
  • 网络genetic determinism;hereditary determinism;genetic predeterminism;genetically determined theory;hereditarianism
  1. 他在塑造狗形象,揭示狗之性格形成和发展方面,明白无误地遵从了左拉倡导的遗传决定论和环境决定论。

    From portraying the Dog 's images to revealing the formation and development of the dogs ' character , the novels embody obviously genetic determinism and environmental determinism advocated by Zola .

  2. 对其它学科的研究具有重要的启发作用。进化心理学的局限是:具有遗传决定论的倾向;

    Its research has important enlightenments to other discipline .

  3. 具有讽刺意义的是很多把别人列为遗传决定论者的人看起来非常怀疑人类习俗的力量能根据基本的心理模式来调整结果。

    The irony is many who label others genetic determinists seem to be awfully skeptical of the power of human institutions to modulate the outcomes contingent upon a basic psychological template .