
  • 网络value introjection
  1. 但只有建设政治文明、改造社会存在,才是改变社会意识、实现价值内化的根本出路。

    Building up political civilization and transforming social being are the way out to change social consciousness and realize inherent value .

  2. 作为核心竞争力的一部分,笔者认为,企业应把顾客价值内化于企业价值中去。

    As a component of core competence of corporation , the author think enterprise should internalize customer value into corporation value .

  3. 结论军校大学生群体自我确认程度较高,人际适应较好,但社会价值内化程度较差,成就潜能表现不明显。

    Conclusion Military college students had higher self-confirmation and better interpersonal adaptation , but poor social value internality and unmarked showing of achievement potential .

  4. 足球运动文化群体的参与不仅把这种文化价值内化成群体价值意识,也把它抽象提升为社会文化价值观念。

    Football culture groups participation this cultural value not only internalization into groups , also make it worth consciousness ascend for social and cultural value abstract concept .

  5. 基于心理契约的企业价值观内化研究

    Research on the Internalization of Corporate Value from the Perspective of Psychological Contract

  6. 最后还分析了中通公司在核心价值观内化方面的举措。

    Finally , it also analyzed the actions taken by ZTE to internalize the core values .

  7. 价值观内化为主体的德性,成为人们行为的出发点,即元。

    The view of value internally transforms into the subject 's virtue and become the departing point of one 's conduct .

  8. 在这些因素的作用下,徽州商人们学习商人的基本职业技能和行为规范,并将传统文化价值观内化,形成了不同于其他商帮的社会特征。

    On the basis of these , they formed some basic professional skills and behavioral standards , internalized the traditional culture value , and thus constituted some special characteristics .

  9. 公共管理者在他的职业角色扮演中,需要在平等的观念下行使公共权力,需要把职业价值体系内化为自己的社会生命的内容,需要在职业活动中完善自己的社会生命。

    In acting their occupational roles , public administrators need to exert their public powers based on the idea of equality , to embody their occupational value in their social life and to improve their social life in occupational activities .

  10. 新闻自律是指新闻从业人员依据内在信念和价值观内化在自身中的对行为的规范,它主动约束自己的职业行为,使之有利于传播活动正常和谐的运作。

    It contain by oneself news not meaning it take faith and the values not inherent journalists in one 's own in norm against behavior , it restrains one 's own job behavior voluntarily , makes it help to propagate the normal and harmonious operation of the activity .

  11. 新自由主义从相互依赖以获得绝对收益的观点出发解释北约扩大;建构主义则从共同体价值观的内化或社会化的视角去分析北约扩大。

    Constructivism theory analyses the NATO Enlargement in the perspective of internalization and socialization of the sense of value of the community .

  12. 而工具性的个人价值则主要是内化的过程;

    The instrumental of individual values are mainly the innate process .

  13. 后者重在强调大众传播的价值渗透与观念内化。

    The mass media should emphasize the value of the concept of internalization and infiltration ;

  14. 建构路径与建构内容相对应,主要包括两个方面:社会主义核心价值体系的认知内化;构建和谐文化的实现机制。

    It mainly has two contents : cognition and internalization of " System of socialist core values "; system construction of harmonious culture .

  15. 当代知识观蕴涵内在、开放、动态的知识本质观,多维、互补的知识价值观和积极内化、主动生成、合作建构的知识获得观。

    Contemporary perception of knowledge contains an outlook on the internal , open and dynamic nature of knowledge , an outlook on the multi-dimensional and complementary value of knowledge and an outlook on the internal , active and cooperative obtainment of knowledge .

  16. 科学家所从事的科学活动本身有一套特有的价值规范,反映着科学的人文社会本性,该价值规范也内化为科学体制内科学家的道德准则,使他们具有其独特的人文关怀。

    The scientific activity has a set of peculiar value norms , what becomes the scientists ' morals criterion in a scientific system , and make them have its unique humane care .