
yǒu dú qì tǐ
  • toxic gas
  1. 爆炸冲击波使含有有毒气体的蘑菇云腾空而起。

    The blast sent a huge mushroom cloud of toxic gas into the air .

  2. 可导致严重灼伤。与酸接触会释放有毒气体。

    May cause severe burns . Contact with acids liberates toxic gas .

  3. 从化工厂熊熊烈火中泄漏出团团有毒气体。

    Clouds of toxic fumes escaped in a huge chemical factory blaze .

  4. 他们一直在抗议一家氯工厂排放有毒气体。

    They have been protesting about fumes from a chlorine factory .

  5. 吸入有毒气体是危险的。

    It is dangerous to inhale poisonous gas .

  6. 但危险的是,他们低估了如被飞石砸伤、吸入有毒气体或被熔岩流阻断去路的风险。

    But they dangerously underestimate the risks such as being injured by flying rocks , the threat of toxic4 gas or getting cut off by lava5 flows .

  7. 在铝电解行业,广泛使用布袋除尘器净化铝电解烟气中的氧化铝粉尘和HF有毒气体。

    In aluminum electrolysis industry , bag filters are widely used to remove alumina dust and toxic HF gas in alumina electrolysis fume .

  8. 对可能产生有毒气体的GIS室设正常通风和事故通风系统,房间上、下部均设排风口。

    The mechanical ventilation and the emergency ventilation are used for the GIS room which can produce harmful gases , and installs outlets at the upper and under parts of the room .

  9. 与这些有毒气体相比,设想同样作为有毒气体的SO2可能也是一种生物气体信号分子,在人和哺乳动物的心血管系统具有多种生理和毒理学作用。

    By analogy to these gases , SO2 is hypothesized to have physiological and toxicological role in cardiovascular system in human and mammal .

  10. 乙醇调和汽油可有效降低汽车尾气排放,其碳氢化合物、CO、氮氧化合物等有毒气体排放都有所降低。

    Gasoline blending with ethanol can not only decrease the discharge volume oi automobiles , but also decline the poisonous gases , for instance , hydrocarbon compound , monoxide and nitrogen oxide .

  11. 基于MCMC方法的城区有毒气体扩散源反演

    Source inversion of toxic gas dispersion in urban areas based on the MCMC method

  12. 肯尼亚的社区炉灶(CommunityCooker)是一种以极高的温度(超过800摄氏度)燃烧废物的炉子。高温燃烧能最大限度地减少有毒气体的排放和灰尘的产生。

    The Community Cooker from Kenya is a stove that burns waste at very high temperatures , above 800 degrees Celsius , to minimise noxious waste gases and ash .

  13. 通过对阻燃PVC材料燃烧后有毒气体CO的监测,使之与烟密度的测定结果相比较,从而在实验中快速、合理调整阻燃剂配方,并达到聚合物与阻燃剂的最佳配伍。

    By means of monitoring the poisonous gases CO content after burning PVC and comparing the effect of the smoke density . We can quickly adjust the formulation of fire-retardant and polymer .

  14. 硫氧化物(SOX)是辛辣的腐蚀性的有毒气体,产生于含硫燃料的燃烧。

    Sulfur oxides ( SOX . ) are acrid , corrosive , poisonous gases produced when fuel containing sulfur is burned .

  15. CS2是一种有毒气体,具有极难闻气味,对人体的伤害非常大。

    CS_2 , a kind of poisonous gas , with bad smell , is very harmful to people .

  16. 传统型卤化物/Sb2O3阻燃剂燃烧时发烟量大,产生大量腐蚀性和有毒气体,使其应用受到限制;

    Because of the heavy smoke haze and the corrosive and toxic gases emitted from halide / Sb2O3 during its burning process , the application of this conventional flame-retardant was strictly restricted .

  17. 研究结果表明,SnO2薄膜对一些有毒气体或可燃性气体有强的气敏效应和良好的选择性。

    The results indicate that the SnO_2 films have a strong gas-sensitive effect and a good selectivity for some poisonous or combustible gases .

