
kè shí mǐ ěr
  • Kashmir
克什米尔 [kè shí mǐ ěr]
  • [Kashmir] 全称查谟和克什米尔。位于南亚次大陆北部山区。面积约19万平方公里。人口约500多万,其中77%信伊斯兰教,20%信印度教,还有少数锡克教徒和佛教徒

克什米尔[kè shí mǐ ěr]
  1. 据信华盛顿和莫斯科在克什米尔问题上的看法相似。

    Washington and Moscow are believed to have similar views on Kashmir

  2. 他们一直想使克什米尔问题国际化。

    They have been trying to internationalise the Kashmir problem .

  3. 一些历史学家认为,克什米尔人民是从他们的国家以色列被带走的。

    Some historians believe that the people of Kashmir were taken away from their country Israel .

  4. MubeenShah是克什米尔商工部的主席,

    Mubeen Shah is the Chairman of the Kashmir Chamber of Commerce and Industry .

  5. 德里市克什米尔门外陆军准将约翰尼科尔森(BrigadierGeneralJohnNicholson)的塑像究竟何时消失,被谁拿走,没人知道。

    Exactly when the statue of Brigadier General John Nicholson disappeared from outside Delhi 's Kashmiri gate , and who took it , is unclear .

  6. 印度政府向美国新总统巴拉克·奥巴马(BarackObama)发出警告,称如果他试图在巴基斯坦与印度之间斡旋,推动双方就存在争议的克什米尔地区达成协议,那他就是选错了目标。

    New Delhi has warned Barack Obama that he is barking up the wrong tree if he tries to broker a deal between Pakistan and India over the disputed territory of Kashmir .

  7. 新德里则称,中国在克什米尔(kashmir)占据着3.8万平方公里由巴基斯坦非法让与中国的印度领土。

    New Delhi in turn says China is occupying 38000 sq km of Indian territory in Kashmir illegally ceded to it by Pakistan .

  8. BushraShams博士是巴控克什米尔地区世界卫生组织的结核规划官员。

    Dr Bushra Shams is the WHO TB Programme officer for Pakistan-administered Kashmir .

  9. 梁光烈在周二发表在《印度教徒报》(theHindu)的一份书面采访中说,中国军队从没有在巴基斯坦控制的克什米尔地区部署过一名士兵。

    In a written interview published Tuesday in the Hindu , Gen. Liang said the Chinese army ' has never deployed a single soldier in the Pakistan-controlled Kashmir . '

  10. 巴基斯坦管理的克什米尔地区有一些世界上最高的山脉,包括第二高山――K2,还有一些受到保护的湿润的温热带森林。

    Pakistani administered areas of Kashmir contain some of the highest mountains in the world , including the second tallest ― K2 ― and has some areas of preserved moist temperate forest .

  11. 例如,尽管喀拉拉的JosephAppachan和克什米尔的MushtaqAhmadDar开发了几种爬树脚扣,但印度食用的几乎所有椰子都是手工采摘的。

    For example , despite innovators such as Joseph Appachan in Kerala or Mushtaq Ahmad Dar in Kashmir developing several tree climbers , almost every coconut eaten in India has been manually harvested .

  12. 克什米尔查谟市的首席部长OmarAbdullah,注视着右上方印度当局者联合进步联盟主席索尼娅.甘地和其他人挥手走下印度直航公司的一架飞机,这是到斯利那加的首次国际航班。

    Chief Minister of Jammu Kashmir state Omar Abdullah , top right , looks on as India 's ruling United Progressive Alliance Chairperson Sonia Gandhi and others wave from an Air India Express aircraft , the first international flight into Srinagar

  13. 印度一直对中国自1962年以来控制着同印度查谟-克什米尔邦(JammuandKashmir)接壤的数万平方公里土地的做法提出质疑。中印两国曾在1962年爆发边境战争,最后中国获胜。

    India has challenged China 's control of tens of thousands of square kilometers of land bordering its state of Jammu and Kashmir since 1962 , when the two countries fought a border war , which Beijing won .

  14. 同时还有对克什米尔武装分裂组织Laskhar-e-Toiba的担心,该武装组织曾计划炸毁泰姬陵。

    There were also fears that a militant Kashmiri separatist group , Laskhar-e-Toiba , was planning to try and blow up the shrine .

  15. LeT与ISI的关系十分密切,它成立的初衷是为了解放克什米尔。他们认为,克什米尔的居民多数为穆斯林,因此,它应该属于巴基斯坦而非印度国土的一部分。

    LeT had close links to the ISI and was set up to liberate Kashmir , which we believe should be part of Pakistan not India as its population is mostly Muslim . The leader of LeT is a fiery professor from Lahore called Hafiz Saeed , who is often on television calling on people to attack India .

  16. 如果瓦杰帕伊(vajpayee)认真对待关于印度接受其作为一个中国旁边大国的地位,他应该在克什米尔开始一些大胆的动作。

    If Mr Vajpayee is serious about India taking its place , alongside China , as a great nation , he could start with a few bold gestures over Kashmir .

  17. 像我一样年轻的克什米尔人根本不相信巴基斯坦。

    Younger Kashmiri people like me do not believe in Pak .

  18. 鲍尔满意南亚之行并期待就克什米尔进行对话

    Powell Satisfied with South Asian Tour and Expects Talks on Kashmir

  19. 越境侵入印控克什米尔地区的次数处于前所未有的低点。

    Cross-border incursions into Indian-held Kashmir are at an all-time low .

  20. 在印控克什米尔地区,官员说死亡人数在1千4百人。

    In Indian Kashmir , officials say 14-hundred people were killed .

  21. 我知道,这季的克什米尔真是太漂亮了。

    I know , cashmeres this season were just so cute .

  22. 紫:克什米尔农民在郊区采摘藏红花。

    Purple : farmers in Kashmir are picking saffron in suburb .

  23. 中国的南亚外交与克什米尔问题

    China 's Diplomatic Policy towards South Asia and Kashmir Issue

  24. 印度称将力保印控克什米尔选举顺利进行。

    India will ensure a smooth election in Indian-controlled kashmir .

  25. 他本人仍是和平解决克什米尔争端的最大希望所在。

    He remains the best hope for a peaceful resolution .

  26. 蒙特哥摩利正悄悄忙于勘察克什米尔境内的山峰。

    G.Montgomerie , was quietly busy in surveying the mountains of Kashmir .

  27. 美国南亚战略建构下的克什米尔政策

    U. S. Kashmir Policy within the Framework of its South Asia Strategy

  28. 是百分百意大利克什米尔羊毛的,像羽毛一样轻盈。

    It 's 100 percent Italian cashmere and light as a feather .

  29. 中国是克什米尔的保护者和帕米尔的领导者。

    China was the protector of Kashmir and master of the Pamirs .

  30. 开司米山羊绒起源于喜马拉雅山的克什米尔山羊。

    Cashmere originates from Kashmiri goats found in the Himalayas .