
  1. 我国加入WTO后,大学自主办学是高等教育改革的必然趋势,是新形势下高等教育管理体制改革的基本原则。

    After China 's entry into WTO , colleges ' & universities ' autonomously running school is an inexorable trend of higher education reform as well as he fundamental principle for the reform of the higher education administration system under new situation .

  2. 高校自主办学后德育工作面临的问题及对策

    Problems in moral education work in autonomous universities and countermeasures

  3. 浅谈市场经济条件下高校自主办学的运行机制

    On Independent Running System for China 's Higher Education Institutions under Market-Economy

  4. 论我国高校的自主办学

    On Self-deciding to Run Colleges and Universities in Our Country

  5. 高等学校要通过改革成为自主办学的主体。

    Higher Learning institution should be the main-body of running schools through reforms .

  6. 中国语境下大学自治的内涵是依法自主办学。

    In china , self-administration of universities means self management based on law .

  7. 比较西方校本管理与我国公立中学自主办学

    Comparison of Western School-based Management and the Independent Management in China 's Public Middle School

  8. 在我国现行教育体制下,我国高等学校依法享有自主办学权、自主管理权,其管理具有一定的自治性和能动性。

    Under the current education system , universities enjoy administrative power of autonomy and activity .

  9. 同时,学校内部也要营造一个有利于自主办学的制度环境。

    The system environment should be created favorably for independently running a school inside itself .

  10. 第二,高校自主办学应该以市场需求为导向的观点。

    First , point of concentrating on resources superiority , financing all around , independent higher education ;

  11. 高等教育多样化是在社会竞争中由学校自主办学形成的。

    The diversification of higher education is formed by autonomous operation of an institution in social competition .

  12. 强调高等学校逐步成为面向社会、适应市场、自主办学的实体;

    Emphasized the college gradually becomes face the society , adapts the market , independent school entity ;

  13. 略论依法自主办学与高等学校新型管理机制构建

    On Running School according to Law and the Setup of the New Administration Mechanism of Higher Education

  14. 如何在政府有效管理和大学自主办学之间寻求到一个平衡点成为比较理性的选择。

    How to seek a balance between the government effective management and university autonomy has become a more rational choice .

  15. 高校依法享有自主办学和自主管理权,同时学生依法享有受教育权、财产权和人身权。

    Colleges and universities enjoy independent administration , while students enjoy education right , property right and other personal rights .

  16. 民办高校具有面向市场、自主办学、教育服务商品化等鲜明的产业特征。

    The private universities are marketed-oriented , running independently , commercialized the educating service , comparing with public universities in China .

  17. 我国大学在面向社会进行自主办学的同时,政府主导的色彩比较浓厚。

    When universities in China own their independent right of running a university , the government still plays a dominant role .

  18. 各级职业教育机构能够根据经济建设和社会发展的要求自主办学。

    All levels of vocational education organization can independently run schools according to the economic construction and the social development requests .

  19. 由此提出提高高校自主办学能力、实现高校自主办学对策与建议。

    Then the strategies and suggestions to increase university autonomous running of school and realize the university autonomous running of school are proposed .

  20. 转变政府职能,大学自主办学,是为了实行程序正义,提高管理效率;

    To transform the functions of the government and to insure the independence of universities is to realize procedural justice and management efficiency ;

  21. 高等院校依法自主办学,通过促进科学的发展和人才的培养,为社会作出贡献。

    The higher institutions manage schooling by themselves according to law , and make contributions to society by promoting scientific development and training personnel .

  22. 所有的城市学院都立足地方,开展科技研究,服务工商,强化了自主办学的高等教育传统。

    All of the civic colleges base themselves upon local needs . They engage research of science and technology , serving industry and business .

  23. 它作为私立的非营利教育机构,自主办学,同时得到新加坡教育部的资助。

    The College is a non-profit , private educational institution , operating autonomously with financial support from Singapore 's Ministry of Education ( MOE ) .

  24. 树立大学自主办学意识,建立大学良性运行机制,正确行使办学自主权;

    Moreover , the concept of independent running of universities should be established and the mechanism of virtuous operation of universities should be set up .

  25. 随着高等教育法的颁布实施,高校自主办学有了法律的约束与保障。

    With the issue and implementation of the Higher Education Law , running schools independently for colleges and universities are restrained as well as secured in law .

  26. 高等学校自主办学是现代高等教育管理中的一项基本原则,是保障高等学校健康发展的重要手段之一。

    It is a primary principle in higher educational management that autonomy of university , which is one of significant means of protecting development of higher education .

  27. 基于自主办学思想上产生的高校办学自主权,其价值追求的核心内容是学术自由和大学自治。

    Based on the ideology of running a university independently , the value of the autonomy of running a university lies in its academic freedom and university self-government .

  28. 而对于民办高校来说,办学特色正是其面向社会依法自主办学,在日益激烈的竞争中求生存、谋发展的根本出路。

    Regarding private colleges , school-running features are its basic outlet to run a school independently legally and strive for the survival and development in the increasingly intense competition .

  29. 通过引进市场机制,发挥市场的调节作用,从而使高校真正做到面向社会自主办学;

    The market should exert adjustive function by perfecting marketable system , by doing that the higher education institutions can run the schools facing to the society and independently ;

  30. 高等学校转化为自主办学的法人实体后,财务管理应转变观念,努力适应市场经济发展需要;

    After the higher-education institutions were transformed into autonomous legal entities , the ideas about financial management in colleges should change to adapt to the needs of the market economy .