
zhǔ xí tái
  • rostrum;platform
主席台 [zhǔ xí tái]
  • [rostrum;platform] 演说者或会议主持人就座的加高了的台子

主席台[zhǔ xí tái]
  1. 他和聚集在主席台四周的人热烈握手。

    He warmly shook hands with those gathered around the rostrum .

  2. 他们出现在主席台上时,受到热烈的欢呼。

    They received a great ovation when they appeared on the rostrum .

  3. 他有意离开主席台的座位。

    He deliberately veered away from the row of seats on the tribunal .

  4. VVIP门票座位将是不公开发售、观赏角度最佳的主席台贵宾票。

    VVIP tickets have best appreciation effects , which are not on sale in public .

  5. 每年6月初,都有一位中国将军坐在新加坡香格里拉酒店(Shangri-Lahotel)宴会厅的主席台上,告诉台下的各国国防部长和高级军官:中国渴望和平,不会对任何人构成威胁。

    Every year in early June , a Chinese general sits down on a stage at the Shangri-La Hotel in Singapore and tells a ballroom packed with defence ministers and military brass from all over the world that China aspires to peace and will not pose a threat to anyone .

  6. 请给大家介绍一下坐在主席台上的嘉宾。

    Please introduce the attendants on the platform to the house .

  7. 当仪仗方队经过主席台时,观众席上一片欢呼。

    People cheered when the guard of honor walked past the platform .

  8. 在主席台拥有一席之地要付出相应的代价。

    A seat at the top table comes with a price tag .

  9. 坐在主席台上的那些人都是学校有头有脸的人物。

    Those who sit on the rostrum are somebodies of the school .

  10. 在热烈的掌声中贵宾走上了主席台。

    Amid warm applause the honored guests mounted the rostrum .

  11. 摄影机安置在离主席台约20英尺的地方。

    Cameras were spotted about twenty feet from the rostrum .

  12. 来自主席台的建议被一致通过。

    The resolution from the platform be pass unanimously .

  13. 这位身材高大的人对着主席台笑了。

    The big man beamed toward the bench .

  14. 他以校外辅导员身份,被邀请到主席台上。

    He was invited to sit on the rostrum as a representative of extramural instructors .

  15. 厅的东侧设置了主席台和讲台,面对讲台排列着呈半圆形的一排排座位。

    A lectern and platform were set up on the east side , facing an array of seats arranged in a semicircle .

  16. 女排队员们英姿飒爽,正迈着矫健的步伐通过主席台。

    Being bright and brave , the members of the women 's volleyball team are passing by the rostrum , walking in vigorous strides .

  17. 芒格与巴菲特一同执掌伯克希尔公司,在股东大会上与巴菲特一同在主席台就坐。

    Buffett 's longtime business partner at Berkshire 's helm who shares the stage with him at the meeting , will likely have some choice words for Wall Street .

  18. 哈利感到了温暖和倦意,又抬头看看高台上的主席台。

    just matches into needles and that sort of thing . Harry , who was starting to feel warm and sleepy , looked up at the High Table again .

  19. 图二十三:募捐现场(六)副校长从龚京红上主席台的那一刻就开始就低着头,悄悄抹眼泪。

    Photo twenty-three : at the school fundraiser ( 16 ) The minute Gong Jinghong came up on stage , the Vice-Principal hung his head and quietly wiped away his tears .

  20. 开席前,新娘穿着一件天蓝色的礼裙和新郎一起站在主席台上和亲属来宾照相留恋,摄影师也是非常专业的人员为他们拍照。

    Before it star , bride wore a shy-blue dinner dress standing with bridegroom to take photos with the relatives and guests for memory so that the camerist is very professional .

  21. 会议厅主席台背景墙、会议厅装饰壁画;酒店内宴会厅、中西餐厅、酒吧、休闲会所等场所的墙面及天花装饰。

    Conference hall , a conference hall rostrum setting wall mural , Hotel ballroom , Chinese and western restaurants , bars , leisure clubs of the place such as metope and smallpox decoration .

  22. 主席台下,29个白色的十字架排成一排。每个家庭派一名成员把矿工的头盔放在其中的一个十字架上。在场之人为每一名死难矿工献上自己的掌声。

    The audience applauded for each one and a member of each family placed a miner 's helmet atop one of29 white crosses standing in a row at the foot of the stage .

  23. 几日后北大举行开学典礼,这位年轻的学子惊讶地发现,主席台上就座的北大副校长季羡林,正是那一天替自己看行李的老人。

    After several days , the school was holding the opening ceremony and the student astonishingly found that the vice-president of Peking University , Ji Xianlin , was exactly the old man who helped him take care of his luggage !

  24. 这位苹果公司的董事会主席在台上接受了该校学生维姬·斯拉维娜的采访,还参与了斯坦福学生的问答环节。

    Apple 's chairman was interviewed on stage by a Stanford student , Vicki Slavina , and took questions from an audience that consisted mostly of university students .

  25. 不过,最近,荷兰皇家壳牌(royaldutchshell)那些因薪酬问题而义愤填膺的股东,把该公司薪酬委员会的主席赶下了台。

    Last week , however , Royal Dutch Shell shareholders , angry over pay , forced out the head of the Remuneration Committee .