
  • 网络research funding;research fund
  1. 主要从科研经费来源、管理体制、职能部门、科研团队建设方面分析科研经费管理的情况;再次,对HK大学科研经费管理存在的问题及其成因进行分析。

    From the main research funding sources , management system , the function department , research team construction aspects of scientific research management , Once again , to HK university scientific research outlays management problems and the causes were analyzed .

  2. 通过分析结果可知,在其他变量保持不变的情况下,农村人口人均科研经费每增加100元,农业机械装备水平可以增加0.0168kW/hm2。

    It can be known from analysis of the results that research funding every increased 100 Yuan per capita of rural population , agricultural mechanization level can increase 0.0168kW/hm2 in the circumstances of other variables keeps invariant .

  3. 大学科研经费向科学家极大地倾斜。

    University funding was tremendously biased towards scientists .

  4. 不得以研究生名义虚报、冒领、挪用、侵占科研经费或其他费用;

    should not make misrepresentation , fraudulent claim , or misappropriation of research funds or other expenses in the name of graduate students

  5. 建立在HIS基础上的WebServer的实现技术及实例解析&医院科研经费管理系统

    Techniques to realize WEB SERVER based on HIS and analysis of true examples - managing system of fund for scien - tific research activities in hospital

  6. 泰国2006年将开展一个5000万美元的干细胞研究计划,而今年越南许诺把科研经费提升到越南GDP的2%。

    Thailand is starting a US $ 50 million stem-cell programme in2006 , and this year Vietnam pledged to increase research spending to two per cent of its gross domestic product .

  7. 在改善经费支出结构方面,建议通过BOT模式科学化解贷款债务危机;逐步减少冗余人员;增加奖助学金支出额度;增加科研经费支出额度。

    To improve the expenditure structure , recommended use the " BOT " model to resolve the loan debt crisis ; gradually reduce the redundant staff ; increase the amount of scholarships expenditures and research expenditures .

  8. 曾是里奇大学室友的哈佛大学(Harvard)科学家杰克·施特罗明格(JackStrominger)回忆道,在上世纪50年代初期,联邦政府并不像今天这样向科学家发放拨款,所以单单是拿到科研经费就相当困难。

    In the early 1950s , recalled Jack Strominger , a scientist at Harvard who was Rich 's roommate in college , the federal government did not hand out grants to scientists the way it does today ; so just getting the money to do science was hard .

  9. 经费的投入上,我国医学科研经费投入约占总科研经费投入的20%左右,历年投入总和只相当于NIH一年经费的几十分之一。

    Grants funding , medical research grants funding was about 20 % of total research grants funding in China , and total medical research funds from all three kinds of foundation was less than NIH one year grants reward .

  10. 我国农业科研经费运行机制及其政策调整

    On Operational Mechanism and Policy Adjustment of Agricultural RD in China

  11. 层次分析法对于科研经费的分配起着重要的作用。

    It play important role in distributing of scientific research funds .

  12. 模糊评估在科研经费分配决策中的应用

    Application of Fuzzy Evaluation in Distribution Decisions of Scientific Research Expenditure

  13. 建立合理可行的军事科研经费项目融资机制

    On establishing the project circulating funds mechanism of military scientific research

  14. 西方国家高校科研经费管理评介

    Scientific research expenses management in the western universities and the enlightenment

  15. 美国国防科研经费的管理状况与投资走向

    American defense research funds : its management and investment orientation

  16. 科研经费管理的几项措施

    A Number of Measures in the Management of S. & T. Funds

  17. 1990年代,科研经费大为缩减,许多研究人员流失到了国外。

    But many researchers fled in the1990s , when budgets were slashed .

  18. 高校科研经费的核算与管理

    Discussion on management of financial affairs of scientific research funds in universities

  19. 对高校科研经费管理若干问题的思考

    Considerations of the Management of Scientific Research Funds of Universities

  20. 关于纵向科研经费申请和管理的探讨

    Inquiries about Application and Management of Vertical Scientific Research Funds

  21. 部分高校科研经费的使用情况及监管对策

    Use & Supervisory Countermeasure of Research Spending in Some Universities

  22. 卷烟企业科研经费管理及其模式创新研究

    Research on Tobacco Enterprise Scientific Research Funds Management and Its Model Innovation

  23. 科学家的科研经费常常得到基金会的支持。

    The research of scientists is often supported by money from foundations .

  24. 科研经费管理创新的探索与实践

    Exploration and practice of management innovation for research funds

  25. 加强科研经费管理提高军事科研效益

    In the research . Management of scientific research funds

  26. 国防科研经费超概算原因分析与对策建议

    Over budgetary estimation of national defense scientific research funds : causd and countermeasure

  27. 加强高校科研经费管理有效措施的探析

    On Effective Measures of Enhancing the Management of Colleges and Universities Research Funding

  28. 高等学校科研经费目标管理

    Target Management for R & D Funds of Universities

  29. 内部融资包括科研经费、内部职工筹资和自有资金。

    Inside financing include research fund , financing from employees and own capital .

  30. 规范科研经费管理提高资金使用效益

    Standardizing the Management of Scientific Research Funds to Improve Efficiency in Funds Application