
  • Science and technology management system;【法】scientific and technological management system
  1. 推进科技管理体制改革

    Promote reform of the management system for science and technology

  2. 欧洲科技管理体制带给我们的启示

    Inspiration of Sci & Tech Management System in Europe

  3. 中美研究型大学科技管理体制与运行机制比较研究与启示

    The Comparison and Enlightenment of Science & Technology Management System and Measure of Research University in China and America

  4. 深化农业科技管理体制改革,建立农业科技创新的长效机制;

    Deepening the reform of management structure and constructing the long effect mechanism of agricultural scientific and technological innovation ;

  5. 建立新型的农业科技管理体制,使管理模式更加适应现代农业发展的要求;

    The new management system should be established under their new development directions to be suited to the requirements of agricultural modernization .

  6. 主要探讨深化科技管理体制机制改革和完善需求激励政策两个方面。

    The article mainly talks about two aspects , deepening the reform of the management system of science and technology and optimizing incentive policy needs included .

  7. 公益性科研机构的内部管理模式是世界各国科技管理体制的一个重点所在,也是我国公益性科研机构改革的重要内容。

    The inner management pattern of scientific research institution for public welfare is an emphasis of management regime for science and technology in China and other countries .

  8. 深化科技管理体制改革,促进科技资源优化配置、高效利用和开放共享。

    We will deepen reform of the system for managing science and technology , and promote the optimal allocation , efficient use and public sharing of scientific and technological resources .

  9. 作者认为,随着高等教育体制改革的逐步深化和社会的不断发展,进一步做好政务信息工作,强化信息质量和决策服务功能,是新形势下教育和科技管理体制改革的必然要求;

    With the deepening of the reform in the higher education system and science administration system , it is important to provide high quality management information and good service for decision making .

  10. 根据我国现行科技管理体制和市场运行特征,以系统的思想和方法分析研究科技服务业的构成和作用;

    Based on the current S T management system and the market running characters , this paper analyzes and studies the structure and function of S T service industry with system thought and method .

  11. 随着我国科技管理体制的改革,国家科技计划项目实施引入合同制,通过合同明确项目主持部门与项目承担者之间的权利义务关系。

    With the management system reform , contract system is introduced to implement National R & D Programs . The contracts make the rights and obligations clear of the presiding departments and the undertakers of the projects .

  12. 本文研究了美国、德国、日本研究型大学科技管理体制的基本框架和科研组织机构,概述了国外研究型农业大学科技管理运行机制的现状和特点,从中学习经验、得出启示;

    The article studied the frameworks and organizations of science and technology management system of America 、 Germany and Japan , summarized the statues and characteristics of science and technology running mechanism of foreign countries , concluded the enlightenments which based on the research above .

  13. 深化科技管理体制改革,优化科技资源配置,完善鼓励技术创新和科技成果产业化的法制保障、政策体系、激励机制、市场环境。

    The deepened science and technology management organizational reform , the optimized science and technology resources disposition , consummates the encouragement technological innovation and the scientific and technical payoffs industrial production legal system safeguard , the policy system , the drive mechanism , the market environment .

  14. 科技宏观管理体制及机制如何变革与创新

    Institution of Scientific Macro-Management and How to Change and Renovate It

  15. 科技情报管理体制的调整与改革

    Adjustment and Reform on the Managing System of S. & T.Intelligence

  16. 英国国防科技信息管理体制和保障体系研究

    Research on British Defense Scientific and Technical Information Management and Guarantee System

  17. 科技期刊管理体制和运行机制滞后。

    Lag of the management system and movement mechanism .

  18. 建立科学的科技资源管理体制和投入体制;

    The third , establishing scientific manage system ;

  19. 发达国家科技预算管理体制及对中国的启示

    The R & D Budget System in Developed Countries and Its Implication to China

  20. 改革国防科技工业管理体制,提升信息化武器装备水平;

    To reform the administration system of the scientific and technical industry for the national defense ;

  21. 建立以资产管理为核心的高校科技产业管理体制

    Establishing the Management System of Science and Technology Industry in Colleges in the Core of Capital Management

  22. 二是要满足科技管理的体制与制度需要以及其变革需要,支持开放的评价形式与过程。

    Second , we must meet the need of S & T management organization and system , as well as need of their reform , and support open evaluation form and process .

  23. 分析科技期刊管理体制上存在的一些问题,指出影响科技期刊转制的主客观因素:期刊在发行代理上没有选择;

    By the profound analyses of some questions existing in sci-tech periodical management system , the authors indicate the host and guest factors impacting sci-tech periodical turning system : the periodicals have no alternative in distribution ;

  24. 高校资产经营公司是高校科技产业管理体制改革的产物和创新,它的组建将促进高校科技产业规范发展,保障国有资产保值增值。

    The foundation of university assets corporation is the innovative product of the system reform of university property management , which can enhance the development of high-tech industries in the university and ensure the increment of state-owned property .

  25. 主要国家国防科技工业的管理体制与运行机制

    Management System and Function Mechanism of the Defense Industry in the Main Countries

  26. 民办高校科技产业化管理体制与机制研究

    Study on the Management System and Mechanism in Scientific Industrialization in Civilian-run Colleges and Universities

  27. 国家级科技计划的专家管理体制

    Expert Management System of National Science and Technology Plan

  28. 同时,要加强新兴的科技创新团队的管理体制和运行机制的研究工作,科学实施科技创新团队的分类管理和科学的多层次目标系统管理,建立健全灵活合理的选人用人机制和激励约束机制。

    At the same time , the follows are necessary , to strengthen the study on management and running mechanism of STIT , to carry out the classified and multilayer objective systemic management , to set up the flexible and reasonable mechanism of selecting , employing , inspiriting and obligating .

  29. 随着科学技术在经济发展中发挥着越来越重要的作用,各国政府都纷纷加强对本国科技投入和完善科技管理体制以占据创新革命中的制高点。

    With the development of science and technology , their importance in the development of economic is increasing . In order to occupy the commanding role in the innovation revolution , governments of most countries strengthen their technology spending and improve the management of science and technology .

  30. 当前,我国竞技体育的科技含量仍较低,科研管理体制及运行机制依然不畅、低水平重复交叉研究现象突出,科技管理体制改革任务依然艰巨。

    At present Chinese elite sports scientific research still stays low lever , management system and running mechanism exist a series of problems , there being low lever repeated research , Chinese elite sports scientific research management system reformation has hard works to do at present .