
  • 网络Main Business;Principal business;Business Scope
  1. 并购对我国上市公司主营业务贡献的实证分析

    An Empirical Analysis on the Contribution of Pubic Corporate M & A to Main Business

  2. 有时候,公司必须行动迅速,及时测试新业务,即便这样做会使公司的主营业务受损。

    At times , it must act quickly to pilot a new business , even if it cuts into the main business .

  3. 然而,该公司的主营业务却表现出色。

    However , the main core of the company performed outstandingly .

  4. Target公司是一家主营业务在北美地区的大型综合零售商。

    Target Corporation is a comprehensive retailer based in North America .

  5. HR建设集团属于中小型民营建筑施工企业,其主营业务是建筑工程施工。

    Mainly operation of HR construction group is construction .

  6. 实证结果表明,主营业务在海外的样本组表现出典型的IPO效应。

    The empirical research shows that the sample of overseas company exhibits IPO effect .

  7. 该行主要股东是招商局集团(ChinaMerchantsGroup)。这是一家国有运输企业集团,由于其主营业务是外贸,因而受到的政府干预相对较少。

    The company 's main shareholder is the China Merchants Group , a state-owned transport conglomerate relatively free of government interference because of its work in foreign trade .

  8. 上市公司研究与发展(researchanddevelopment)经费占其主营业务收入的比例,及其投入增长速度应做为确定和评价科技类上市公司标准的一项重要指标。

    The proportion with outlay of research and development in listed company to its business income of main management as well as its increasing speed of input will act as a import target of standard about determination and evaluating a high-tech listed company .

  9. LE公司是一家小型民营企业,公司的主营业务是计算机网络系统集成。

    LE Company is a small private-owned enterprise . The main business of the company is net-system integration of computer .

  10. 选题意义SW公司是一个新成立的高新技术公司,其主营业务是提供流媒体媒体资源管理(媒资管理)软件和技术支持。

    SW is a newly-established high-tech company , which mainly offers streaming-media management software in their sever side .

  11. 上海SN公司是一家美国独资企业的子公司,其主营业务为珩磨机床的制造和销售。

    The company of Shanghai SN is an American owned company subsidiary . The main business is honing machine tool manufacture and sale .

  12. SC公司就是这样一家企业,它位于内陆城市&成都综合保税区B区(原成都出口加工区),主营业务是航空精密零部件的机械加工与制造。

    SC is a limited company located in the Chengdu Comprehensive Bonded Zone B ( previous Chengdu Export Processing Zone ), it engages in the manufacturing of aerospace precision components .

  13. 基于中国西部中小上市公司1998&2003年的面板数据,对EVA与资本结构的关系进行实证研究的结果表明,资本结构的形成与主营业务定位、投资倾向和方式、财务杠杆选择等战略性行为密切相关;

    This paper focuses on the 1998 & 2003 panel data for the western small and medium-sized enterprises and analyses the relationship between EVA and capital structure .

  14. 香港大亨李泽楷(RichardLi)已同意以5亿美元左右的价格,收购美国国际集团(AIG)旗下的资产管理业务,标志着他从传媒和电信等主营业务有所转向。

    Richard Li , the Hong Kong tycoon , has agreed to buy AIG 's asset management operation for about $ 500m in a departure from his media-to-telecoms businesses .

  15. 为探悉投资方在重组过程中改变主营业务方向的行为特征,以及不同性质投资方的行为特征,对这两项内容进行了多元Logistic回归分析。

    In order to find out the characteristic of behavior that the investor changes the main operation , and the characteristic of behavior of different identity investors , multinomial Logistic regression is used .

  16. 上市公司的主营业务收入占我国GDP比重,1996以前不足10%,2003年末已经高达21.85%。

    The main business income of the listed company shares the GDP of our country specific weight , from not enough 10 % in 1996 , have been up to 21.85 % at 2003 year-ends .

  17. 在1999年8月6日这一天,中国电信运营市场又有了新的变化,以IP电话1为第一个主营业务的中国网络通信有限公司(简称网通)诞生了。

    On August 6th , 1999 a new alternation happened in telecommunication management market of China & the CNC ( China Network Communication Limited Company , CNC for short ) emerged , with IP phone as its first major business .

