sherpas preparing the way for the spring climbing season .

  14. 登顶珠峰次数最多和最快登顶的记录今天分别由两位尼泊尔的夏尔巴人创造。

    The records for the most and the fastest ascents fell today to two Nepalese Sherpas .

  15. 又如夏尔巴人总是用色彩静静的孔雀羽毛装饰自己的头发。

    Another example is with the Sherpa people always quiet color peacock feathers to decorate their hair .

  16. 有时候我们甚至有了这样一种印象,即它们只是寻找作为夏尔巴人(搬运工)的发展中国家合作伙伴。

    Sometimes we even get the impression that they are only looking for a partner in the South to use as Sherpas .

  17. 夏尔巴人指责这三个登山者妨碍了他们安装绳索,并且他们不顾命令继续攀爬的行为致使山上冰块坍塌,将正在山上安装绳子的其他几个夏尔巴人砸下了山。

    The Sherpas accused the climbers of getting in their way and causing an avalanche that hit other Sherpas laying ropes downhill .

  18. 夏尔巴人最初被雇作搬运工,搬运当时军事化探险中大量的装备和供给。

    Sherpas were first employed as porters , tasked with carrying large amounts of equipment to supply the military-style expeditions of the day .

  19. 他也对夏尔巴人幸福康乐的生活表示忧虑,因为他自己的家就毁于一次冰川融化造成的洪水泛滥之中。

    He also worries for the well-being of Sherpas , after losing his own home in a flood caused by the melted glaciers .

  20. 在欧洲登山者开始攀登这世界上最伟大的山脉之前,夏尔巴人并未上过那些高峰。

    Sherpas did not venture into the high peaks until European mountaineers began arriving to climb in the world 's greatest mountain range .

  21. 去年,珠峰发生的一次雪崩导致至少13名夏尔巴人向导死亡,另有3人失踪,很可能也已丧生。

    Last year , an avalanche killed at least 13 Sherpa guides on Mount Everest , and left three others missing , likely dead .

  22. 4月18日,珠穆朗玛峰上的一场雪崩造成16名夏尔巴人遇难。

    Bei einem Lawinenungl ü ck am 18 . April kommen am Mount Everest 16 Sherpas - nepalesische Bergf ü hrer - ums Leben .

  23. 夏尔巴人向这三个登山者投掷石子,拳脚相向,摩尔还透露说,一个愤怒的夏尔巴人甚至威胁要杀掉他。

    The Sherpas kicked , punched , and beat the men with rocks , and Moro says one angry Sherpa even threatened to kill him .

  24. 他对职业道德的领悟以及他作为夏尔巴人所特有的专注和决心,一直激励着不同的公司和组织。

    He motivates corporations and organizations with his knowledge of the work ethic , focus and determination of his people , the Sherpas of Mount Everest .

  25. 不过,连续两个登山季发生的悲剧似乎不大可能使夏尔巴人打消通过担任探险向导和挑山工来赚钱的念头。

    Yet even the two successive seasons of tragedy appeared unlikely to deter Sherpa men from taking jobs as paid guides and load-bearers on mountain expeditions .

  26. 所有的探险队都要在登山之前举行一个礼拜仪式,夏尔巴人和其他探险队成员要向山上诸神供奉祭品、表达虔诚。

    All modern expeditions begin with a Puja ceremony in which Sherpas and other team members leave offerings and pay homage to the gods of the mountain .

  27. 自1953年以来已经有超过3000人在当地夏尔巴人的帮助下登上了这座8850米高的山峰,超过400人死在了途中。

    Seit 1953 haben mehr als 3000 Menschen mit Hilfe der ö rtlichen Sherpas den 8850 Meter hohen Berg erklommen . Mehr als 400 Menschen starben dabei .

  28. 向导或夏尔巴人往往是受害者,开辟道路,运送物资及真正的冒险在尼泊尔可是份利润丰厚的职业。

    The guides or Sherpas are often the victims , paving the way , carrying supplies and taking real risks for what are lucrative wages in Nepal .

  29. 他参加的珠峰登山队由11名队员组成,其中包括6名尼泊尔夏尔巴人和5名日本人。

    Arayama , a corporate management consultant from Kamakura , south of Tokyo , was part of an11-person team that included six Nepalese Sherpas and five Japanese climbers .

  30. 夏尔巴人是尼泊尔籍登山向导的称呼,每一名珠峰游客要缴纳大约8000欧元的费用,而夏尔巴人只能得到其中微不足道的一部分,而且他们大多数人没有保险。

    Von den rund 8000 Euro Geb ü hren , die jeder Everest-Tourist zahlen muss , bekommen die Sherpas nur einen Bruchteil . Versichert sind die meisten nicht .