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  1. 曹魏自耕农经济的恢复与发展

    Recovery and Development of the Yeoman Economy in the Wei Dynasty

  2. 它暂时缓解了农民的生存危机,造就了普遍的小自耕农经济。

    It temporarily soothes the survival crisis of the peasants , and brings up prevalent yeoman farming economy .

  3. 西汉以自耕农为主体的经济结构到东汉以庄园为主体经济结构的转变,客观上形成了汉晋之际社会思潮变迁的重要依托。

    The transformation of economic structure from Western Han to Eastern Han , is a important basis to the change of society thought .

  4. 其目的是要使农民成为具有独立经济地位和独立人格的自耕农,随着农村经济的发展,形成农村中的中产阶级。

    The purpose was to turn peasant into owner-peasant with independent economic statues and independent personality , and to come into being middle class in rural urea , with the development of rural economy .