
  • 网络S.M. Krishna
  1. 室利罗摩克里希纳与女性奉献者建立了一种非常甜蜜的关系。

    With his woman devotees Sri Ramakrishna established a very sweet relationship .

  2. 过了一会儿,室利罗摩克里希纳表现出恢复正常状态的迹象。

    After a time Sri Ramakrishna showed signs of regaining the normal state .

  3. 临近黄昏的时候,他们来到了花园的正门,直接进入室利罗摩克里希纳的房间。

    They arrived at the main gate at dusk and went straight to Sri Ramakrishna 's room .

  4. 他把自己和财力资源花在处置室利罗摩克里希纳的问题上,开始照顾他的身体健康。

    He placed himself and his resources at the disposal of Sri Ramakrishna and began to look after his physical comfort .

  5. 印度外长克里希纳在缅甸访问,他将会见缅甸主要领导人,预计双方将集中讨论安全和贸易问题。

    India 's foreign minister is in Burma for meetings with top leaders that are expected to focus on security and trade .

  6. 克里希纳还强调需要消除他所说的两国之间的“信任赤字”。

    The foreign minister also emphasized the need to bridge what he called a " trust deficit " between the two countries .

  7. 环境是非常具有破坏性的-我们有兔克里希纳高呼的口号在后台鼓声和电话不断切割出来。

    The environment was very disruptive & we had Hare Krishnas chanting and banging drums in the background and the phones kept cutting out .

  8. 多达布里立刻发现室利罗摩克里希纳正在准备成为吠檀多的学生,开始启迪他进入吠檀多的奥秘。

    Totapuri , discovering at once that Sri Ramakrishna was prepared to be a student of Vedanta , asked to initiate him into its mysteries .

  9. 室利罗摩克里希纳在燃烧的火焰面前举行了一个摧毁对亲戚、朋友、身体、头脑、感觉器官、自我和世界依附的仪式。

    In the burning flame before him Sri Ramakrishna performed the rituals of destroying his attachment to relatives , friends , body , mind , sense-organs , ego , and the world .