  18. 多年来,高盛在全球股票发行承销,全球IPO发行承销,全球企业并购等主营业务领域一直在国际大投行中排名首位。

    Kuoshing has listed the first among international investment banks , in the main operations fields of global stock issuing and saling , global IPO issuing and saling , global mergence and acquisition .

  19. Chequed.com位于美国纽约萨拉拖加斯普林斯市,主营业务是向迪斯尼(Disney)等大公司推销软件,帮助他们提高招聘效率。

    COM , a company based in Saratoga Springs , N.Y. , that markets software aimed at making the process more efficient for big clients like Disney ( DIS ) .

  20. 随着我国加入WTO和全球经济日益一体化,我国企业面临的生存环境更趋复杂化,为获取竞争优势,必须不断地加强主营业务,剥离辅助功能业务。

    With China 's entering WTO and the increasingly integrating of global economy , China 's enterprises have to face more complicated survival environment . In order to get competitive advantage , enterprises must continually strengthen major businesses and give up auxiliary operations .

  21. 德国西门子是具有150多年悠久历史的国际性知名企业集团,其三大主营业务集团为能源、工业、医疗,其中医疗集团(HealthCare)是全球领先的医疗设备和解决方案的供应商之一。

    Siemens has three main business groups & energy , industry , healthcare . The healthcare group is one of the leading business units in the world , which can provide advanced medical devices and solution .

  22. 仓储业务是ZY公司的主营业务之一,对于物流企业而言,仓储服务业务有其自身的特点。

    Warehouse business is one of ZY company main businesses . For logistics enterprise , warehouse service business has its own trait .

  23. 结合中小型企业的转型期的实际情况探讨其未来发展方向,为解决目前TG集团公司连续三年主营业务收入停滞不前、机构臃肿、管理问题层出不穷等问题探讨解决办法。

    Combing the small and medium-sized enterprises , the actual situation of transition of future development is explored , the direction for the current TG Corporation for 3 years the main business income stagnation is found .

  24. 非主营业务支出过多,医疗设备投入过多;计划免疫、健康教育、手术、急诊方面产出不足是非DEA有效的主要原因。

    The main reasons for non-DEA effective are that the input of revenue charges and medical equipment are too much , and the output of planned immunization , health education , surgery , emergency is inadequate .

  25. 企业成本降低是ERP系统实施后的理论预期效益,文章采用沪深两市制造业上市公司的数据,分析检验了ERP系统对企业主营业务成本和运营费用的实际影响。

    In this article we tested the effect of ERP implementation on the principle business cost and operating cost of the listed manufacturing companies in China , and found no evidence to support the argue that ERP implementation can reduce the cost of enterprise .

  26. 中兴通讯发言人戴澍(DavidDai)周四表示,公司力争在2016年跻身全球发货量前三的手机制造商行列。中兴通讯目前的主营业务是向移动运营商供应基站和天线等电信设备。

    ZTE , whose main business is supplying telecommunications equipment such as base stations and antennas to mobile carriers , aims to be the world 's top three handset maker by shipments in 2016 , ZTE spokesman David Dai said Thursday .

  27. 在将主营业务出售给Verizon公司后,雅虎(Yahoo)剩下的投资公司将更名为“Altaba”。好消息是:雅虎在设计Altaba的公司名时显然没花一分钱。

    The good news : Yahoo clearly has not spent a cent devising " Altaba , " the new name for the investment company that will be left after the operating business is sold to Verizon .

  28. 热敏电阻业务在A集团已有40多年的发展历史,作为集团战略布局的一部分,自2002年起,此项业务被逐步引入W公司,成为W公司五大主营业务之一。

    The thermistor business of group A has a history of more that 40 years , and as a strategic group business layout , it was introduced into W company in 2002 and has become one of the five main businesses of W company at present .

  29. 发现两种手段的调增盈余行为都对公司业绩有显著的负面影响,而使用非主营业务ROE进行的盈余管理对公司业绩的影响更显著。

    We find that the income increasing by both methods of earnings management have bad effect to the future outstanding achievement of the company , and the effect of non-core ROE is more serious .

  30. 通过对主营业务收入增长率和净资产收益率在IPO前两年到IPO后一年的4个期间内的描述性统计和显著性检验,证明了我国创业板市场IPO效应的存在性。

    By year after the two years before the IPO , the IPO on the main business revenue growth and return on net assets within a period of four descriptive statistics and test of significance , proved the existence of the GEM IPO effect .