
  • 网络intersubjectivity;inter-subjectivity;intersubjective;subjectivity
  1. 论知识与主体间性的关系及其意义

    On the Relationship Between Knowledge and Intersubjectivity and Its Significance

  2. 论主体间性对对象主体内涵的现代修正

    On Modification by Intersubjectivity to the Connotation of Objective Subject

  3. 论美学与文艺学的内在主体间性

    On the Inside Inter - subjectivity of Aesthetics and Literature Theory

  4. 在学校教育中,科学精神与主体间性应是相辅相成的。

    In schooling scientific spirit and subject interval supplement each other .

  5. 主体间性视界中的教师角色

    On the role of teacher from perspective of inter - subjectivity

  6. 主体间性视角中的师生关系及教师定位

    On the T-S Relationship and Teacher 's Role in Inter-subjective Education

  7. 道德是具有主体间性意义的,道德教育从本质上看就是一种主体间性活动。

    Moral education in essence is a kind of inter-subjectivity activity .

  8. 主体间性视域与唯物史观视野

    The Visual Threshold of Intersubjectivity and the Vision of Historical Materialism

  9. 主体间性理论与翻译研究的嬗变

    The Philosophical Theory of Intersubjectivity and the Development of Translation Studies

  10. 论文从实践操作层面探讨了高校主体间性德育的实施。

    Author discusses the practice of higher education from practice operation .

  11. 离开了翻译的主体间性,翻译的规则意识和价值意识就无从谈起。

    Without inter-subjectivity , translation will lose its rule and value .

  12. 主体间性:生态美学哲学基础简析

    Intersubjectivity : An Analysis of the Philosophic Basis of Ecological Aesthetics

  13. 论思想政治教育的主体间性转向

    A Study on the Inter-Subjective Change of Ideological and Political Education

  14. 从公共性到主体间性&一种对网络媒介传播的探讨

    From Publicity to Inter-subjectivity & On the internet media broadcasting

  15. 主体间性审美视域中自然生态美的构建

    A construction of natural ecology beauty in the perspective of intersubjective aesthetics

  16. 主体间性维度上的大学英语测试评价模式探讨

    A Study of Intersubjectivity in College English Assessment and Evaluation

  17. 应用翻译的主体间性:功能翻译的阐释

    Inter-subjectivity in Pragmatic Translation Explained by the Functionalist Translation Theory

  18. 现代西方哲学主体间性理论及其困境

    The Modern Philosophic Theory of Inter-subjectivity in the West and Its Predicament

  19. 思想政治教育过程中主体间性的交往

    Inter-subjective Communication in the Process of Ideological and Political Education

  20. 主体间性理论视域下的医患关系

    Discussing the Relationship between Doctors and Patients in View of Intersubjectivity Theory

  21. 关于人本主义哲学主体间性的思想概述与认识教育视界下的主体间性

    Account of Philosophic Subject Interval thought and Subject Interval in Knowing Education

  22. 席勒:审美主义和主体间性美学的开拓者

    Schiller : the Pioneer of Aestheticism and Aesthetics of Inter-subjectivity

  23. 论新全球化下马克思主义主体间性理论的建构

    Demonstrate the Construction of Theory of Marxist Intersubjectivity During the New Globalization

  24. 从实质上来讲,这是一种主体间性关系。

    The essence , which is a main inter-sexual relations .

  25. 主体间性理论的出现正是这股对话思潮的主要体现。

    The emerging of Intersubjective Theory comes from the thoughts of dialogue .

  26. 主体间性是处理人与人之间关系中的人的主体性。

    Inter-subjectivity is the subjectivity of dealing with human relationships .

  27. 主体间性理论强调认知主体间的相互作用关系。

    The intersubjectivity theory emphasizes the interactive relationship among the cognitive subjects .

  28. 间性理论是文本间性、主体间性、文化间性诸观点的综合。

    Inter-contextual theory consists of inter-textuality , inter-subjectivity and inter-culturality .

  29. 主体间性视阈下教师责任伦理的探究

    On Teacher 's Responsibility Ethics from the Perspective of Intersubjectivity

  30. 论课程观的主体间性转向

    The Concept of Curriculum and Its Transferring to Intersubjects-dealings