
  1. 新形势下高校毕业生如何自主择业

    How to Self-select Jobs for College Graduates in the New Situation

  2. 自主择业与高校毕业生就业

    Job-hunting by Self-determination and University Graduates to Obtain Employment

  3. 市场经济体制下大学生的就业模式已由原有的统分统配转变为双向选择,自主择业。

    Under the system of market economy , the mode for graduates obtaining employment has been changed .

  4. 离职竞业禁止是对员工离职后自主择业权的限制,企业以此作为保护商业秘密的主要方法之一。

    A Research on Laborers Duty of Confidentiality and Prohibition of Business Strife for the Protection of Trade Secrets ;

  5. 杜兰特、乔治和保罗指点江山,自主择业。这都提醒了我们,我们可以把自己命运掌握在自己手中。

    in Durant and George and Paul taking command of their world and reminding us we still can captain our own ships .

  6. 以期探索出一条更适合云南省自主择业军转干部管理服务的路径。

    With expect to investigate to be an is more suitable for province independence in Yunnan to choose industry management service of path .

  7. 实行网络招生和毕业生自主择业后,高校学生档案管理的矛盾更为突出。

    After net recruitment was applied and graduates began seeking job independently , the conflict in the management of student files is even obvious .

  8. 自主择业、多渠道多形式就业、灵活就业、自主创业已成为大学生就业发展的新趋势。

    Self-choice and multi-channel in various forms of employment , flexible employment , and independent entrepreneurs have become a new trend of college graduates employment .

  9. 第一小节阐述了自主择业军转干部五险一金制度产生的历史背景。

    The first section describes the historical background of " Five Social Insurances and Housing Fund " about demobilized military cadres of job-hunting by self-determination .

  10. 中国大学生旅游以四种方式表现出来:服务于课堂的认知旅游、服务于企业的商务旅游、自主择业旅游和以某个专项学习为目标的修学游。

    Student tour exists in three forms in China : cognizing tour for lesson program , business tour given by enterprises and the job hunting tour .

  11. 就业权是具有劳动能力和劳动愿望的公民享有平等就业和自主择业的权利。

    Employment is the ability to work with labor and the desire of citizens to enjoy equal employment and the right to choose their own jobs .

  12. 大学生就业已从传统的国家统包统分转变为“双向选择、自主择业”的就业机制。

    College students'employment viewpoint has transferred ultimately from traditional " government-planning assignment " to modern job-seeking mechanism of " two way choice and independent option " .

  13. 随着市场经济体制的深化和劳动力资源的配置日趋合理,职校生已经进入自主择业的时代。

    With the deepen of market economic system and reasonable collocate of labor source distribution , the students have stepped into the time of self-choosing career .

  14. 第三条劳动者依法享有平等就业和自主择业的权利。

    Article 3 The workers enjoy the right to employment on an equal footing and to choice of jobs on their own initiative in accordance with law .

  15. 自主择业权和商业秘密权的地位是平等的,应当用明晰、准确的法律规定彼此的合理界限,以使良性互动,协调发展。

    The right of freely choosing jobs and the right of business secrets are equal in status and shall be defined properly by using clear and correct legal prescriptions .

  16. 与社会主义经济发展的脉络相适应,高校毕业生就业于二十世纪九十年代中期迈入了以市场为主导的自主择业阶段。

    In order to suit the socialist economic development , the employment of college graduates in the mid-twentieth century entered a market-led stage_ " choose their own jobs " stage .

  17. 第二小节全面、详细地叙述了自主择业军转干部五险一金制度的主要内容。

    The second section discusses the main content of " Five Social Insurances and Housing Fund " about demobilized military cadres of job-hunting by self-determination in a comprehensive and detailed way .

  18. 我国高校毕业生就业制度改革,从改变国家的“统包统分”到实行多数毕业生自主择业。

    The employment system of graduates in the universities and colleges of our country is reformed from the guarantee of employment of the state to the self-choice employment of the graduates .

