
zhuān tí bào ɡào
  • special report;report on a special topic;position paper;disquisition
  1. 组织编制监理月报、专题报告和工作总结。

    Organize and prepare monthly supervision report , special report and work summary ;

  2. 监理报告主要有监理同志、监理周报、监理月报、专题报告、阶段总结等。

    Supervision report includes the supervision daily , the supervision weekly , the supervision monthly , the special report and the phase summarize .

  3. 不交一项最后的专题报告的任何学生分数将是F。

    Any student who does not turn in a final project report will receive an F.

  4. ATM支持IP业务的网络技术研究&1998年SG13专题报告

    Research on the Network Technologies for ATM to Support IP & SG13 Subject Report 1998

  5. 预期项目将获得3S集成、6项专题报告和8大示范工程等成果,以认识九龙江、建设九龙江和展示九龙江。

    Expected fruits compromise of 3S integration , 6 special reports and 8 demonstrative projects aiming at understanding Jiulong River , building Jiulong River and exhibiting Jiulong River .

  6. 地震波散射研究的新进展&第25届IASPEI大会S13专题报告会地震波散射与衰减简介

    Recent progress in the research of seismic wave scattering

  7. 本文以IASPEI的地震波的散射与衰减专题报告会为主,评述了近几年在地震波散射方面的研究进展。

    The recent progress in the research of seismic wave scattering is reviewed based on the presentations at the Symposium " Scattering and Attenuation of Seismic Waves " of the 25th IASPEI General Assembly .

  8. 关于建设项目生态环境影响评价专题报告编写的思考

    On Compiling the Subject of the Eco-environmental Impact Assessment for Projects

  9. 一场医学专题报告会在一个大厅里举行。

    A medical symposium would be held in a hall .

  10. 右室梗塞患者临床特点及卡托普利的影响中国心脏研究I专题报告之七

    The Effect of Captopril on Patients with Right Ventricular Infarction

  11. 它们通常不是完整的专题报告内容。

    They are usually not complete specifications of projects .

  12. 专题报告&防治骨质疏松症药物应用现状与前景

    The Application and Development of Anti - osteoporosis Drugs

  13. 在专题报告会之前,大厅的地板已经被打扫过了。

    Before the symposium , the floor of the hall had been swept .

  14. 同时也就政府关注的事项,编写专题报告。

    It also produces special reports on subjects of interest to the government .

  15. 营养与健康新的知识新的挑战1987年10月在第五届亚洲营养会议上的专题报告

    Nutrition and Helth & New Knowledge , New Challenge

  16. 铸铁在重要汽车零件上的应用实例以及与其他材质的比较&汽车铸铁件专题报告之二

    Examples of Cast Irons'Application for Main Automobile Parts and Their Comparison with Other Materials

  17. 而你的期末专题报告是一定要搭配你的提案。

    A tentative , but formal outline for your final project must accompany your proposal .

  18. 学生需要提交两个进度报告和一个最终专题报告。

    Students are required to hand in2 progress reports , and a final project report .

  19. 地方建筑的发展&国际建协第20届大会专题报告综述

    DEVELOPMENT OF LOCAL ARCHITECTURE ── Summarization of the keynote reports in the 20th UIA Congress

  20. 铸铁在汽车构件中竞争生存的实践考察&汽车铸铁件专题报告之一

    An Investigation into Status of Iron castings in Competition of Construction Materials for Automobile Components

  21. 14962例急性心肌梗塞患者临床特征&中国心脏研究-Ⅰ专题报告之五

    Clinical Characterstics in 14962 Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction : Chinese Cardiac Study Fifth Report

  22. 运动与营养&2002亚运会科学大会专题报告论文简述

    Sports nutrition & A brief review on symposium report of 2002 Asia Games sports science congress

  23. 栗占国多次应邀在国际学术会议上作专题报告。

    Li was invited to many of the countries in the international academic conference on the topic .

  24. 专题报告与口头科学论文报告是大家较不熟悉的特别作业。

    The theme reports and oral paper presentations are unusual assignments that you may be unfamiliar with .

  25. 应校长的要求,休斯博士今天将给我们做一次专题报告。

    At the desire of the principal , Dr Hughes will give us a special lecture today .

  26. 这些问题,尤其是千年发展目标专题报告详述的各项问题,看来十分严峻。

    These problems , especially well-documented in the report on the Millennium Development Goals , appear overwhelming .

  27. 准备讨论在你的期末专题报告初稿中,写作时遭到的问题或困难。

    Be prepared to discuss any questions or problems you are having with your final paper draft .

  28. 13597例急性心肌梗死患者心电图特征及卡托普利的治疗效果&中国心脏研究-Ⅰ专题报告之四

    Electrocardiogram Characteristics in 13597 Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction and Effect of Captopril : Chinese Cardiac Study Fourth Report

  29. 最近,农业部农村改革试验区办公室组织了一批专题报告,开发研究这些宝贵资源。

    Recently , the Office of Rural Reform Experiment under the Agriculture Ministry organized a series of special reports .

  30. 专题报告会结束时,主席宣布他会收集好的论文放进专题论文集里。

    At the end of the symposium , the chairman announced that he would collect good papers in a symposium .