
zì dònɡ chénɡ xù shè jì
  • automatic programming
  1. 自动程序设计系统APA使用类比推理技术,向过去经验学习编写新的LISP程序。

    APA , an automatic programming system , can use analogical reasoning to learn from past experience and construct new LISP programs .

  2. 一个基于类型理论的自动程序设计系统

    An Automatic Programming System Based on Type Theory

  3. 针对这一缺点,本文提出了一种新的自动程序设计方法:基因评估基因表达式程序设计(GeneEstimatedGeneExpressionProgramming,简称GEGEP)。

    So we propose a new automatic programming method : Gene Estimated Gene Expression Programming ( GEGEP ) .

  4. 基于净室技术和HNC理论的自动程序设计体系的研究

    Auto-Programming System Research Based on Clean Room Technology and HNC Theory

  5. 基于知识的自动程序设计系统XAPS

    XAPS : Knowledge-based Automatic Programming System

  6. 目标级机器人自动程序设计&系统与方法

    Goal - level Automatic Robot Programming & System and Approach

  7. PRAPS:一个用于自动程序设计的问题表示系统

    PKAPS : A Problem representation System for Automatic Programming

  8. 成组技术与参数化编程相结合的自动程序设计方法研究

    Research on the Automatical Program Design Approach Combining Group Technology with Parametrization Programing

  9. 面向领域的自动程序设计&研究与实践

    The research and Practice on domain-specific automatic programming

  10. 自动程序设计系统包括两种程序设计活动:形式化与实现。

    An automatic programming system always includes two programming activities : formalization and implementation .

  11. 自动程序设计&模拟进化的途径

    Automatic programming : a simulated evolutionary approach

  12. 自动程序设计的一种改进算法

    An Algorithm for Automatic Program Synthesis

  13. 自动程序设计中问题模型的建立

    Building Problem Module in Automatic Programming

  14. 数据报表中的自动程序设计问题

    On automatic programming of data reports

  15. 自动程序设计系统浅谈地铁自动售检票系统的施工

    0n Automatic Programming System Talking about the Construction of Subway 's Automatic Ticket Issuing and Checking System

  16. 自动程序设计和试验系统

    Automatic programming and test system

  17. 基于规则系统的自动程序设计

    Automatic programming by rule-based system

  18. 自动程序设计的研究

    Reasearch of Automatic Programming

  19. 自动程序设计系统

    0n Automatic Programming System

  20. 自动程序设计中的归纳法

    Induction in automatic programming

  21. 用遗传程序设计进行自动程序设计的目标是计算机自动演化出一个求解问题的计算程序来求解问题。

    GP automatically produces programs , which aims to solving a problem with the program evolved automatically by computer .

  22. 自动程序设计是使用自动化手段进行程序设计的技术和过程,后发展成为使用自动化手段进行软件系统生成的方法,被称为软件自动化。

    Automatic programming , which then evolved into a software generation technology called software automation , is a technology or process of program designing by automatic methods .

  23. 文中给出了银行领域中的若干应用实例,并提出了基于概念网的面向领域自动程序设计的研究方向。

    Some experiments on the bank domain are introduced for the illustration , and the research direction on domain - specific automatic programming based on-concept network is outlined as well .

  24. 自动程序设计系统是对人们在各相关领域研究与实践成果的综合运用和系统总结,是软件生产的重要发展方向。

    Auto-programming system is the comprehensive utilization and systematical summation of research work and practice in all the relative fields . Also it is the important direction of software producing .

  25. 自动程序设计是计算机科学中的重要研究领域,在人工智能的自动规划、机器人学等分支有重要应用。

    Automatic programming is a very active area of research in computer science . It plays an important role in field of planning and robots in the realm of artificial intelligence .

  26. 介绍了如何针对工程图学中二维动画的特点,运用计算机辅助软件工程及自动程序设计思想来编制二维动画程序自动生成工具。

    2D animation CASE tool is developed to build the animation base of engineering graphics through referring to automatic programming and computer aided software engineering , in view of the features of 2D animation engineering graphics .

  27. 文中对遗传程序设计的研究进展作了综述,着重比较了遗传程序设计与传统的人工智能方法在本质上的差异,并展望了今后遗传程序设计在计算机自动程序设计方面的应用前景。

    This paper summarizes research progress on genetic programming and the comparison of the essential difference between genetic programming and traditional artificial intelligence methods is given . The future application of genetic programming on the automation of computer programming is investigated .

  28. 本文讨论了面向领域自动程序设计的研究现状和存在的问题,介绍了我们在这方面所进行的工作:在通用算法设计模型下,通过支持面向领域自动程序设计的设施完成程序设计任务。

    The current researches on domain - specific automatic programming are discussed , and some underlying problems are presented . Our work is , the programming tasks in application domain are accomplished through a general algorithm design model , provided by certain domain-specific facilities .

  29. 自动程序设计一直是计算机科学的一个奋斗目标,而算法[1]是程序的灵魂,是解决问题的关键,是程序设计的基础和难点,要实现程序设计的自动化首先应该实现算法设计的自动化。

    Automatic programming has been a struggle target in the field of computer science . Algorithms are the soul of programs , the key of problem solution , the basis and difficulty of programming . The realization of automatic programming depends on the the realization of automation of algorithm design .

  30. 尾砂成型压力机PLC自动控制程序设计

    Design to PLC Automation Control Program for Tailing Molding Press