
yǒu xiào zhì liànɡ
  • Effective mass;active mass
  1. 核物质中K介子有效质量

    Kaon Effective Mass in Nuclear Matter

  2. 模型及其参数对确定K介子有效质量的影响

    Parameter Effect On Kaon Effective Mass

  3. 应变Si/(001)Si(1-x)Gex空穴有效质量各向异性

    Anisotropy of hole effective mass of strained Si / ( 001 ) Si_ ( 1-x ) Ge_x

  4. 用MonteCarlo模拟方法研究ICP-AES中的物理化学过程Ⅱ.蒸发过程的模拟和有效质量传输速率的计算

    Monte Carlo technique for studying chemical and physical processes in ICP-AES ⅱ . simulation of evaporation process

  5. 利用这些结果,分析了模型和参数组对核物质中K介子有效质量影响的大小,得到了不同参数组下K介子有效质量随核物质密度的变化关系曲线。

    The effective masses of kaon and antikaon in asymmetric nuclear matter are also studied by using different models with different parameter sets .

  6. 本文用有效质量理论对Ga(1-x)AlxN/GaN量子点的红外吸收谱进行研究。

    Studied infrared absorption spectra of Ga ( 1-x ) AI / GaN with effective mass theory . The solution of .

  7. 采用非抛物平衡方程理论研究了直流偏置下p型量子阱负有效质量p+pp+二极管电流的时空特性。

    By using the nonparabolic balance equation theory we have theoretically studied the current spatio temporal characteristics of p type quantum well negative effective mass ( NEM ) p + pp + diode under dc bias .

  8. 用有效质量包络函数理论研究了CdSe量子棒的线偏振光学性质,考虑了形状和磁场的影响。

    The linear-polarization optical property of CdSe quantum rods is studied in the framework of effective-mass envelope function theory .

  9. 同位旋非对称核物质性质与扩展的BHF方法(Ⅳ)单粒子势与有效质量

    Properties of Isospin Asymmetric Nuclear Matter and Extended BHF Approach (ⅳ) Single-Particle Potential and Effective Mass

  10. 在有效质量的约化下,我们给出了电场以及量子尺寸对Stark能移影响的数值结果,可以看出量子尺寸对Stark能移有显著的影响。

    Within the effective-mass approximation , the numerical results from the effects of the electric fields and quantum sizes on Stark shift are given .

  11. 对实验吸收边蓝移量与有效质量模型的蓝移量的悬殊差别、俘获态PL谱的形成以及PL谱线的特征作了解释。

    The great discrepancy between the absorption blue shifts from experiment and effective mass model as well as the formation and characteristics of photoluminescence spectra are explained .

  12. 根据Drude理论求出了自由载流子有效质量,并与通过等离子体波长λp所确定的有效质量进行了比较。

    The effective mass of the free carrier can be calculated on the basis of classical Drude theory , and compared to that determined from the plasma wavelength λ p.

  13. 本文主要采用(QHD-Ⅰ)模型和ZM模型,讨论了在热密核物质中核子有效质量的变化规律。

    Here by applying QHD-I model and ZM model , we have mainly discussed the effective nucleon mass in hot and dense nuclear matter .

  14. 在第四节中研究抛物量子点中与LO声子强耦合极化子的振动频率、相互作用能和有效质量的性质。

    In section 4 , the properties of the vibration frequency , the interaction energy and the effective mass of the polaron in a parabolic quantum dot , which is a strong-coupling with LO phonon , are reached .

  15. 用L-K有效质量理论研究〔001〕方向生长的(Znse)n/(ZnS)m应变层超晶格的电子结构和光吸收系数.结果表明,光吸收系数与附宽和垒厚有关。

    The subband structures and optical absorption coefficient of ( ZnSe ) _n / ( ZnS ) _m strained-lay superlattices in [ 001 ] were calculated with the effective-mass approximation . The results indicate that the optical obsorption coefficient varies with the well-width and the barrier-width .

  16. 在第三部分推导了标量QED的费曼规则,并计算了光子自能和标量自能,在此基础上得到光子和标量电子的有效质量。

    In the third part , the Feynman rules of scalar QED is derived clearly , followed by photon self-energy and scalar self-energy . Based on them , the effective masses of photon and scalar electron are given .

  17. 应变硅技术通过采用适当的工艺或材料在MOS器件的沟道中引入应力,改变硅的能带结构、电导有效质量以及载流子的散射概率,提高载流子的迁移率。

    Strained Si technology introduces stress to the channel of MOS devices by using appropriate process or materials . The band structure of Si , the conductivity effective mass and the carriers ' scattering probability can be altered by stress , resulting in the favorable increase of carriers ' mobility .

  18. 分析了Aharonov-Bohm磁通对一维铁磁链中孤子的影响,结果表明Aharonov-Bohm磁通对孤子的峰值、宽度、静止能量及有效质量均有影响。

    Effects of the Aharonov-Bohm flux to the soliton in a one-dimensional ferromagnetic ring are investigated . The effects on the peak , the width , the rest energy and the effective mass of the soliton by the Aharonov-Bohm flux are shown .

  19. 浅海人工岛在地震作用下的填土有效质量

    Effective mass of shallow-sea artificial island in case of seismic action

  20. 同时还研究了有效质量的能量关系。

    The energy dependence of the effective mass is also studied .

  21. 库仑场中束缚光学极化子的有效质量

    Effective Mass of Bound Optical Polarons in a Coulomb Potential

  22. 所以,我们选择了有效质量密度来研究液体混合后的变化情况。

    So the effective mass density of the liquid composite was studied .

  23. 非轻质多弹簧串联系统的有效质量和劲度系数计算

    Calculation of Elastic Constant and Effective Mass of Massive Springs in Series

  24. 解析研究了单壁碳纳米管中电子的有效质量,以及导带底的电子有效质量与其管径和螺旋度的关系。

    We have studied analytically the electron effective mass of single-wall carbon nanotubes .

  25. 极性晶体板中极化子的基态能量和有效质量

    Ground state Energy and Effective mass of a Polaron in a Crystal slab

  26. 准二维强耦合激子有效质量的温度依赖性积性效用函数的度量

    Temperature Dependence of Quasi-Two-Dimensional Strong-Coupling Excitons ' Effective Mass

  27. 利用类氢模型和有效质量理论拟会和计算,可以证明与氧有关的热施主很可能是双重电荷施主。

    The oxygen-related thermal donor can also be possibly understood as doubly charged donor .

  28. 热密核物质中核子有效质量的研究

    Why Chinese ? The Study of Effective Nucleon Mass in Hot and Dense Nuclear Matter

  29. 极化子有效质量的性质

    The Properties of Effective Mass of Polaron

  30. 负有效质量放大器和发生器

    Negative effective mass amplifiers and generators