
  • 网络value types
  1. 关于资产评估准则中价值类型选择问题的理论思考

    Discussions on the Selection of Value Types in Assets Valuation Standards

  2. 高新技术企业评估的价值类型选择

    The Choice of Value Types in the Appraisal of High - tech Enterprises

  3. 主体所有高层次价值类型都是生命价值的衍生和提升。

    Life is the unity of value subject with value object .

  4. 金融不良资产实际处置实现的价值类型是非市场价值。

    Actual disposition of bad financial assets results in non-market value .

  5. 食物营养学价值类型特征聚类分析

    Cluster Analysis on the Classification of Nutritive Value in 20 Foods

  6. 论以资抵债过程中的资产评估问题&从价值类型和评估方法角度的分析

    Appraisal in Paying Debts by Assets : Value Type and Valuing Perspective

  7. 森林资源资产评估的价值类型及其估值

    Value Type and its Evaluation of Forest Resource Asset

  8. 论资产评估的价值类型

    Discussion on the value style of the assets evaluation

  9. 第二种价值类型我们称之为产品领先型。

    The second value discipline we call product leadership .

  10. 全面认识价值类型的作用&国外评估界关于价值类型的认识及理论等问题论述的启发

    Fully Understand the Function of Value Types

  11. 曾有情况下,在内容的价值类型主要包含前导空格。

    There have been cases where the value in the Content Type key contains a leading space .

  12. 再论资产评估准则中的价值类型选择&关于《资产评估基本准则》中价值类型的阐释

    Selection of Value Types in Valuation Standards & Explanation of Value types in VALUATION STANDARDS - PRINCIPLE

  13. 本文通过对客户进行分类,确定了我公司流失的客户类型。按照客户价值类型进行分类分为四类,即低值类、潜力类、高值类、顶尖类;

    Differentiated by the value , the types of clients are low-value , potential-value , high-value , top-value .

  14. 不良资产评估应该以资产处置方式的确定为前提,采用适当的评估价值类型和方法。

    The choice of value varieties and appraisal approach should be based on how the bad assets are disposed .

  15. 第三部分结合案例分析对我国并购的四种价值类型加以分析;

    The third part analyses four types of value creative M & A in our country with four material cases .

  16. 我们归纳三种不同的价值类型,这么说是因为每种类型都提供一种不同的顾客价值观。

    We have identified three distinct value disciplines , so called because each discipline produces a different kind of customer value .

  17. 奥运会吉祥物表现出来的价值类型越来越多,奥运会吉祥物成为了奥林匹克教育的重要载体之一。

    The Olympic mascots have shown increasing types of values . Olympic mascots have become one of most important carriers of the Olympic education .

  18. 本章从评估价值类型的经济实质入手进行分析,得出了市场价值与公允价值对接的结论。

    This chapter leads to a conclusion that market value in valuation matches fair value in accounting by analyzing the economic meaning of valuation bases .

  19. 伴随着企业经营业务的不断增加和创新,企业的价值类型发生了很大的变化,而这种变化也促进了企业价值评估理论和实务的发展进步。

    With increasing development and innovation of enterprises , the value categories of companies have dramatically changed , which promotes the improvements of enterprise valuation theories .

  20. 饲用价值类型以中、低等质量的种类最多,占46%;优、良牧草种类占31%。

    Within the forage value type , medium and low quality forage species make up 46 % , while high and fine quality forage species only accounts for 31 % .

  21. 植物景观价值类型的总结明确了中观尺度的保护培育对应的内容、方法、措施,必要的自然科学技术支持。

    Then the target and method is clear in middle-sized protection and cultivation plan in which details of measurement and necessary essential technical should be supported by associated natural science .

  22. 而龙舟竞渡从审美价值类型上来说对应的则是壮美。最后一部分主要是介绍端午节审美文化的传播。

    And Dragon Boat Festival from aesthetic value types is " the sublime pose " . The last part is to introduce the Dragon Boat Festival aesthetic and cultural transmission .

  23. 第三章介绍以财务报告为目的的评估的理论基础和业务要素,并对困扰评估界和会计界的价值类型对接问题进行分析。

    The third chapter introduces theory base and key aspects of VFR , analyses the match of valuation base which disturbed the valuation profession and the accounting profession for a long time .

  24. 企业股份制改造资产评估增值的会计税务处理论以资抵债过程中的资产评估问题&从价值类型和评估方法角度的分析

    The Accounting Taxation Methods of the Estimating Rise in Assets Value in the Course of the Enterprise 's Stock Transforming . Appraisal in Paying Debts by Assets : Value Type and Valuing Perspective

  25. 在四大传统节日中,端午节由于是解决自然和人的关系而具有其特殊性,这种特殊性体现在美学上是审美文化和审美价值类型方面。

    In the four major traditional festivals , the Dragon Boat Festival is a solution because the relationship between man and nature has its specificity , this specificity is mainly embodied in the aesthetic aspects of aesthetic culture and aesthetic value type .

  26. 全球价值链类型与OEM企业成长路径

    Study on the Types of Global Value Chains and the Growth Path of OEM Enterprises

  27. 第三部分构建了OEM企业的持续成长能力,并重点分析了全球价值链类型和治理模式对OEM企业成长能力的影响,为后文的研究打下了坚实的理论基础。

    Part three builds the capacity of sustainable growth of OEM enterprises , and focuses on analysis of the effects of different types and governance of GVC . This part provides a strong support to the next researching action .

  28. 图书馆精神产品价值与类型辨析

    On the Value and Categories of Spiritual Products in the Library

  29. 关于精神产品价值及类型的思考

    The Values of Mental Products and Their Categories

  30. 他在私有价值、类型独立、对称性以及风险中性的假定条件下证明了四种标准的拍卖方式是等收益的。

    Based on the assumptions of private value , type of independent , symmetry and the risk neutral , he proved that the four standard auctions had the same revenues .