
  1. 以H大学为案例,分析该校全日制专业学位研究生的现状,围绕其现有质量保障体系所存在的问题,在本文所持有的观点基础上,提出相应的完善策略。

    H University as a case study to analyze the status of the school full-time graduate professional degree , the quality assurance system around its existing problems existing in some views held by the foundation of this article , we propose a corresponding improvement strategies .

  2. 军队医学专业学位研究生培养的实践与思考

    Experience and Reflections of Graduate Training Majoring in Military Medical Degree

  3. 对中医药临床医学专业学位研究生培养模式的思考

    Considerations on the training mode of clinical postgraduates of Chinese medicine

  4. 关于专业学位研究生教育质量的思考

    On Ensuring the Quality of Postgraduate Education in the Professional Degree

  5. 谈专业学位研究生的职业规划与就业指导&以法律硕士为例

    A Study on Juris Master 's Vocational Planning and Employment Guidance

  6. 工程硕士专业学位研究生培养调查

    A Survey and Analysis of the Education of Master of Engineering Students

  7. 浅谈临床医学专业学位研究生临床能力培养

    Discussion on Clinical Ability Development for Graduate Student with Clinical Medicine Specialty Degree

  8. 本文以研究生培养模式为研究起点,以构建全日制硕士专业学位研究生培养模式为线索贯穿全文。

    To build full-time Professional Degree training model are clues throughout the paper .

  9. 美国专业学位研究生教育的特征及其启示

    The Features of Professional Master Degree in America and Its Enlightenment to China

  10. 医学专业学位研究生临床能力考核评价体系研究

    Research on the check-up and assessment system of clinical abilities of profession degree

  11. 创新教育网络与专业学位研究生培养

    Creating Educational Network and Training Postgraduate with Major Degree

  12. 提高妇产科专业学位研究生临床工作能力的体会

    Our Experience of Improving Clinical Skills of Graduate Students of Obstetrics and Gynecology

  13. 在专业学位研究生教育的发展过程中,专业学位研究生培养机制起到了至关重要的作用。

    In the process of development , the Postgraduate Education mechanisms play a crucial role .

  14. 一支高水平、高素质的专业学位研究生教育导师队伍是提升专业学位研究生培养质量的根本保障。

    The high-quality and high-level supervisor team guarantees the quality of professional degree graduate students .

  15. 同时,也介绍了专业学位研究生教育对导师队伍的要求。

    Meanwhile , demands of supervisor team are explained on the basis of the background .

  16. 阐述了临床医学专业学位研究生培养工作中存在的客观问题和应对措施。

    This paper illustrates problems and corresponding solutions in education of postgraduates of clinical medicine .

  17. 对我院开展体育硕士专业学位研究生教育的分析与思考

    On the Developing of the Postgraduate Education of Physical Special Master Degree in Our Institute

  18. 第四章对我国高等学校农科专业学位研究生培养规格进行了定位,并提出了农科专业学位研究生培养模式建构原则。

    Chapter Four provides the basic principles and standard on how to restructure the cultivating model .

  19. 我国的专业学位研究生教育进入到崭新的发展时代。

    It indicates the fresh new era of the development of professional degree in our country .

  20. 全日制专业学位研究生在近年来得到了快速发展。

    In recent years , full-time professional degree graduate education has been rapid development in our county .

  21. 2009年是我国专业学位研究生教育具有转折意义的一年。

    The year of 2009 is the turning point of the profession degree education in our country .

  22. 浅谈临床医学硕士专业学位研究生临床技能培养网络化管理的建立

    Establishment of Network Management in Clinical Skill Training for the Students of Specialized Master Degree of Medicine

  23. 最后针对我国专业学位研究生教育的发展提出了相关看法。

    Finally , it puts forward some useful implications and inspirations for the professional graduate education in China .

  24. 与此同时,全日制专业学位研究生培养质量问题也成为学者们关注的对象。

    At the same time , the quality problems of full-time Postgraduate Education become the concern of scholars .

  25. 农科专业学位研究生教育发展很快,适应了社会需求。

    The graduate education of agricultural professional degree develops very fast , and it adapts the social requirements .

  26. 主要是对综合性大学教育硕士专业学位研究生的培养模式进行建构。

    It mainly attempts to construct the training mode of the cultivation of educational masters in comprehensive universities .

  27. 探讨培养和提高外科专业学位研究生创新能力的途径。

    To discuss some specific ways to cultivate and develop innovative abilities of graduate student of surgical specialty degree .

  28. 科学完善的专业学位研究生培养机制是专业学位研究生教育朝着健康、有序的方向发展的重要保证。

    The Postgraduate Education mechanisms also guarantees that the direction of professional degree education towards healthy and orderly development .

  29. 研究结果表明:影响美国专业学位研究生规模的最主要因素是专职教师数量和经济发展水平。

    The results indicate that the key influencing factors are the number of full-time teachers and the level of economic development .

  30. 专家们的意见基本达成一致,从而为构建护理硕士专业学位研究生的培养方案提供了依据。

    The opinion of experts reach a basic agreement , providing the basis for building nursing professional degree graduate training program .