  18. 涂膜石英晶体微天平(QuartzCrystalMicrobalance,QCM)传感器由于灵敏度高和选择性好已成为工业有毒气体和环境大气污染物等在线监测应用方面的一个重要研究方向。

    With high sensitivity and selectivity , coated quartz crystal microbalance ( QCM ) sensors have become an important research direction for online monitoring the industrial toxic gases and environmental air pollutants .

  19. 该胶不含PVC,点焊时不会放出含氯的有毒气体,具有较好的油面粘附性、触变性、弹性和粘接强度,耐介质性良好。

    It does not contain PVC , so during spot welding the toxical gas containing chlorine is not released . This sealant has better oil surface adhesion , thixotropy , elasticity , bonding strength and resistance to medium .

  20. 阐述了花卉在削弱室内空气污染,提高空气质量方面的作用:吸收有毒气体;二氧化硫(SO2)、氟化氢(HF)、氯气(Cl2)等;

    The article introduces the functions of flowering plants in weakening purification of air and improving the quality of air : absorb noxious gas such as SO2 , HF and CL2 ;

  21. 背景:一氧化碳(CarbonMonoxide,CO)是一种无色、无味、无臭、无刺激性的有毒气体,是生活和生产中造成中毒性死亡最常见的窒息性气体。

    Background : The carbon monoxide ( carbon monoxide , CO ) is one kind of a colorless , tasteless , not smelly , the nonirritating toxic gas , which is the most common asphyxiating gas causes toxic death in the life and the production .

  22. 用机械共混法制备了含不同聚吡咯的聚吡咯/二氧化锡杂化材料,研究其低温下对有毒气体NH3、H2S、NO的敏感性。

    PPy / SnO2 hybrid materials with different PPy content were prepared by mechanical mixing , and the sensitivities of the hybrids to toxic gases NH3 , H2S , NO at low temperature were studied .

  23. 研究了除草剂2,4-D的无氯合成,该方法避免使用有毒气体&氯气参加反应,得到了一种合成2,4-D的最佳反应物配比。

    In this paper is studied the synthesis without chlorine of herbicides-2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic . This method avoides the use of toxic gas-chlorine in the reaction , we obtained an optimum proportion for 2,4-D synthesis through this research .

  24. 介绍了一种基于LONWORKS总线的有毒气体智能仪表的工作原理、硬件电路设计和软件设计。

    To introduce a kind of toxic gas detection intelligent instrument based on LONWORKS , including its functional principle , hardware circuit and software design .

  25. 一种有毒气体或液体(CHBr),用于熏蒸杀灭啮齿动物和虫等。

    A poisonous gas or liquid ( CH3Br ) used to fumigate rodents , worms , etc. .

  26. 当初Steelcase公司寻找一种能够替代PVC(一种可引发致癌隐患、排出有毒气体的材料)的材料时,这家家具制造商选择了一种名为TPU、更加安全、进而可升级回收的塑料。

    When the furniture maker Steelcase ( SCS ) was looking to replace PVCs , which is a carcinogenic precursor and will off-gas toxins , it turned to a plastic called TPU which was safer and therefore could be upcycled .

  27. 以改性的RTV、LTV、HTV硅橡胶为基础胶,加入适量的阻燃剂和其他助剂,制备成符合UL94标准和燃烧时不产生浓烟及有毒气体的阻燃型硅橡胶。

    The flame retarding silicone elastomers which meet the requirements of UL-94 and emit no fumes or toxic vapors when burning can be made from the modified RTV , LTV , or HTV silicone rubbers by adding some flame retarding agents and other chemical additives .

  28. 有毒气体扩散模型在事故救援中的应用

    Application of poisonous gas diffusion models to rescue of chemical accidents

  29. 井下爆破后有毒气体测定及动物现场试验

    Poisonous fumes determination and animal on-site test after explosion in mine

  30. 有毒气体制备及性质联合实验的微型化设计

    Micro-design of Joint Experimental in Preparation and Property of Toxic Gases