
  1. 我最近无意间看到了《巴黎评论》(ParisReview)对资深儿童心理学家亚当·菲利普斯(AdamPhillips)的采访。

    I recently stumbled across an interview in The Paris Review with Adam Phillips , who was a child psychologist for many years .

  2. 儿童心理学家、伦敦安娜•弗洛伊德中心(AnnaFreudCentre)的首席执行官彼得•福纳吉(PeterFonagy)几十年来因为工作关系经常出差,去过很多大洲。

    Peter Fonagy , a child psychoanalyst and chief executive of the Anna Freud Centre in London , has travelled extensively over several decades and many continents for his career .

  3. 儿童心理学家科尔斯滕·卡伦(KirstenCullen)提议,父母亲应当事先讲好在愤怒情绪达到什么程度时停止争吵。

    Child psychologist Kirsten Cullen Sharma suggests that parents agree in advance on an anger cutoff point for arguments .

  4. 我们邀请富有声誉的儿童心理学家和芝加哥大学研究员MargaretBealeSpencer为CNN设计一项初步调查,并分析调查结果。我们的孩子非常受我们的影响。你知道,因为我们是一个社会。我们所传达出的信息,孩子们都会有所反馈。

    We asked child psychologist and University of Chicago researcher Dr. Margaret Beale Spencer to design a pilot study for CNN and analyze the results.Our children are always near us , you know , because we 're a society . And what we put out there , kids report back .

  5. 皮雅杰自己从不认为自己是儿童心理学家。

    Piaget never thought of himself as a child psychologist .

  6. 儿童心理学家这个职业的前景如何?

    How Is the Job Outlook for Child Psychologists ?

  7. 一位儿童心理学家在谈论有关小孩子发生的事故。

    A child psychologist talks about accidents with children .

  8. 儿童心理学家在哪儿工作以及通常工作都做些什么呢?

    Where Does a Child Psychologist Work and What Are Some Typical Job Duties ?

  9. 格塞尔(1880&1961)是美国20世纪著名的儿童心理学家、医生。

    Gesell ( 1880-1961 ) was a famous child psychologist and doctor in American .

  10. 我们是否应该去咨询儿童心理学家?

    Should we be consulting a child psychologist ?

  11. 可同时,也正是这个想法不被儿童心理学家认同。

    But perhaps it is this thought that is not going down well with the child psychologists .

  12. 由于她超出早期学习目标值过多,家人带着她去了伦敦咨询儿童心理学家。

    She was exceeding all her early learning goals , so her family took her see a child psychologist in London .

  13. 研究这个问题的儿童心理学家往往会回答该&如果父母能够做到合理争吵的话。

    Child psychologists who study the issue tend to say yes & if parents can manage to argue in a healthy way .

  14. 研究这个问题的儿童心理学家往往会回答“该”——如果父母能够做到合理争吵的话。

    Child psychologists who study the issue tend to say yes -- if parents can manage to argue in a healthy way .

  15. 他是儿童心理学家,在老布什执政时期搞过家庭政策,在1994年帮助创立了《全国当好父亲倡议》。

    He 's a child psychologist , worked on family policy in the first Bush Administration , and in1994 helped found the National Fatherhood Initiative .

  16. 为了帮助孩子们对怪物和不熟悉景物的放松,来自辛辛提那儿童心理学家说,父母要给孩子们解释万圣节是一个假扮的场景。

    To help ease the fright of " monsters " and unfamiliar sights , child psychologists at Cincinnati Children 's say parents should help their children interpret Halloween as a make-believe situation .

  17. 数年之后,母亲告诉我们,儿童心理学家们对她随后的诚实教育的做法很可能是不赞同的。

    Years later , she told us that the " lesson " she came up with for trying to teach us to be truthful would probably have been frowned upon by child psychologists .

  18. 英国儿童心理学家认为这种后天训练的方法表明了那些左撇子孩子大多拥有一种叛逆个性,需要尽早纠正。

    British child psychologists that supported this retraining method also preached that children who used their left hand were simply demonstrating - and developing - a defiant personality that needed to be corrected as soon as possible .

  19. 查布拉博士(儿童心理学家):如今的现象会导致这样一个结果:我们可能是在粗制滥造一些知道很多信息,但却不知道该如何使用这些信息的机器人。我们可能会培养出一些过于自信,且目中无人的孩子。

    Dr. Chabbria ( Child Psychologist ) : What is happening is that we might be churning out robots who have all the information but actually do not really know how to use that information , and maybe even be getting overconfident kid who cannot see beyond themselves .

  20. 儿童心理健康的不端增加应该也能帮助刺激儿童心理学家的需求。

    The increased awareness of child mental health should also help spur the demand for child psychologists .