
  • 网络Price Revolution
  1. 流民产生的原因主要有:圈地运动,价格革命,人口增长,解散修道院,解散封建家臣团,瘟疫和农业歉收等等,其中最主要的是圈地运动。

    The main reasons of refugee emergence was : Movement of Enclosures , price revolution , population growth , disbanding abbey , dispelling the feudal retainer group , epidemic disease and agriculture poor harvest and so on . The most important reason of them was Movement of Enclosures .

  2. 欧洲“价格革命”在美洲白银到来之前就已经发生了,其根本原因是欧洲经济发展有限,尤其是粮食不足,不能适应人口增长的需要。

    The root cause was the limited growth of European economy , especially the short-commons failing to meet the need of the growing population .

  3. 利率市场化是资本市场中资金价格体系的革命,是我国金融产业逐步走向市场的必然。

    Deregulation of interest rates is a revolution of the financial system .

  4. 随着微电子技术性能和价格上的革命,数字式自动化系统现已研制用于电力系统。

    With the recent revolution in microelectronic performance and costs , digital automation systems are now being developed or power systems .

  5. 过去几年来,在高价格以及美国页岩革命的推动下,天然气供应充足。

    Supply is strong & driven on by high prices in the last few years and by the US shale revolution .