
  • 网络Self-inflation;ego inflation;self-aggrandizement;Ego Boost;self-enhancement
  1. 我们需要在自我膨胀和自我泄气之间求得一个平衡。

    We need to find a balance between ego inflation and ego deflation .

  2. 有目的地给人留下印象只不过是一种带来短暂的自我膨胀的行为。

    Purposely impressing people is an act that brings nothing but a momentary ego boost .

  3. 政府组织的自我膨胀和官本位价值取向的交互作用

    Reciprocation of self-inflation of governmental organization and officer 's standard value orientation .

  4. 是被两极空间的存有将自我膨胀为“神与女神”(godgoddess)。

    There are entities of the space between that have inflated themselves into " god goddess " over life .

  5. 尤其是当你考虑到首席执行官们很容易堕落为“首席自负官(ChiefEgoOfficer)”。黑斯廷斯没有自我膨胀。

    Especially when you consider how easily CEOs can slip into becoming the " Chief Ego Officer . " Hastings didn 't.

  6. 跟随电视看完的观众可以看到沃尔特·怀特(WalterWhite)慢慢自我膨胀的过程,他一点点变得愈来愈坏,强调出道德是如何慢慢妥协。

    The live viewer saw Walter White 's change distended , in slow-motion ; little by little , he broke badder and badder , in a way that emphasized the gradual slope of moral compromise .

  7. 珍妮特•温特森(JeanetteWinterson)上世纪80年代写过两三本好书,但此后,她的自我膨胀起来,写出可读书籍的能力却萎缩了。

    Jeanette Winterson wrote two or three good books in the 1980s but since then her ego grew and her ability to write readable books shrunk .

  8. 自我膨胀和自我放逐:对象的泛化和学科边缘化。

    Second , inundate of the object and the subject has been marginally .

  9. 我觉得你有点太自我膨胀了吧!

    I think you 're a little too big for your own britches !

  10. 还有那些分数膨胀和自我膨胀的人。

    And those of us who have been grade inflated and ego inflated .

  11. 城市地价的自我膨胀机制。

    The self-inflation mechanism of city land price .

  12. 他总有一套自我膨胀的方法。

    Bond : Well , he always did have an inflated opinion of himself .

  13. 当他们想要使自己处于主导地位就会自我膨胀

    You know , when they want to appear dominant they puff themselves up .

  14. 政府组织的自我膨胀和官本位价值取向的交互作用;

    EXPANDED GRAPHITE Reciprocation of self-inflation of governmental organization and officer 's standard value orientation .

  15. 在你自我膨胀并说出一些会后悔的话之前先数到十吧。

    Before you blow up and say something you 'll regret later - count to ten .

  16. 对理论物理界的威廉?夏特纳最需要的就是自我膨胀

    Yeah , the one thing the William Shatnerof theoretical physics needed was an ego boost .

  17. 而当我们自我膨胀时,往往会表现是极差的自制力。

    But when we have an inflated sense of self , we tend to show poor self-control .

  18. 当自恋者自我膨胀的观点受到他人质疑时,他可能就会变得咄咄逼人、愤恨不满。

    When a narcissist 's self-inflated viewpoint is challenged , a person can become aggressive and resentful .

  19. 支配型的性骚扰者是最常见的类型,这类人把实施性骚扰作为实现自我膨胀的手段。

    Dominance harasser the most common type , who engages in harassing behaviour as an ego boost .

  20. 也因此,我想我们这些人的自我膨胀,可能还会持续相当长的时间吧!

    Hence , I suspect that our inflated egos are safe for a good long time to come .

  21. 事实上,男人花钱带你购物,请你吃饭,也会随之而来一种自我膨胀的感觉,

    In fact , paying for your shopping and dinners gives men a sort of an ego boost ,

  22. 一个人,也许是排斥他者的自我膨胀,以取消自己的对立面。

    Alone , perhaps is a kind of self-expansion and excludes others , in order to eliminate one 's opponents .

  23. 任何有一定名望和权力的人都可能会自我膨胀,科学证明的确如此。

    Anyone with that much fame and power is likely to develop an inflated ego . Science proves this , too .

  24. 修习如果没有离欲则导致非正常的自我膨胀和对权力的渴求以及由此而加重的与外物世界的纠结。

    Practice without disapassion is conductive to an abnormal ego-inflation and hunger for power and thus increase entanglement in things worldly .

  25. 当这个老板自我膨胀的时候,他就觉得他有权利要求每个雇员为他服务。

    When the employer is on a power trip , he thinks it gives him the right to be rude to everyone that works for him .

  26. 为了避免将拯救工作搞砸,新任首席执行官们必须带领企业开启新的航程,同时避免自我膨胀。

    To avoid botching a rescue job , new CEOs need to introduce a fresh take on the company without attaching any turnaround to their egos .

  27. 一个自我膨胀的老爸让自己的女儿去尝试各种各样的事,只要在达到最高目标之前不能放弃,于是她成为了一名旅游评论家。

    The daughter of an ego-boosting father , taught to try anything she wished so long as she didn 't bail out because reaching the top , decided to become a traveling publicist .

  28. 处于“影系统”中的金融资产价值的虚幻化、金融资产价格的自我膨胀以及外部传染是一国发生金融危机的三个基本原因。

    Financial crisis results from three fundamental causes , namely , the illusion of the value of financial assets within the shadow system , the self expanding of the price of financial assets and the infection from other countries .

  29. 我们应鼓励资金的有效融通、资源的优化配置,鼓励金融业为人民带来资本收益,同时也要限制金融业过于自我膨胀式的发展。

    We should encourage the effective intermediation of funds , the optimal allocation of resources and encourage the financial industry to bring capital gains for the people . But also , the self-expansion type of development of financial industry should be restricted .

  30. 你们使自我过度膨胀和过度专制。

    You have allowed the ego to become overly developed and specialized .