
zì chóu zī jīn
  • Self financing;self-raised funds;funds raised by oneself;self-collected funds;self-pooled funds
自筹资金[zì chóu zī jīn]
  1. 鼓励支持职工自筹资金发展私人养畜、经营林果园、渔场和农机服务业,从事农产品流通活动。

    Encourage supportive worker to funds raised by oneself development is private raise garden of cultivate , management Lin guo , fishing ground and line of business of agriculture machinery service , be engaged in produce current activity .

  2. 对项目的投资建设投资、总投资和铺底流动资金进行估算,分析资金筹借方式、成本和自筹资金的来源。

    The project investment and construction investment , total investment and the current funds , cost and funds self-raised funds resources are also calculated and analyzed .

  3. 但是它常常要求发展中国家的合作者自筹资金。

    But it usually required developing country collaborators to raise their own funds .

  4. 他们已经能够自筹资金或通过债券市场融资。

    They have been able to finance deals themselves and through the bond markets .

  5. 不过最近这几年以来,由学校自筹资金的情况也较为普遍。

    But in recent years , fund-raising by schools themselves becomes popular as well .

  6. 那是你们自己的组织。是你们自筹资金自己领导的组织。

    They are your own organizations , financed by you and directed by you .

  7. 欧洲则需要建立相关机制,在现存预算上限之外,开展自筹资金的基建项目。

    Europe needs mechanisms for carrying out self-financing infrastructure projects outside existing budget caps .

  8. 自筹资金主要用来补充国家拨款的不足。

    The funds collected are chiefly used to supplement the insufficiency of the government money .

  9. 该公司自筹资金,由位于印第安纳波利斯的总部负责在线订单的配送。

    The firm is self-funded and distribution of online orders occurs from its Indianapolis headquarters .

  10. 例如自筹资金的增加会在9个月后对商品房价格产生稳定的拉动作用。

    For example , housing price will be boosted stability nine months later by self-financial increase .

  11. 失业保险计划甚至可通过供款保险体制的形式自筹资金。

    The unemployment scheme could even be self-financing , in the form of a contributory insurance system .

  12. 个案调查中说明,资金来源渠道主要包括自筹资金、政府资金、银行资金、民间借贷和占用客户流动资金。

    Investigation cases , financing sources including self-financed government funding , the capital , and the circulating fund .

  13. 大部分民办高校在由社会力量自筹资金组建后,在经营中必须要面向市场、自负盈亏。

    Therefore , most private universities have to be profit-and-loss responsibility in managing after funded by social force .

  14. 表现为自筹资金比例高,银行贷款较少。这种结构单一的我国家族企业资本结构对家族企业存在下列影响:第一,企业融资结构通过影响企业经营者的积极性影响企业的市场价值;

    First , enterprise 's financing structure influence the market value of enterprise through influence the enthusiasm of enterpriser ;

  15. 事实上,柴静这部影片是她自筹资金制作的。此外,似乎当局正在打压对该片的讨论。

    Ms Jing financed the film herself and it already seems like the authorities are clamping down discussion of the film .

  16. 从投资的资金来源看,企业自筹资金占82.1%,其余部分为国内银行贷款和外资等。

    The82.1 % finance resource came from enterprise itself , and the rest came from domestic banks and foreign fund , etc.

  17. 自筹资金,并且不需要国家平衡建设、生产条件的;

    The investment fund is raised independently , and contraction and production conditions of the venture dose not need state balance .

  18. 本部分主要对沈阳市十二五时期财政、国内贷款、利用外资、自筹资金和其他五个渠道潜力进行挖掘。

    This part mainly explores the five channels potential of finance , domestic loans , foreign investment , self-financing and the other .

  19. 自筹资金,自负盈亏我吃了脾气不好的亏。

    Collect funds for oneself and take responsiBility for one 's own profits and losses I was cursed with a bad temper .

  20. 我国民办教育是由民间力量组建的自筹资金、自负盈亏的组织,因此为了保证自身生存,在具体运作中必须以市场为导向。

    Private Colleges in China , for it is self-financing and set up by social forces ; the operation must be market-oriented and self-financing .

  21. 非公有制商品林业投融资渠道:金融机构资金、外商直接投资、企业自筹资金及民间资金。

    Nonpublic ownership and commercial forestry investment and financing channels : financial institutions ' funds , foreign direct investment , enterprise self-financing and private funds .

  22. 我国中小企业主要融资方式有自筹资金、银行贷款、民间借贷、二板市场和租赁融资等方式,各有特点。

    Their major financing methods include self-financing , bank loan , private credit , second board stock market and financial leasing , which have their own character .

  23. 报告还首次列出了低收入和中等收入国家可以通过多种办法自筹资金的数额。

    The report also shows for the first time the amount of money that low and middle income countries could raise themselves through a variety of options .

  24. 按照不同来源,自筹资金这种市场化程度较高的资本区域配置效率最为显著,具有较好的统计特性。

    That according to the source , self-raising money which is rather outstanding on market-orientation takes on a prominent capital regional allocation efficiency with a better statistic feature ;

  25. 已存在的过剩产能也并未对自筹资金固定资产投资起到抑制作用,这主要归因于资本的逐利性。

    The existed excess capacity does not play an inhibitory effect on self-financing investment in fixed assets , which is mainly due to the profit-driven nature of the capital .

  26. 井亭煤矿选煤厂充分利用现有厂房和装备,自筹资金,对煤泥水处理系统进行了技术改造;

    The slime-water treatment system at Jingting Coal Preparation Plant was technically converted at plant 's own expense on the base of fully utilizing the existing plant building and equipment .

  27. 各种资金包括:国家预算资金、国内外贷款、借款、赠款、各种自有资金、自筹资金和其它资金。

    Various funds include : State Budgetary Funds , loan , borrowed money , donated funds inside or outside China , various self-owned moneys , self-collected money and other funds .

  28. 企业使用自有、自筹资金、外汇采购机电设备时,参照本指南进行。

    The guide may also serve as reference for enterprises in procuring machinery and electronic equipment by using their own funds , funds raised on their own or by using foreign exchange .

  29. 与其说自己需要启动资金,不如说自己已经自筹资金建立了一个样板,但还需要资金将其推向市场,后者更有说服力。

    Saying that you need money to start is not nearly as convincing as saying that you have built a prototype on your own dime , but need more to roll it out .

  30. 这需要外国子公司自筹资金,因此还需要跨境银行有可靠的“求生欲”,引导公司采取惯常的解决方法。

    That would require that foreign subsidiaries be independently capitalised , which may also be necessary for a cross-border bank to have a credible " living will ", a guide to its orderly resolution .