
  • 网络Yucatan Peninsula;Yucatán Peninsula
  1. 我们先来看一下Karl,因为Karl几个小时前在尤卡坦半岛以热带风暴的形式登陆。

    We start with Karl and then , because Karl made a land fall a couple of hours ago on the Yucatan Peninsula as a very strong tropical storm .

  2. 坎昆在墨西哥的尤卡坦半岛。

    Cancun is in Mexico , on the Yucatan Peninsula .

  3. 卡罗莱纳州开局有柳条箱奖励,有一种AOK的尤卡坦半岛富饶经济的感觉。

    Carolina starts with bonus crates , for that AOK Yucatan uber-econ feel .

  4. 在尤卡坦半岛,他们建立起早期的可可种植园。

    In Yucatan they established the earliest known cocoa plantations .

  5. 生活在墨西哥尤卡坦半岛的马利雅族人。

    A member of the Mayan people of the Yucatan peninsula in Mexico .

  6. 但在尤卡坦半岛,墨西哥,没有一个答案:我不知道。

    But in Yucatan , Mexico , no one answers I don 't know .

  7. 还有一种可能就是飓风伊西多尔会侵袭尤卡坦半岛。

    And there is yet another possibility that Isidore could head toward the Yucatan Peninsula .

  8. 预测路线图表明飓风会在周一晚些时候登陆墨西哥的尤卡坦半岛。

    A projected track shows the hurricane should slam into Mexico 's Yucatan Peninsular late Monday .

  9. 这样的邂逅经常发生在热带水域,尤其是墨西哥的尤卡坦半岛海岸。

    Those encounters more frequently occur in tropical waters , particularly off the Yucatan peninsula in Mexico .

  10. 与此同时,名为“格蕾丝”的风暴现已成为飓风,正向墨西哥尤卡坦半岛进发。

    Meanwhile , the storm named Grace is now a hurricane , heading for Mexico 's Yucatan Peninsula .

  11. 伯利兹,与墨西哥同在尤卡坦半岛上,发布了其海岸的热带风暴监测。

    Belize , which shares the Yucatan peninsula with Mexico , issued a tropical-storm watch for its coast .

  12. 帕伦克是位于墨西哥尤卡坦半岛,是玛雅文明的考古的最早发现地。

    Palenque is located in the Yucatan Peninsula , Mexico , the Mayan civilization was first discovered in the archaeological .

  13. 一片神秘的庙宇和玛雅金字塔群坐落在墨西哥和危地马拉丛林深处,并一直延伸到尤卡坦半岛。

    Deep within the jungles of Mexico and Guatemala and extending into the Yucatan peninsula lie the mysterious temples and Mayan pyramids .

  14. 获胜者被宣布为安贝尔索利斯索萨从尤卡坦半岛,谁将会继续在世界小姐代表墨西哥。

    The winner was announced as Anabel Solis Sosa from Yucatan , who will go on to represent Mexico at Miss World .

  15. 玛雅人相信,诸如墨西哥尤卡坦半岛上的斯科肯石灰岩坑之类的天然深井是通向地狱的。

    The Maya believed natural wells , such as the Xkeken cenote in Mexico 's Yucat á n , led to the underworld .

  16. 墨西哥尤卡坦半岛上的自由天堂度假村就有加宽的无扶手座椅,以防胖游客被卡在其中;

    At Freedom Paradise on Mexico 's Yucatan peninsula ( 7 ), the chairs are wider and without arms , to prevent getting stuck ;

  17. 你好,是的,我对墨西哥,尤其是尤卡坦半岛和危地马拉有兴趣。你们有去那里的旅游线路吗?

    C : Hello , yes . I 'm interested in information on Mexico , especially Yucatan , and Guatemala . Do you do trips there ?

  18. 持卡人尤指持有信用卡的人还有一种可能就是飓风伊西多尔会侵袭尤卡坦半岛。

    One that holds a card , especially a credit card . And there is yet another possibility that Isidore could head toward the Yucatan Peninsula .

  19. 很多科学家都相信6000万年前,一颗6英里宽的小行星撞击了墨西哥尤卡坦半岛,终结了恐龙时代。

    Many scientists believe that more than 60 million years ago an asteroid six miles wide struck in Mexicos Yucatan and triggered the end of the dinosaurs .

