- 网络organic mineral

Good effects on controlling coal spontaneous combustion at W2 return-tunnel of Xiaoqing Coal Mine were achieved by adopting this foam .
Distilled water has no minerals , which means if you drink it , it will leach out any unwanted non-organic minerals from your system .
The foaming mechanism and bubble-steady mechanism of this organic solidified foam were theoretically discussed , and the performance index of the solidified foam with different components was studied .
Study on remediation of contaminated environments using organoclay minerals was reviewed .
Study on Organic-mineral Complex Grinding Aid of Cement
Adsorption of phenanthrene on organic clays
Contaminated environment remediation with organoclay minerals
The Combined Adsorption-Photocatalysis for the Removal of Indoor Volatile Organic Compounds THE SORPTION OF DISSOLVED ORGANIC MATTERS BY SOIL CLAY MINERALS
It was concluded that the adsorption isotherm curves for phenanthrene on three different organoclays were all dished , which indicated that sorption was the actions of both partition and solvent effect .
The properties of asbestos fiber , steel fiber , glass fiber , carbon fiber , polymeric fiber , mineral fiber and mixed fiber reinforced friction materials are discussed .
In this paper , the recent advance in the study of the interactions between minerals and organic acids ( both of small molecules and of large molecules ) is presented .
The controlled nucleation , growth and aggregation of biominerals in organism under the mediation of organic matrices lead to specific morphology , orientation and assemblies of the biominerals , and consequently give them special functions .
Organic Materials and Inorganic Minerals ' Comparative Study for Nitrogen Slowly Releasing Effect
Effect of Small Molecule Organic Depressors on Flotation Behavior of Lead and Zinc Minerals
Study on the Organic-Inorganic ( Minerals ) Controlled Release Materials and Their Controlled Release Mechanism
Application of Organic Materials and Clay Minerals to the Remediation of Heavy Metal Contaminated Soils
The adsorption of uranium by organic matter and clay minerals accelerates the reduction and the concentration of uranium .
Energy band model of electrochemical flotation and its application (ⅲ) & Effects of organic depressants on structure of sulphide minerals
Effects of low molecular organic acids on adsorption of acid phosphatase and BSA by soil colloid and clay minerals ⅰ effects of acetic acid
It may be related to microbial activity , adsorption of opposite charge and iron oxides 's bond bridge in SOC accumulated in phyllosilicate .
Buffering ability of soil to acid was related to the physical chemical properties of soil , such as CEC , organic matter and clay mineral content .
The diagenetic evolution of organic material and clay minerals in mudstones , and dissolution of unstable components in sandstones are the main cause for the formation of the solution pores .
The model of electrochemical flotation was analyzed by means of energy band theory , a new viewpoint of electrochemical separation by using organic depressants to change energy band of minerals was proposed .
It is shown from the analysis results that the color reflectance of sediments from the southern Yellow Sea shelf area is controlled by the ferric oxide , organic matter , clay mineral and calcareous biogenic detritus contents in sediments .
Large compressibility , low permeability , gas capillary seal , abundant organic matter , and volume expansion of clay minerals offer favorable conditions for the preservation of high pore-water pressure . Hydrocarbon concentration in the cap beds is obviously higher than that in the reservoirs .
According to the analysis of the factors of the high porosity zones formation , we believe that the first high porosity zone formed by dissolution of meteoric waters , the second and the third one formed by dissolution of organic acids and dehydration of clay minerals .
The other is to lower the limited level of sulphide minerals , which may increase the electronic density of mineral surface , as a results the unoccupied levels of xanthate are occupied by electrons , and dixanthogen is reduced , as the case of sodium humate .
Available P in soil can be easily adsorbed and rooted by soil particles , organic matters and other minerals , while more than 95 % of total P in soil exist as slow acting forms , little portion of total P takes part in biological cycle .
Exploration practice shows that forming shale gas reservoirs is strongly affected by burial depth , thickness , the content of organic carbon , matter type of organic 、 mineral composition , porosity , permeability , fracture and shale gas .
Kaolinite-organic intercalation has an important signification for researching the kaolinite structure and understanding reaction mechanism between natural organic matters and minerals .