
ér tónɡ xīn lǐ xué
  • child psychology
儿童心理学 [ér tóng xīn lǐ xué]
  • [child psychology] 研究儿童心理和行为的发展规律的一门学科

  1. 儿童心理学是教师训练中必修的课程。v.精炼

    Child psychology is a required course in teacher training .

  2. 我感觉儿童心理学是我喜欢研究的东西。

    I feel that child psychology is something that I 'd enjoy doing .

  3. 作为我国儿童心理学、儿童教育学的奠基人,陈鹤琴被誉为中国幼教之父。

    So he is called as Father of Chinese Children Education .

  4. 试论特殊儿童心理学研究的特点与方法

    On the characteristics and methods of researches on special children psychology

  5. 她是最杰出的儿童心理学专家之。

    She 's one of the foremost experts on child pskychology .

  6. 她读的是一些关于农村脱贫以及儿童心理学方面的书籍。

    She read up on poverty alleviation in rural areas and child psychology .

  7. 意外伤害儿童心理学特点的病例对照研究

    Characterization of injured child psychology & A case-control study

  8. 一个好教师要熟知教育心理学和儿童心理学。

    Teacher must know well about : psychology of children and education psychology .

  9. 我国特殊儿童心理学课程建设的现状及其对策

    Current Situation and Strategy of Psychology Curriculum Construction for Special Children in China

  10. 试论高觉敷对20世纪中国儿童心理学的贡献

    GAO Jue fu 's Contributions to Child Psychology in the 20th Century in China

  11. 格塞尔的儿童心理学思想研究

    Research on A.Gesell 's Psychological Thought of Child

  12. 她受过儿童心理学的教育。

    She has a background in child psychology .

  13. 课程包括儿童心理学、心理测验、行为矫正和相关研究。

    Courses include child psychology , psychological testing , behavior modification , and related studies .

  14. 中学古典诗词教学&诗词的意境鉴赏实验教育和儿童心理学

    Classical Poetry Teaching of Middle School ; Experimental Pedagogy and the Psychology of the Child

  15. 她甚至学过儿童心理学。

    She even studied child psychology .

  16. 实验儿童心理学杂志

    Journal of Experimental Child Psychology

  17. 进步教育的意象被儿童心理学、尤其是被认知发展理论所强化。

    The image of progressive education was strengthened by child psychology , especially by theories of learning and development .

  18. 既然你的工作是照看孩子,你就应该学些有关儿童心理学的东西。

    Since your job is taking care of the children , you should learn something about children 's psychology .

  19. 梁继璋先生是香港一位名电台节目主持人,也是一位儿童心理学导师。

    Michael Leung , a famous TV Host and MC / DJ in Hong Kong , is also a child psychotherapist .

  20. 但如果解释为什么危险,则会起到较好的沟通效果,这是根据一项在《儿童心理学》杂志发表的研究得出的结论。

    But explaining why something is dangerous gets better results , according to a study in the Journal of Pediatric Psychology .

  21. 儿童心理学包含的论题很宽广,从基因对行为的影响到社会压力对发展的作用。

    Child psychology encompasses a wide range of topics , from the genetic influences on behavior to the social pressures on development .

  22. 维特根斯坦关注儿童心理学,主要关注的是儿童如何学习母语,其中蕴含着语言的意义问题。

    With attention of kidology , he paid attention to how kids study mother tongue and the applied question about meaning of language .

  23. 萨拉正在攻读儿童心理学的博士学位,家长们经常请求她为自己的孩子提供强化训练,比如增强阅读、理解或数学能力。

    Sara , who is studying for a PhD in child psychology , is often asked to help provide enrichment , reading , comprehension or mathematics .

  24. 本文试图以儿童心理学研究为基础,从童年的特殊生命现象&儿童游戏入手,解析文本的游戏精神,这是本文力图创新之处。

    The innovation of the article was to analyze the spirits of game in the works basing on the children psychology and starting from the children game .

  25. 萨拉正在攻读儿童心理学的博士学位,家长们经常请求她为自己的孩子提供“强化训练”,比如增强阅读、理解或数学能力。

    Sara , who is studying for a PhD in child psychology , is often asked to help provide " enrichment , " reading , comprehension or mathematics .

  26. 本研究不但可以丰富儿童心理学的有关理论,而且还能为研究型学习以及素质教育和创新教育观念的实施提供理论依据和实践指导。

    This research could not only enrich relative theories of children psychology , but also provide theoretical foundation and practical direction for investigation-model study and the actualization of diathesis-education and creativity-education idea .

  27. 这项发表于《儿童心理学与精神疾病学》杂志的研究结果显示,生活在贫困线以下的儿童更容易患小儿多动症。

    The study , published in the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry , showed that there was a greater prevalence of ADHD among children from families living below the poverty line .

  28. 本课题首先结合儿童心理学,深刻剖析儿童心理特点,并且将儿童心理特点和儿童居室环境相联系,导出儿童居室环境对儿童心理成长和生理发育的重要性。

    Analyse the infantile psychology distinguishing feature , Moreover one another get in touch with the infantile psychology distinguishing feature with the environment in children room , Educe the important of the environment in children room to the development of children .

  29. 本文意在特殊儿童心理学研究的基本特点和质的研究方法与特殊儿童心理学研究的内在适应性上,说明质的研究方法在特殊儿童心理学研究中的应用。

    This article illustrates the application of qualitative research in researches on psychology of exceptional children from the aspects of basic features of researches on psychology of exceptional children , and the inherent congruence between qualitative research and researches on psychology of exceptional children .

  30. 为了深刻理解儿童心理学的现状与发展,笔者就儿童心理学中儿童发展观的历史演变轨迹、本学科的研究现状以及发展趋势进行了剖析。

    In order to understand the present situation and the development of children 's psycholgy , the author analyses the historic evolution of children 's development viewpoint in children 's psychology as well as the progress of the study and the developing tendency of children 's psychology .