
  • 网络limited resource;a finite resource;resources
  1. NET减少了与数据库的活动连接数目(即减少了多个用户争用数据库服务器上的有限资源的可能性),从而实现了最大程度的数据共享。

    NET has reduced the active connecting figure with activity of the data base ( Reduce the possibility of a lot of user 's competence to the limited resource of database server ), thus reached the share at the maximum degree .

  2. 本文在上述模型的基础上引入了草,并将草作为一种有限资源,对于草的繁殖利用Moore邻居控制繁殖的后代在网格上的分布,给出了三物种模型。

    This paper introduced grass in above-mentioned model and considered grass as a limited resource . Use Moore neighbor to control distribution of offspring of grass , which forms a model of three species .

  3. 我们利用可获得的有限资源,尽最大的努力。

    We are doing our best with the limited resources available .

  4. 化石燃料(如煤和石油)属于有限资源。

    The fossil fuels ( coal and oil ) are finite resources .

  5. 时间是有限资源,总是不断在衰竭。

    It 's a finite resource ; it 's always draining away .

  6. 有限资源下的多品种CVP分析

    CVP Analysis of a Good Assortment of Goods under the Limited Resources

  7. 为了有效地利用MANET的有限资源,组播在移动自组网中扮演着越来越重要的角色。

    To use effectively limited resources in MANET ( Mobile Ad Hoc Network ), multicast plays a more and more important role .

  8. 如何解决单片机的有限资源与支持复杂TCP/IP协议之间的矛盾,是单片机连入Internet的关键所在,本课题便以此作为切入点,寻找并解决如何使8位单片机以最优的性价比接入Internet。

    How to solve the contradiction of limit of MCU and TCP / IP protocol is the key of the connecting internet of MCU . This paper is based on the point of seeking and solving the connecting internet of MCU with a optimal means .

  9. 运用线性规划模型,对有限资源下的多品种产品的经营进行CVP分析,这在缺乏计算机的条件会因其复杂性而在会计实务中较难运用。

    The CVP ( cost volume profit ) analysis method to a good assortment of products management of limited resources , by means of linear programming mathematics model , is difficult to apply to actual accounting operation .

  10. 视觉工作记忆中有限资源分配的机制

    Mechanism for the Allocation of Limited Resource in Visual Working Memory

  11. 遗传算法在活动网络有限资源分配问题中的应用

    A Genetic Algorithm Approach To Limited Resource Allocation In Activity Network

  12. 有限资源多任务分配的模型分析和算法设计

    A Model and Algorithm for Multi-task Planning under Given Resources

  13. 问题场景:高工作负载与有限资源

    Problem scenario : heavy workload versus limited resources

  14. 充分利用有限资源实现生产可持续发展

    Make Full Use of Resource to Keep Developing

  15. 排序是把有限资源分配给一些任务以优化某个目标函数。

    Scheduling is conserned with allocating limited resources to tasks to optimize certain objective functions .

  16. 浅谈黄金行业勘察设计单位有限资源的流动取向

    The flowing orientation of the limited resources in research and design organization of gold industry

  17. 在柔性制造系统中对有限资源的竞争会使系统产生死锁现象。

    The competition for limited resources can produce deadlocks in flexible manufacturing systems ( FMS ) .

  18. 公司财务是财务学的核心部分,该部分的主要内容是在不确定情况下进行有限资源的跨时间配置,具体工作是组织财务活动,处理财务关系,实现价值创造最大化。

    Corporate finance is the key part of financial studies concerning the time-transcending allocation of limited resources .

  19. 首先,不利于有限资源的调整和配置,国有资产沦为死资产;

    Firstly , the phenomenon goes against regulation of limited resource , state-asset becomes " dead asset ";

  20. 并采用启发式算法解决了有限资源约束下的项目调度这一难题。

    We also designed a heuristic algorithm to solve resource-constrained project scheduling problem which is NPC problem .

  21. 而供应链管理的着眼点也是在资源的优化配置和有限资源的有效使用上。

    Supply chain manage-ment is to allocate the resources optimally and make use of the limited resources effectively .

  22. 海域国家所有权的实质,是国家对海域这一有限资源、稀缺资源的垄断。

    The essence of the national property rights is the country monopolizes the limited and rare ocean resource .

  23. 随着这些有限资源的减少和高增长的需求,苎麻产业必将带来具大的市场和发展潜力。

    With the reduction of these limited resources , ramie industry will bring a great market and development potential .

  24. 有色金属矿产资源是不可再生的有限资源,也是有色金属矿业企业的生存命脉。

    Nonferrous metal mineral resources are limited and non-renewable resources , and the lifeblood of the nonferrous metal mining enterprises .

  25. 他们有效利用稀缺资源,通过吸引伙伴及与他人合作来调节有限资源。

    They use scarce resources efficiently , and they leverage their limited resources by drawing in partners and collaborating with others .

  26. 土壤是维持陆地生态系统功能和持续性的至关重要的有限资源。

    Soil is a vital and finite resource on earth critical to maintenance of the functions and sustainability of the terrestrial ecosystem .

  27. 但如今,美国人感到游戏已然改变;争夺有限资源的战争已经上演。

    Today , however , Americans are sensing that the game has changed ; a fight for limited resources is under way .

  28. 其宗旨是通过市场的开放和关税的降低,实现人类有限资源的合理配置和可持续、均衡的发展。

    WTO is aimed at realizing the reasonable and keeping balanced development of human limited resources through opening market and lowering tariff .

  29. 引入有限资源优化新概念,导出了不可逆制冷机的有限资源优化模型的一般形式。

    This paper introduces a new concept of " finite-resources optimization " and derives a general form of finite-resources optimization model for irreversible refrigerators .

  30. 场消隐期作为应用电视有限资源的一部分,其开发潜力正逐渐为人们所重视。

    As a part of the limited resource of television , VBI ( Vertical Blanking Interval )′ s potency is emphasized by people gradually .