
  • 网络Price;The Price Advantage;favourable price
  1. 相比其他同类车型,HT公司具有一定的价格优势。

    Compared to other similar models , HT company has some price advantage .

  2. 在加入WTO后这种价格优势进一步突显,我国苹果、梨、柑橘的市场价格均不同程度地低于世界平均价格。

    After joining the World Trade Organization , the price advantage further underscoring , such as apples , pears , oranges , market prices are lower than the world average price in various degree .

  3. 不过,在为人所知的各项优点之中,高清DVD的价格优势比较明显。

    However , among its perceived advantages , HD-DVD players are less expensive .

  4. 其中Linux系统由于开放源代码、价格优势、内核微小、资源丰富且可以裁减,在嵌入式系统得到了广泛的应用。

    As the advantage of price , open and rich resource , tiny kernel , Linux has been widely used in embedded system .

  5. 诚挚欢迎您加入我们OEM的行列,让我们在产品设计、成本控管及价格优势上,共同分享资源及创造双赢的结果。

    Let 's take advantage of product design , cost control and lower prices to share the resources and create the results of Win-Win .

  6. IP电话又叫网络电话,它是电信传统长途电话的替代产品,具有很明显的价格优势,而且代表了语音与数据相融合的大趋势。

    IP phone is also called network phone , which is a replacement of traditional long distance call because it has an obvious price advantage and then represents the main tendency of the combination of the data and voice .

  7. 最后,如果没有恰当的计划和实现,安全性防护的成本将远远超出SaaS和云计算的价格优势。

    And finally , understand that without proper planning and implementation , the costs of security safeguards can far outweigh the economic advantages of SaaS and cloud computing .

  8. 虽然DL的直销模式具有价格优势,库存优势,能够满足客户的个性化定制并实现直接有效的客户管理。

    With a direct marketing model , DL takes the advantage of price and inventory , meets the requirement of customization , manage the customer relationship effectively .

  9. 同时,加入WTO后数码相机零关税,技术的发展导致国产数码相机失去了以往的价格优势,缺乏核心技术也进一步的限制了国产数码相机的发展。

    After China joined into WTO , the digital camera customs duty is zero now , and the technical development cause the national digital camera company lose the price superiority , the lack of core technology also further limits national digital camera development .

  10. 产品成本低廉,不到常用活性剂OP-10和石油磺酸盐的一半,是一种具有价格优势和市场竞争力的廉价活性剂。

    The cost of ZHA is low and its costs are less than half of common-used surfactants OP-10 and petroleum sulfonate .

  11. B2C电子商务低成本、购买交易安全、价格优势、方便快捷的特点迎来了迅速扩张,同时也带动了物流的急剧发展。

    The advantages of E-commerce like low cost , purchase security , cheap , convenient ushered in the rapid expansion of e-commerce , and also led to the rapid development of logistics .

  12. 我国加入WTO后,价格优势在国际市场上受到了安全标准的挑战,要使更多的稻米产品打入国际市场,必须按国际标准组织生产。

    After China entered to the WTO , the rice price advantage in the international market is faced with challenges of safety standards . We must produce by ISO standard , and set favorable standards in order to make more rice products into the international market .

  13. 相对于其他光放大器来说,SOA具有波长连续选择(1.1~1.6μm)、体积小、低功耗、高响应速度、易于与其它光电子器件集成等优点,并具有潜在的价格优势。

    Compared with other optical amplifiers , SOAs have many advantages such as the continuous choice of wavelength ( 1.1 ~ 1.6 μ m ), small volume , low power consumption , high speed , integrability in photonic integrated circuits , and low cost potential and so on .

  14. 认为ASB在ADSL方面具有一定的产品优势、价格优势,但在面临华为、中兴的巨大压力下,应该在市场营销策略方面加以优化和改进。

    The author thinks that ASB has some strength in product and price , but with the huge competition pressure from HUAWEI and ZTE , ASB should optimize and improve its ADSL marketing strategies .

  15. DSD酸是生产环保型染料的重要中间体,相关产业链的发展将拉动市场对DSD酸的需求,价格优势也将使我国的DSD酸有较强的国际市场竞争力。

    DSD acid is an important intermediate for producing environmental friendly dyes , the development of related industries will push on the demand in DSD acid , and superiority of cheaper price will make domestic DSD acid with strong market competitive power in world market .

  16. 如何在保持劳动力价格优势、保障更多就业岗位与改善劳动条件、维护劳动者权益之间取得符合中国经济发展水平的平衡,是工会应对SA8000策略的出发点。

    The starting point that the Chinese trade unions copy with SA8000 should include to keep the advantage of labor force price , safeguard more employment opportunities and improve labor conditions , and keep a balance between protection of laborers ' rights and interests and China 's economic development .

  17. 因此,猪鬃产业相对其他产业具有相当的产品价格优势。

    Bristle industry has a considerable price advantage relative to other industries .

  18. 产品的市场及价格优势十分明显。

    It has advantages of fine market and favourable price .

  19. 陕西苹果低生产成本价格优势分析

    Price advantage analysis of the lower production cost of Shaanxi 's apple

  20. 第三是四川猪鬃产业具有产品价格优势。

    Thirdly , Sichuan bristle has a price advantage .

  21. 这使得人们担忧,液化天然气可能失去其价格优势。

    This has led to concerns that LNG could lose its price advantage .

  22. 但是,随着h股的价格优势消失,a股再度领先。

    But having let H-shares close the gap , A-shares powered ahead again .

  23. 新疆中小雪场收费偏低,具有价格优势。

    Xinjiang small resort charges are low , with a price advantage . 3 .

  24. 我们可以通过改进、更新产品来获得价格优势,从而提高利润。

    We can get better prices and therefore higher profits by upgrading the products .

  25. 在保证技术先进的同时,仪器也具有明显的价格优势。

    With the guarantee of advanced technology , the price of instrument is competitive .

  26. 所以单单想凭借价格优势不足以吸引潜在客户。

    So a lower price alone is not that appealing to your potential clients .

  27. 苹果公司以专利作为武器削弱安卓的价格优势。

    Apple sees its patents as a weapon to undermine Android 's cost advantage .

  28. 该钻机结构简单、布局合理、成本低廉,具有价格优势。

    The rig has advantages of simplified structure , rational layout and lower cost .

  29. 欧洲的制造技术与品质保证,中国的生产成本及价格优势。

    European manufacturing technology and quality assurance , China 's production costs and price advantage .

  30. 二是价格优势:与国际市场的价格比,我国低50-60%。

    The pork price in China is only 50-60 % of that of international price .