  19. 自主择业军转干部转业到地方后,五险一金成为关乎他们民生的重要待遇。

    After demobilized military cadres of job-hunting by self-determination have transferred to civilian work , the " Five Social Insurances and Housing Fund " has become an important treatment related to their livelihood .

  20. 在计划经济向市场经济转型的过程中,高等教育不断向前发展,大学毕业生的就业方式也由国家统包统分转变为大学毕业生自主择业。

    In process of planned economy to market economy , higher education Continue to develop , The ways that university graduates choosing jobs are changed from Sub-national turnkey system into finding jobs by themselves .

  21. 在当前高校扩大招生规模、后勤社会化改革、双向选择,自主择业的就业政策等新形势下,如何使学生的管理教育工作科学化、制度化、高效化是一个重要的课题。

    Under the circumstances of enlarged enrollment , logistics reform , and " market-directed " employment policy , it is an important issue on how to arrange student management and education scientifically and systematically .

  22. 随着国家取消高等院校毕业生分配政策,引导毕业生自主择业和大规模的研究生扩招,研究生就业难的问题日渐凸显。

    Since the state canceled the distribution policy of college graduates but guided the graduates to choose their own jobs and enlarge post-graduate enrollment , the difficult problem of graduate employment is increasingly prominent .

  23. 自主择业军转安置方式作为计划分配的一种有益补充,对军队和社会的稳定工作,起着重要的作用。

    The independence chooses an industry soldier to turn setting method as a plan allotment of a kind of beneficial add , to the stability work of the troops and the society , there is important function .

  24. 随着大学毕业生就业制度改革的不断深入和毕业生就业市场体制的逐步确立,双向选择、自主择业已成为大学毕业生就业的主要形式。

    With the unceasing development of the reform in employment system and the progressive establishment of the labor market system for the college graduates , mutual choice and individual decision has become the main form of employment .

  25. 近年来,随着高校扩招和大学生自主择业、双向选择制度的建立,大学生就业形势日益严峻。

    In recent years , as the university extend student enrollment , and the foundation of the system " choose the job freely and bilateral choice ", the situation that university graduates obtain employment is more and more serious .

  26. 坚持劳动者自主择业、市场调节就业、政府促进就业的方针,着力打造服务型政府,实施更加积极的就业政策,调动企业、劳动者和社会各方面的力量促进就业再就业。

    The workers choose profession independently , the market regulates employment , the government promotes the employment policy , implements the more positive employment policy as the service government . And they should encourage enterprises to give more jobs .

  27. 在此转型过程中,大多数毕业生都能正确把握就业形势,转变择业观念,强化竞争意识,积极迎接人才市场的挑战,主动投入到自主择业的行列。

    In the transformation , most graduates can correctly grasp employment situations , change their attitudes toward employment , strengthen their competitive consciousness , actively meet the challenges from the personnel markets and initiatively devote themselves to independent job hunting .

  28. 市场经济的发展,毕业生就业制度向双向选择,自主择业的改革,使用人单位对大学毕业生的素质要求越来越高,不仅要有专业素质,还要其他方面的相关素质。

    The requests of the employers become higher and higher , because of the development of market economy and the reform of the employment systems , for university graduates , not only in special quality , but also in other relative qualities .

  29. 2001年《军队转业干部安置暂行办法》颁布以来,政府计划分配与退役军官自主择业相结合的安置方式有效缓解了各级政府的安置压力。

    2001 " Interim Measures for resettlement of demobilized officers " since the enactment , the Government plans to the allocation of jobs and retired officers the combination of effective resettlement of all levels of government to alleviate the pressure of the placement .

  30. 而现实却把大学生推到了历史的前台,不得不承受更多的压力,必须对自己提出更高的要求,即不仅实现自主择业,更要实现自主创业。

    While they have been pushed into the ground of history and have to afford more pressures , They must set an even higher demand on themselves , which needs that they can not only find jobs on themselves but also become self-employed .