- 名 paragraphs

The author characterized his heroine in a few short paragraphs .
Ideally , your letters should be 3 - 5 paragraphs long , with none of those paragraphs longer than 8 lines .
Notice the topic sentence is usually the first or the last sentence of a paragraph .
Title is the root while each paragraph is a node in the tree with different level corresponding to its place in the text structure .
When music is played , it seems as if it were speaking to us.D.Music is so popular throughout the world that everyone can play it .
In fact , it is possible to implement the entire design ( except the7-segment displays , of course !) on just a couple simple PLD 's.
Studies on the Periphytic Algae in the Sichuan Section of the Rare and Unique Fish National Nature Reserve on Yangtze Upriver
Duration modeling is to establish a mapping relationship between the prosodic environment and the final duration engendered in natural speech .
Methods The visceral pleura intersegmental surface on 40 adult left lung specimens were incised and intersegmental planes were sought along " natural line of cleavage " in adjoining segments .
Under different pressures the flashing in riser of natural circulation system and its effect on flow stability were studied by the method of visual observation in synchronism with data recording .