  20. 曾经以建筑、陶器和天文学为民族特色,生活尤卡坦半岛、伯利兹城和危地马拉的印地安族人。

    A member of an American Indian people of Yucatan and Belize and Guatemala who once had a culture characterized by outstanding architecture and pottery and astronomy .

  21. 热带风暴格蕾丝在穿越海地后再次增强,天气预报员称,它将在向墨西哥尤卡坦半岛移动时发展成为飓风。

    Tropical Storm Grace is powering up again after crossing Haiti , and forecasters say it will grow into a hurricane as it heads for Mexico 's Yucatan Peninsula .

  22. 在第十世纪内,玛雅人完全地定居在尤卡坦半岛,而石碑被放置在太阳上帝大神庙之一的祭坛下面。

    In the tenth century , the Mayas had thoroughly settled the Yucatan , and the tablets were placed beneath the altar of one of the great temples of the Sun God .

  23. 维修团队正在检查邮轮的发动机和电力系统,这些系统在邮轮驶离墨西哥尤卡坦半岛时发生故障,目前清洁团队正在清理邮轮走廊上的污水。

    Repair team inspecting the engines and electric systems which failed while the Triumph was off Mexico Yucatan peninsula , cleaning crews are also removing the raw sewages in the hall ways .

  24. 奇琴伊察位于尤卡坦半岛的中心,周围遍布着大片的雨林。在公元6世纪左右,玛雅人就开始在此居住。

    Found in the heart of the Mucatan Peninsula , and surrounded on all sides by vast rainforest , Chichen Itza was first populated around the sixth century AD by the Mayans .

  25. 你们可以在古巴西南端,尤卡坦半岛与古巴中间的那片海中找到观察点。我们鼓励那些爱好者开始他们的探险。

    The fabled lands of Atlantis do exist , and a good spot to begin this discovery is off the southwestern tip of Cuba and in the sea between the Yucatan and Cuba .

  26. 伊西多尔可能会在周五抵达古巴西端,然后向墨西哥湾挺进。还有一种可能就是飓风伊西多尔会侵袭尤卡坦半岛。

    Isidore will likely pass over the western tip of Cuba Friday and then head into the Gulf of Mexico . And there is yet another possibility that Isidore could head toward the Yucatan Peninsula .

  27. 结束了对高地玛雅文明的参观后,我们转而去拜访他们在低地的旁支。低地玛雅人生活在一片浩瀚的热带雨林中,由墨西哥的尤卡坦半岛一直延伸至危地马拉的最北方。

    We left the highland Maya for their cousins in the lowlands , a vast area of thick tropical forests stretching down from Mexico ` s Yucatan peninsula into the most northerly area of Guatemala .

  28. 好的。这是墨西哥的旅游宣传册,尤卡坦半岛在背面,这是危地马拉的旅游宣传册。情况介绍手册(不包括主要用作广告宣传者)

    M : Right . This is the brochure for Mexico , Yucatan is at the back , and this is the brochure for Guatemala . brochure printed ( excl. those devoted primarily to advertising )

  29. “嘉年华胜利号”游轮上星期四离开德克萨斯州的加尔维斯敦,开始为期四天的航程。但是星期天,游轮机房起火,主要动力来源被切断,使得这艘游轮在距离墨西哥尤卡坦半岛240公里的海面上漂流。

    The Carnival Cruise Lines ' Carnival Triumph ship left Galveston , Texas last Thursday for a four-day cruise , but an engine room fire Sunday knocked out the ship 's primary power source and left it adrift 240 kilometers off Mexico 's Yucatan Peninsula .

  30. 30年来,位于旧金山的“嬉皮士公交”—绿龟每年运送15000多名乘客到约塞米蒂,阿拉斯加,尤卡坦半岛,半岛,纽约,西方的国家公园、西雅图和新奥尔良,并且价格十分低廉。

    For 30 years , the San Francisco-based " hippy bus " line the Green Tortoise has ferried for more than 15000 riders a year to Yosemite , Alaska , the Yucat á n , Baja , New York , the national parks of the West , Seattle and New Orleans on the cheap .