
  • 网络value orientation;value proposition
  1. 政府组织的自我膨胀和官本位价值取向的交互作用

    Reciprocation of self-inflation of governmental organization and officer 's standard value orientation .

  2. 当代中国人的价值取向与中国人现代化模式的类型

    Contemporary Chinese Value Orientation and Styles of China 's Modernization Mode

  3. DSU上诉机构的完善及价值取向

    The Perfection Of The Appellate Body and The Trend Of Value

  4. 冲突法之悖论:价值取向与技术系统的张力

    Paradox of Conflict Law : Value Orientation and Technology System Tensility

  5. 公司治理结构的价值取向是在公平与效率之间徘徊的。

    The values go back and forth in fairness and efficiency .

  6. 现代商品包装设计价值取向的理性反思

    Reverse Thoughts about the Value Orientation of Modern Goods Packaging Design

  7. 政府道德责任的内涵、特征及价值取向

    Intension , Characteristic and Value Orientation of Government 's Moral Responsibility

  8. 大学制序在大学的存在和发展中有什么样的价值取向和功能?

    What 's the value orientation and function of university institutions ?

  9. 药学高职教育的价值取向与课程设计

    Curriculum Design and Values Pursuit of Higher Vocational Education of Pharmacy

  10. 第二部分题为刑事附带民事诉讼制度的性质与价值取向。

    Section II deals with the system 's nature and value-orientation .

  11. 构建学习型政府的价值取向及其路径选择

    The Value Orientation And Route Choosing Of Structuring The Studying Government

  12. 论终身学习的本质及价值取向

    On the Essence and the Trend of Value of Lifelong Learning

  13. 从关汉卿的文化思想看《窦娥冤》的价值取向

    The Value of Dou'E Yuan from Guan Hanqing 's Culture Idea

  14. 公共利益是经济法的利益价值取向。

    The public benefit is the benefit orientation of economic law .

  15. 人的价值取向:经济的人?社会的人

    Human 's Value Tendency . Economic Man or Social Man

  16. 无效劳动合同具有自己独特的制度功能与价值取向。

    Invalid labor contracts have their particular institution function and value orientation .

  17. 公正·效率·效益&诉讼活动三位一体的价值取向

    Justice · Efficiency · Effect & Value Orientation of Trinity in Lawsuits

  18. 生活性道德教育是现代道德教育的价值取向。

    The life characteristic was the value tropism in modern moral education .

  19. 第三,坚持社会主义集体主义的价值取向;

    Thirdly , the value orientation of socialist collectivism must be upheld .

  20. 成人高等教育考试与评价的价值取向分析

    Analysis of Value Orientation of Examination and Assessment of Adult Higher Education

  21. 引导大学生树立正确人生价值取向的思考

    The Thought on Guiding Students to Build up Accurate Value-Orientation of Life

  22. 大学体育课程目标价值取向

    Study on the selection of target values of college physical education curriculum

  23. 后现代精神的科学取向和价值取向

    The Scientific Orientation and the Orientation of Value of the Post-modern Spirit

  24. 大学生人生价值取向与个性特征调查分析

    A Study on College Students ' Personality and Their Outlook on Life

  25. 第一部分界定了教育生态价值取向的相关概念。

    The first define the conception about ecological value orientation of education .

  26. 这两种不同的理论基础体现了不同的价值取向。

    These two different schools of theories exemplify different values .

  27. 新闻舆论导向与社会价值取向

    Guiding Opinion as Journalism and Orientation of Social Value

  28. 全过程精诚服务是知识经济的内在要求和价值取向;

    Full-range quality service is the intrinsic requirement and value of knowledge economy .

  29. 称谓言语行为的修辞学价值取向

    The Speech Act of Addressing and Its Rhetoric Value

  30. 国际关系理论中的价值取向问题

    On Value Tendencies in the Theory of International Relations